
Producing Your Sugar- the Growing and Processing of Sugar Beet, Britain, 1942 D10933

Image of Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris Altissima


Description: English: Producing Your Sugar- the Growing and Processing of Sugar Beet, Britain, 1942 A technician crouches beside a huge pile of granulated sugar produced from sugar beet to examine the quality of the final product. The contents of this large mound passes directly through to be poured into sacks. Date: 1942. Source: http://media.iwm.org.uk/iwm/mediaLib//42/media-42624/large.jpg : This is photograph D 10933 from the collections of the Imperial War Museums. :. Author: Richard Stone . Description: British photographer. Work location: Western Front . Authority control: : Q29580638. creator QS:P170,Q29580638. Permission(Reusing this file): This photograph was scanned and released by the Imperial War Museum on the IWM Non Commercial Licence. The image was catalogued by the IWM as created for the Ministry of Information, which was dissolved in 1946. Consequently the image and faithful reproductions are considered Crown Copyright, now expired as the photograph was taken prior to 1 June 1957. Part ofMinistry of Information Second World War Official Collection. Subjects Associated places UK Associated events Home Front, UK, Second World War Associated themes British Home Front 1939-1945, British War Work 1939-1945 Associated keywords Civilians, Daily Life, Food, Industry. Categoryphotographs. Image Sortedyes.

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