
Image of Kunzea tenuicaulis de Lange

Image of Kunzea tenuicaulis de Lange


Figure 20.Kunzea tenuicaulis. A Kunzea tenuicaulis habitat, North Island, Karapiti (Craters of the Moon) (photo: P. J. de Lange) B Kunzea tenuicaulis habitat, North Island, Maungakakaramea (Rainbow Mountain) Scenic Reserve, Crater area (photo: P. B. Cashmore) C Kunzea tenuicaulis decumbent form on heated ground, Maungakakaramea (Rainbow Mountain) Scenic Reserve, Crater area (photo: P. B. Cashmore) D Kunzea tenuicaulis tree form showing multi-trunked growth habit and widely spreading, narrow branchlets, North Island, Rotorua, Kuiarau Park (photo: P. B. Cashmore) E Kunzea tenuicaulis tree form showing pendulous growth habit, North Island, Rotorua, Kuiarau Park (photo: P. B. Cashmore) F Kunzea tenuicaulis tree form showing multi-trunked, widely spreading, pendulous growth habit, North Island, Rotorua, Kuiarau Park (photo: P. B. Cashmore) G Kunzea tenuicaulis showing characteristic, flexuose trunks and widely spreading branches; North Island, Tokaanu, Tokaanu Geothermal Reserve, (photo: P. J. de Lange) H Kunzea tenuicaulis trunk and bark, North Island, Tokaanu, Tokaanu Geothermal Reserve, (photo: P. J. de Lange) I Kunzea tenuicaulis trunk and bark, North Island, Paeroa Range, Te Kopia Geothermal Reserve (photo: P. J. de Lange); (J) Kunzea tenuicaulis branches showing distinctive widely spreading, fine, pendulous branchlets, North Island, Tikitere (Hell’s Gate) Thermal Park, (photo: P. J. de Lange) K Kunzea tenuicaulis flowering branchlet showing, compact corymbiform botrya, North Island, Waiotapu Geothermal Park (photo: G. M. Crowcroft).

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Source Information

Peter J. de Lange
bibliographic citation
de Lange P (2014) A revision of the New Zealand Kunzea ericoides (Myrtaceae) complex PhytoKeys (40): 1–185
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