
Pinus pumilio1

Image of Mountain Pine


Description: English: Pinus mugo (syn. P. pumilio). Botanical illustration from: Description of the Genus Pinus, with directions relative to the cultivation, remarks on the uses of the several species and descriptions of many other new species of the Family of Coniferae illustrated with figures by Aylmer Bourke Lambert, Esq. London: Messrs. Weddell, MDCCCXXXII Русский: Pinus mugo (syn. P. pumilio). Ботаническая иллюстрация из: Description of the Genus Pinus, with directions relative to the cultivation, remarks on the uses of the several species and descriptions of many other new species of the Family of Coniferae illustrated with figures by Aylmer Bourke Lambert, Esq. London: Messrs. Weddell, MDCCCXXXII. Date: 1832. Source: https://books.google.com/books/pdf/A_Description_of_the_Genus_Pinus.pdf?id=wOoCAAAAYAAJ&hl=ru&output=pdf&sig=ACfU3U1ucbex0B33L-phQqPNMxT47tVTmQ. Author: Aylmer Bourke Lambert (1761—1842).

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