
Image of Aporodesmella tergalis Golovatch, Geoffroy & Vanden Spiegel 2014

Image of Aporodesmella tergalis Golovatch, Geoffroy & Vanden Spiegel 2014


Figure 7.Aporodesmella tergalis sp. n., ♂ paratype; A, D anterior part of body, lateral and dorsal views, respectively B, E midbody segments, lateral and dorsal views, respectively C, F, I posterior part of body, lateral, dorsal and caudal views, respectively G head, ventral view H legs 1 and 2, ventral view J antenna, sublateral view K cross-section of a midbody segment, caudal view L tergal setae, limbus and stricture region, subdorsal view M tergal seta, lateral view N midbody leg. Scale bars: D 0.2 mm; A, B, E, G, H, K 0.1 mm; C, F, I, J, L, N 0.05 mm; M 0.005 mm.

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Sergei I. Golovatch, Jean-Jacques Geoffroy, Didier VandenSpiegel
bibliographic citation
Golovatch S, Geoffroy J, VandenSpiegel D (2014) Review of the millipede family Trichopolydesmidae in the Oriental realm (Diplopoda, Polydesmida), with descriptions of new genera and species ZooKeys 414: 19–65
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