Polyplectron inopinatum 1903

Description: English: « Chalcurus inopinatus » = Polyplectron inopinatum (Mountain peacock-pheasant)Français : « Chalcurus inopinatus » = Polyplectron inopinatum (Éperonnier de Rothschild). Date: 1903. Source: Novitates Zoologicae, vol. 10. Author: John Gerrard Keulemans (1842–1912) . . Alternative names: Johannes Gerardus Keulemans; J. G. Keulemans; Johannes Keulemans. Description: Dutch ornithologist and artist. Date of birth/death: 8 June 1842 29 December 1912. Location of birth/death: Rotterdam London. Authority control: : Q1335286 VIAF: 42113661 ISNI: 0000 0000 6313 981X ULAN: 500041975 LCCN: no98083374 NLA: 35268760 Open Library: OL7177913A GND: 132547716 SUDOC: 170051323 BNF: 14971107n BPN: 89099971 RKD: 88608 Koninklijke: 069626324 WorldCat. creator QS:P170,Q1335286 or Joseph Smit (1836–1929) . Description: Dutch artist and ornithologist. Date of birth/death: 18 July 1836 4 November 1929 . Location of birth/death: Lisse Radlett, Hertfordshire, England. Work location: London . Authority control: : Q246595 VIAF: 107451427 ISNI: 0000 0001 2032 3753 LCCN: no2010029401 GND: 101292467X SUDOC: 09863416X WorldCat. creator QS:P170,Q246595.
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- Phasianidae (turkeys, grouse, pheasants, and partridges)
- Polyplectron
- Polyplectron inopinatum (Mountain Peacock-Pheasant)
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Source Information
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- cc-publicdomain
- creator
- John Gerrard Keulemans
- source
- Novitates Zoologicae, vol. 10
- original
- original media file
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- Wikimedia Commons
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