
Image of Sarksia langi Baldwin & Castillo

Image of Sarksia langi Baldwin & Castillo


Figure 13.Male and female color patterns of Starksia langi:A USNM 398931, paratype, BLZ 8266, 18.0 mm SL, male B USNM 398929, paratype, BLZ 8131, 16.0 mm SL, female C–E Diagnostic features of preserved Starksia langi –(C and D) USNM 398931, paratype, BLZ 8266, male, 18.0 mm SL, note dark marking on cheek and absence of dark blotch in anterior portion of spinous dorsal fin E USNM 398928, paratype, BLZ 8062, female, 17.0 mm SL, note small dark spots on head. Photographs by Carole Baldwin, Cristina Castillo, and Donald Griswold.

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Source Information

Carole C. Baldwin, Cristina I. Castillo, Lee A. Weigt, Victor Benjamin C.
bibliographic citation
Baldwin C, Castillo C, Weigt L, Benjamin C. V (2011) Seven new species within western Atlantic Starksia atlantica, S. lepicoelia, and S. sluiteri (Teleostei, Labrisomidae), with comments on congruence of DNA barcodes and species ZooKeys 79: 21–72
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