Sphaerophoria scripta hoverfly - copula (9047654923)

Description: Phylum: Arthropoda LATREILLE, 1829 (arthropods, Gliederfüßer) Subphylum: Hexapoda BLAINVILLE, 1816 Class: Insecta (insects, Insekten) Subclass: Pterygota (Fluginsekten) Infraclass: Neoptera MARTYNOV, 1923 Order: Diptera LINNAEUS, 1758 (true flies, mosquitoes and gnats, Fliegen & Mücken) Suborder: Brachycera SCHINER, 1862 Infraorder: Muscomorpha [Syn.: Cyclorrhapha] Superfamily: Syrphoidea Family: Syrphidae SAMOUELLE, 1819 (hoverflies or flower flies, Schwebfliegen) Subfamily: Syrphinae Tribus: Syrphini Genus: Sphaerophoria Sphaerophoria scripta LINNAEUS, 1758 (Gewöhnliche Langbauchschwebfliege) [det. "taka-", 2013, based on photos] more info (German): de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gew%C3%B6hnliche_Langbauchschwebfliege NE-Germany, Berlin: vic. Schönefeld (airport), ca. 40-50m asl., 18.08.2011 IMG_4362. Date: 18 August 2011, 13:46. Source: Sphaerophoria scripta hoverfly - copula. Author: gbohne from Berlin, Germany.
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- Ecdysozoa (ecdysozoans)
- Arthropoda (arthropods)
- Pancrustacea
- Hexapoda (hexapods)
- Insecta (insects)
- Pterygota (winged insects)
- Neoptera (neopteran)
- Endopterygota (endopterygotes)
- Diptera (flies)
- Brachycera
- Cyclorrhapha
- Syrphidae (flower flies)
- Sphaerophoria
- Sphaerophoria scripta
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Source Information
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
- copyright
- gbohne
- creator
- gbohne
- source
- Flickr user ID gbohne
- original
- original media file
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- Wikimedia Commons
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