
Australian Spotted Jelly (27798626902)

Image of Phyllorhiza Agassiz 1862


Description: So here it is, the Australian Spotted Jelly. The animal is fairly small as jellyfish go, and is considered an invasive species in these parts. Phyllorhiza punctata is a species of jellyfish, also known as the floating bell, Australian spotted jellyfish or the white-spotted jellyfish. It is native to the West Pacific from Australia to Japan, but has been introduced widely elsewhere. It feeds primarily on zooplankton. P. punctata generally can reach up to 50 centimetres in bell diameter, but in October 2007, one 72 cm wide, perhaps the largest ever recorded, was found on Sunset Beach, North Carolina. Another picture and more notes about the Australian Spotted Jellyfish appear immediately after this. (see next picture). (Toronto, Canada, Nov.2015). Date: 1 November 2015, 00:00. Source: Australian Spotted Jelly. Author: shankar s. from Dubai, united arab emirates.

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shankar s.|sourceurl=https://flickr.com/photos/77742560@N06/27798626902%7Carchive=https://web.archive.org/web/20200412150930/https://flickr.com/photos/77742560@N06/27798626902%7Creviewdate=2019-07-29 01:43:08|reviewlicense=cc-by-2.0|reviewer=FlickreviewR 2
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