
Phenacoccus solenopsis ( anglais )

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Phenacoccus solenopsis, the cotton mealybug[1] or solenopsis mealybug, is a species of mealybug in the family Pseudococcidae.[2] Having originated in North America, it has spread to other parts of the world and become a major pest of cotton crops.


The adult female is ellipsoidal in shape, about 5 mm (0.2 in) long and 3 mm (0.12 in) wide, with a convex dorsal surface and a flat ventral surface. The body is yellowish-grey but this is largely obscured by the waxy secretions that cover the body, although the segmentation can still be seen. There is a transverse, darker bar on the dorsal surface. There are 18 pairs of very short, lateral wax filaments, and several slightly longer caudal filaments.[1][3]

Distribution and hosts

This species was discovered and first described in New Mexico in 1898 by the American entomologist J. D. Tinsley; he found it in an underground ants' nest where it was feeding on the roots and stems of Boerhavia spicata and Kallstroemia californica, and described it from stems of the four wing saltbush (Atriplex canescens).[3] It was not reported again until 1967 when it was detected in Arizona, California, Colorado, Mississippi, Texas and Washington D.C.. By 1988 it was found on cotton in a number of areas of Texas and had adapted to feed on 29 different species of plant. It continued to spread in North America and later to other parts of the world, being reported in India in 2004, Pakistan and Brazil in 2005, and China and Sri Lanka in 2008. It is now additionally present in other countries in Asia, Europe, Canada, South America, Africa and Australasia.[1] In India, where the mealybug has become a serious pest of cotton, the winter cherry Withania somnifera has been reported as a new reservoir host of the insect.[4]


The adult female cotton mealybug lays several hundred eggs in an ovisac. On hatching, the nymphs crawl away, dispersing to other parts of the plant. In dry conditions, they move to the roots and the lower leaves and stems, however in wetter conditions they prefer the upper parts of the plant. They may be carried inadvertently by birds or animals to other plants. The adults and nymphs suck sap from the host plant, and secrete the excess fluid as honeydew. Sooty mould tends to grow on the honeydew, and ants are often found among the mealybugs feeding on the secretion. Natural predators of adults and nymphs include ladybirds, and an encyrtid wasp is an effective parasitoid.[5]


An infestation of this mealybug on cotton causes stunting of plants and yellowing, distortion and premature shedding of leaves; the presence of sooty mould reduces photosynthesis, bolls may not develop properly and yields of lint are reduced by an average of 35% in India.[5]


  1. ^ a b c "Phenacoccus solenopsis (cotton mealybug)". Invasive Species Compendium. CABI. Retrieved 1 December 2019.
  2. ^ "Phenacoccus solenopsis". GBIF. Retrieved 1 December 2019.
  3. ^ a b Tinsley, J.D. (1898). "An ants' nest coccid from New Mexico". The Canadian Entomologist. 30 (2): 47–48. doi:10.4039/Ent3047-2.
  4. ^ Sharma, A.; Pati, P. K. (2013). "First record of Ashwagandha as a new host to the invasive mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley) in India". Entomological News. 123 (1): 59–62. doi:10.3157/021.123.0114. S2CID 85645762.
  5. ^ a b "Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley". Plant pests of the Middle East. 9 March 2016. Retrieved 3 December 2019.
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Phenacoccus solenopsis: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Phenacoccus solenopsis, the cotton mealybug or solenopsis mealybug, is a species of mealybug in the family Pseudococcidae. Having originated in North America, it has spread to other parts of the world and become a major pest of cotton crops.

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Phenacoccus solenopsis ( russe )

fourni par wikipedia русскую Википедию

Латинское название Phenacoccus solenopsis
Tinsley, 1898

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

NCBI 483260

Phenacoccus solenopsis (лат.) — вид полужесткокрылых насекомых-кокцид рода Phenacoccus из семейства мучнистые червецы (Pseudococcidae)[1].


Южная Америка: Бразилия, Аргентина, Галапагосские острова, Куба, Панама, Чили, Эквадор. Северная Америка: Мексика, США[1][2].


Обычно встречаются в почве, иногда в муравейниках (например, у огненных муравьёв рода Solenopsis sp.). Питаются соками корней таких растений из десятка разных семейств, как томат Solanum lycopersicum), паслён, физалис (Physalis), сладкий огурец (Solanum muricatum) (Паслёновые), люпин (Бобовые), Мареновые, Amaranthaceae, Астровые, Молочайные, Лоазовые, Вербеновые, и других[1][3]. Таксон Phenacoccus solenopsis включён в состав рода Phenacoccus вместе с видами P. herreni, P. hurdi, P. madeirensis, P. manihoti, P. solani, P. baccharidis, P. tucumanus, и другими[1][4][2].

Видовое название происходит от родового имени муравьёв (Solenopsis geminata), в гнезде которых в США были впервые обнаружены на корнях Boerhavia spicata и Kallstroemia brachystylis[1][3].

См. также


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Ben-Dov, Y. Phenacoccus solenopsis (англ.) (недоступная ссылка). Scale insect web catalog. scalenet.info (26th of June, 2014). — Таксономия. Проверено 7 июля 2014. Архивировано 14 июля 2014 года.
  2. 1 2 Ben-Dov, Y. A systematic catalogue of the mealybugs of the world (Insecta: Homoptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae and Putoidae) with data on geographical distribution, host plants, biology and economic importance. — Andover, UK: Intercept Limited, 1994. — P. 1-686.
  3. 1 2 Tinsley, J.D. Notes on Coccidae, with descriptions of new species (англ.) // Canadian Entomologist : Журнал. — 1898. — Vol. 30. — P. 317-320.
  4. Williams, D. J. Granara de Willink, M. C. Mealybugs of Central and South America. — London, England,: CAB International,, 1992. — P. 1-635.
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Phenacoccus solenopsis: Brief Summary ( russe )

fourni par wikipedia русскую Википедию

Phenacoccus solenopsis (лат.) — вид полужесткокрылых насекомых-кокцид рода Phenacoccus из семейства мучнистые червецы (Pseudococcidae).

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