
Trichocephalus hepaticus Bancroft 1893 - Plate VII

Image of <i>Capillaria hepatica</i>


Description: One of the two plates published in the original description of Trichocephalus hepaticus = Calodium hepaticum Plate VII Fig. 1—Mature eggs (alive) x 160. Fig. 2—The same, cover glass pressed down to expel embryos. Fig. 3—A mature egg (alive) x 650. Fig. 7—Is a photograph of a section of the diseased liver hardened in. Muller's fluid, stained by logwood and mounted in canada balsam; it was. taken by Zeiss' apochromatic objective 2.0 mm. 1.40 apert. and the No. 2: projection eye-piece on an Ilford isochromatic plate, x 270. Date: 1893. Source: On the whip-worm of the Rats liver, Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, vol. 27. Author: Thomas L. Bancroft (1860-1933).

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