
Pleuronectes flesus, Young Flounder taken in Mevagissey Harbour, Aporil 2, 1889. pw, pelvid fin (1); Pleuronectes limanda, Larva of dab.new hatc hed, from artificially fertilised egg, March 11, 1889. pt, pectoral fin; yk, yolk (2); Pleuronectes microcepha

Image of righteye flounders


Pleuronectes flesus, Young Flounder taken in Mevagissey Harbour, Aporil 2, 1889... pw, pelvid fin (1); Pleuronectes limanda, Larva of dab...new hatc hed, from artificially fertilised egg, March 11, 1889. pt, pectoral fin; yk, yolk (2); Pleuronectes microcephalus, Larva of Merry Sole, March 25, 1889, four days after hatching, from artificially fertilised egg; l, liver; ht, heart (3); Pleuronectes platessa, Larva of Plaice..., February 27, 1889, five days after hatching, from artificially fertilised egg; a, anus; nch, notochord (4); Rhombus laevis, Young brill, taken at surface of water in Sutton Pool, June 1, 1889 (5).

Source Information

Freshwater and Marine Image Bank, University of Washington Libraries Digital Collections
Freshwater and Marine Image Bank