
Thunbergia grandiflora (332504675)

Image of Bengal clock vine


Description: at Vaghbil, Thane, Maharashtra Acanthaceae (acanthus or ruellia family) » Thunbergia grandiflora thun-BER-jee-uh -- named after Carl Peter Thunberg, 19th century Swedish botanist gran-dih-FLOR-uh -- meaning, large flowers commonly known as: Bengal clock vine, Bengal trumpet vine, blue sky flower, blue sky vine, blue trumpet vine • Bengali: nil lota • Gujarati: tumakhlung • Hindi: mulata, नील लता nil lata • Spanish: trompeta emparrada bengalí Origin: India The Blue Skyflower has been called by some "the most beautiful vine in the world". From a distance, this twining, flowering vine looks like a morning glory and even up close the flowers are quite similar. It is a vigorous evergreen vine that comes from northern India. References: Flowers of IndiaTopTropicalsDave's GardenEcoPort. Date: 25 December 2006, 11:00. Source: Thunbergia grandiflora. Author: Dinesh Valke from Thane, India. Camera location19° 15′ 23.58″ N, 72° 58′ 42.55″ E View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 19.256549; 72.978487.

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Dinesh Valke
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