
Genus pseudalopex

Image of South American fox


Description: English: Lycalopex culpaeus, A Culpeo or Andean Fox at the border between Bolivia and Chile. Deutsch: Lycalopex culpaeus, Ein Andenschakal oder Andenfuchs am Grenzübergang zwischen Bolivien und Chile. This image is incorrrectly named and categorized. I and reuploading it under the correct name. == Deutsch: Patagonischer Fuchs Español: Macho de zorro chilote (Pseudalopex fulvipes) en Ahuenco, costa occidental de Chiloé, Chile. English: A male Darwin's fox in western coast of Chiloe, Chile Mapudungun: Wentru paynengürü Chillwe Wapi ñi nag lafken mapu mew. Date: 18 December 2012, 11:53 (UTC). Source: This file was derived from: Culpeo MC2.jpg: Zoo América-2874f-Urocyon cinereoargenteus.jpg: Pseudalopex griseus.JPG: Pseudalopex fulvipes.jpg: . Author: Culpeo_MC2.jpg: *Culpeo_MC.jpg: Christian Mehlführer, User:Chmehl derivative work: WolfmanSF (talk) Zoo_América-2874f-Urocyon_cinereoargenteus.jpg: w:es:Usuario:Barcex Pseudalopex_griseus.JPG: Piker Pseudalopex_fulvipes.jpg: Fernando Bórquez, uploaded by Lin linao derivative work: Mariomassone. : This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. The original can be viewed here: Pseudalopex fulvipes.jpg: . Modifications made by Mariomassone.

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