
Dvounožka ostroretá ( tchèque )

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Dvounožka ostroretá (Lialis burtonis) je plaz z čeledi dvounožkovitých, který se vyznačuje štíhlým hadovitým tělem, chybějícími předními končetinami a zakrnělými zadními končetinami. Vyskytuje se poměrně hojně v Austrálii kromě nejchladnějších oblastí na jihu a také na jihovýchodě Nové Guiney. Obývá různé biotopy: v lesích se skrývá před horkem i dravými ptáky mezi spadaným listím a větvičkami, v otevřené krajině vyhledává opuštěné nory. Latinské druhové jméno má podle anglického lékaře a přírodovědce Edwarda Burtona.

Dvounožka ostroretá dosahuje délky do 60 cm, je zbarvená šedě až olivově s podélnými černými pruhy. Má protáhlý, zašpičatělý čenich, který jí jako vizuálnímu predátorovi umožňuje široký rozhled, její čelisti se dají otevřít doširoka a jsou opatřeny zahnutými zuby. To umožňuje dvounožce lovit kořist, kterou tvoří menší plazi, jako hadi, scinkové nebo gekoni, které láká pohyby ocasu. Může být aktivní ve dne i v noci, záleží na klimatických podmínkách a dostupnosti kořisti. Je vejcorodá, ve snůšce bývají obvykle dvě vejce. Mláďata se rodí asi 13 cm dlouhá.


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  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]

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Dvounožka ostroretá: Brief Summary ( tchèque )

fourni par wikipedia CZ

Dvounožka ostroretá (Lialis burtonis) je plaz z čeledi dvounožkovitých, který se vyznačuje štíhlým hadovitým tělem, chybějícími předními končetinami a zakrnělými zadními končetinami. Vyskytuje se poměrně hojně v Austrálii kromě nejchladnějších oblastí na jihu a také na jihovýchodě Nové Guiney. Obývá různé biotopy: v lesích se skrývá před horkem i dravými ptáky mezi spadaným listím a větvičkami, v otevřené krajině vyhledává opuštěné nory. Latinské druhové jméno má podle anglického lékaře a přírodovědce Edwarda Burtona.

Dvounožka ostroretá dosahuje délky do 60 cm, je zbarvená šedě až olivově s podélnými černými pruhy. Má protáhlý, zašpičatělý čenich, který jí jako vizuálnímu predátorovi umožňuje široký rozhled, její čelisti se dají otevřít doširoka a jsou opatřeny zahnutými zuby. To umožňuje dvounožce lovit kořist, kterou tvoří menší plazi, jako hadi, scinkové nebo gekoni, které láká pohyby ocasu. Může být aktivní ve dne i v noci, záleží na klimatických podmínkách a dostupnosti kořisti. Je vejcorodá, ve snůšce bývají obvykle dvě vejce. Mláďata se rodí asi 13 cm dlouhá.

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Burtons Spitzkopf-Flossenfuß ( allemand )

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Burtons Spitzkopf-Flossenfuß (Lialis burtonis) ist eine beinlose Echse, die mit den gänzlich anders ausschauenden Geckos verwandt ist.


Burtons Spitzkopf-Flossenfuß hat einen schlangenartigen Körper und wird 60 cm lang, wobei die Weibchen größer als die Männchen werden. Dabei ist der Schwanz länger als Kopf und Rumpf zusammen. Um die Körpermitte befinden sich 18 bis 22 Schuppen. Die Schuppen an den Seiten sind deutlich breiter als die übrigen. Die Vorderbeine und der Schultergürtel fehlen vollständig, während von den Hinterbeinen nur noch zwei winzige, flossenartige, beschuppte Anhängsel übrig sind. Der Kopf ist dreieckig, spitz. Die Kiefer sind wie bei Schlangen hoch beweglich, so dass Burtons Spitzkopf-Flossenfuß auch sehr große Beute verschlingen kann. Die Zähne des spezialisierten Echsenfressers sind beweglich befestigt, so dass beim Zubiss die Zähne, die auf eine Schuppe treffen, nach hinten umgelegt werden, während die Zähne, die in eine Lücke zwischen zwei Schuppen treffen, in Haut und Fleisch des Opfers eindringen. Versucht die Beute sich loszureißen, können die umgelegten Zähne in einen Schuppenrand einrasten, richten sich auf und halten das Opfer zusätzlich fest. Die Schuppen auf der Schnauzenoberseite sind klein und unregelmäßig angeordnet. Die Ohröffnung steht schräg und ist oval. Wie alle Geckoartigen hat Burtons Spitzkopf-Flossenfuß keine Lider und reinigt seine Augen mit der eingebuchteten Zunge. Die Farbe der Echsen kann alle Brauntöne umfassen, aber auch grau, rotbraun, olivgrün, einschließlich schwarzer und gelblicher Flecken und Streifen.

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Er kommt in ganz Australien, mit Ausnahme des äußersten Südwestens und des äußersten Südostens, und auch nicht auf Tasmanien und Kangaroo Island vor. Außerdem ist er auf den Inseln der Torres-Straße und im Südosten Neuguineas zu finden. Sein Lebensraum ist vielfältig und umfasst verschiedenste Biotope, von Wüsten über Grasland bis zu küstennahen feuchten Wäldern. In ausgesprochenen Regenwäldern kommt er nicht vor.


Burtons Spitzkopf-Flossenfuß ist sowohl tag- als auch nachtaktiv, vor allem früh morgens und in der Dämmerung. Seine Vorzugstemperatur liegt mit 35 °C sehr hoch. Er frisst Echsen, vor allem Skinke, aber auch Agamen, Geckos und manchmal auch Schlangen. Die Beute wird mit dem Kopf voran verschlungen, wobei – ähnlich wie bei Schlangen – die hoch beweglichen Ober- und Unterkiefer die Nahrung nacheinander in den Schlund ziehen.

Er pflanzt sich ovipar fort. Wie bei den Geckos besteht ein Gelege normalerweise aus zwei Eiern. Manchmal legt der Flossenfuß auch nur ein oder drei Eier. Im Süden des Verbreitungsgebietes liegt die Fortpflanzungszeit im Frühsommer und im Sommer.


  • Eric R. Pianka, Laurie J. Vitt: Lizards. Windows to the Evolution of Diversity (= Organisms and Environments. Bd. 5). University of California Press, Berkeley CA u. a. 2003, ISBN 0-520-23401-4.
  • Timothy Trudgen: Lialis burtonis. James Cook University, Townsville 2001, online (PDF; 11,43 kB)
  • Volker Ennenbach: Lialis burtonis – Burton's Legless Lizard. In: Terralog News. Nr. 85, 2009, , S. 10–11, Digitalisat (PDF; 3,35 MB).


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Burtons Spitzkopf-Flossenfuß: Brief Summary ( allemand )

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Burtons Spitzkopf-Flossenfuß (Lialis burtonis) ist eine beinlose Echse, die mit den gänzlich anders ausschauenden Geckos verwandt ist.

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Burton's legless lizard ( anglais )

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Burton's legless lizard (Lialis burtonis) is a species of lizard in the family Pygopodidae. The species lacks forelegs and has only rudimentary hind legs.[2] Pygopodid lizards are also referred to as "legless lizards",[3] "flap-footed lizards"[4] and "snake-lizards".[5] This species is native to Australia and Papua New Guinea.[6]


English zoologist John Edward Gray described Burton's legless lizard in 1835.[7] The specific name, burtonis, is in honour of British army surgeon Edward Burton (1790–1867).[8] Burton's legless lizard (Lialis burtonis) is a member of the genus Lialis within the family Pygopodidae.[4] There are approximately 40 species in the family Pygopodidae, however, Burton's legless lizard and another species (L. jicari) are the only species that fall within genus Lialis.[4] Members in genus Lialis are considered analogous to macrostomatan snakes as these taxonomic groups have functionally similar adaptations such as the ability to swallow relatively large prey whole. However, their resemblance to snakes is merely superficial example of convergent evolution, and they are not closely related.[4][9]

Differences between legless lizards and snakes include the lack of venom glands in legless lizards, their inability to constrict prey, the presence of a fleshy tongue rather than a forked tongue, visible ear holes, and remnant hind limbs.[4][9][10] Burton's legless lizard and the Pygopodidae, as a whole, are members of the infraorder Gekkota, meaning that they are essentially legless geckos.[11][12][13] Pygopods are the namesake of the Australasian gecko superfamily Pygopodoidea (sometimes called Diplodactyloidea), and they are the sister taxon to legged geckos in the family Carphodactylidae.[14][15]


Burton's legless lizard and its elongated snout and distinctive wedge-shaped head

Burton's legless lizard has significant morphological adaptations to enable it to deal with large struggling prey items.[9] The first adaptation is a skull with an elongated snout that may, along with its pointed, recurved and hinged teeth, be an adaptation that assists it to grip its prey.[16] In addition, this elongated snout may also promote binocular vision which would allow strikes to be more accurately directed.[9] Another adaptation that assists Burton's legless lizard to hold its prey is its flexible mesokinetic and hypokinetic joints which allow its jaws to encircle prey.[9][16] Lastly, the ability of the species to retract its eyes is of key importance as it is a visual predator that relies on eyesight and this adaptation effectively protects them during conflict.[9]

Distribution and habitat

Burton's legless lizard occurs almost Australia wide but it is absent in parts of southern Australia including Tasmania.[6] This species is also found in Papua New Guinea, although populations are limited to one small area.[6]

Burton's legless lizard is found in a variety of habitats from deserts to the margins of rainforests but not in southern alpine areas and extreme northern deserts as would be expected based on its distribution.[6][10] It is usually found in low vegetation or debris on the ground such as leaf litter which has been shown to be important to specimens located in tropical environments.[4][6] This was demonstrated in an experiment where individuals were given a choice of several thermally comparable environments and there was an overwhelming preference for leaf litter by specimens from the tropics.[4] In areas where leaf litter is not as readily available this species will use grasses, abandoned burrows and other shelter that it can find as habitat.[10]

Burton's legless lizard on some sticks


L. burtonis feeds almost exclusively on lizards.[6][10][17] Generally, skinks are the main prey item taken but other legless lizards, geckos and dragons are also a part of the diet of Burton's legless lizard.[3][10][17] In addition, it has been reported that this species will eat small snakes on rare occasions and this has been documented in a study of the stomach contents of museum specimens.[18] Notably, this species also feeds rather infrequently according to a recent study.[4]


Burton's legless lizard on sand

Reproduction seems to be seasonal in populations of Burton's legless lizard and mating occurs at similar times throughout Australia.[4][10] Ovulation and mating for the species usually occurs from September until summer.[4][10] The species is oviparous and eggs are generally laid from November to January, although, reproduction can occur at any time outside of the usual breeding season and females are capable of laying more than one clutch each year.[4][18] Eggs are laid under logs or rocks, on the ground, under leaf litter and sometimes in the nests of sugar ants.[10]

Clutches can be laid in quick succession with each clutch containing 1 to 3 tough, leathery eggs, although a clutch size of 2 eggs is by far the most common.[18][19] Nesting can be communal and up to 20 eggs have been found in a nest.[10][18] Another characteristic that has been discovered is the ability of females of this species to either store sperm for reproduction at a later time or to reproduce through parthenogenesis which does not require mating to be successful.[4] Hatchlings are approximately 13 centimetres long.[10]


In Australia a license is required to keep the Burton's legless lizard as a pet.


Burton's legless lizard cleaning its spectacle

Burton's legless lizard is generally a diurnal feeder as prey is most commonly encountered during the day but it can be active at any time.[4] This is highlighted as its movements tend to be nocturnal to take advantage of benefits such as reduced risks of hyperthermia during hot conditions and reduced risks of predation from diurnal predators like raptors.[4] Another reason for it to move at night is to avoid revealing its ambush position in the day when it has the highest likelihood of encountering an otherwise unsuspecting prey item.[4] In addition, there is geographic variation in movement and feeding patterns which is expected as this species is very widespread and inhabits a variety of different environments.[4]

This lizard is a visually oriented predator that strikes based on movement and requires shelter to ambush its prey.[4] Shelter is also required to hide from predators and may be particularly important after feeding as individuals become more sedentary than usual which is thought to be an anti-predator response.[20] Alternatively, shelter also plays a key role in lizard thermoregulation.[4] Deep leaf litter for example, is very good shelter as individuals can bury themselves at an appropriate depth to regulate temperature and remain hidden at the same time.[4]

Burton's legless lizard also uses caudal luring as a feeding strategy which is rare in lizards.[21] Notably, this behaviour only occurs if its initial ambush attack is unsuccessful in capturing its intended prey.[21] However, this tactic is not exhibited every time that prey escapes as the likelihood of this tactic being used increases with time since an individual's last meal.[21] Caudal luring can be used to recapture prey in 3 ways as it can be used to lure prey towards it, to distract prey at the moment that it strikes or both.[21]

Feeding strategies are a very important behaviour for this species as the lizards it eats can often be large enough to inflict a retaliatory bite that could cause serious harm.[9] This is thought to be the reason that this species will modify its strike precision according to prey size as strikes at large prey will be directed at either the head or neck to prevent them from biting back.[9] Furthermore, Burton's legless lizard will hold large prey until it is incapacitated before swallowing to prevent harm to itself whereas it swallows small prey that is still struggling as swallowing live prey costs less energy than waiting for it to be incapacitated.[9]

This species also has a tendency to vocalise, especially, when it is threatened.[5] Furthermore, if it is seized by a predator it can drop its tail like many other lizards.[4] However, there are substantial costs associated with a lizard losing its tail as it requires time and energy to grow back.[4]

Burton's legless lizard on a rocky surface


L. burtonis is not a priority for conservation as it is Australia's most widespread reptile and inhabits almost all Australian habitat types with only a few exceptions.[4][6] In addition, it is not known how abundant Burton's legless lizard is, but there has been no indication that this species is rare or rapidly declining.[4][6] Consequently, while Burton's legless lizard has not been assessed for an IUCN conservation status yet, it is predicted with a fair degree of confidence that it would be given the status of "least concern".


  1. ^ Oliver, P. [in French]; Parker, F.; Tallowin, O.; O'Shea, M.; Ellis, R.; Shea, G. (2017). "Lialis burtonis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2017: e.T42483075A42483082. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T42483075A42483082.en. Retrieved 20 November 2021.
  2. ^ Pygopod. (2013). In The free dictionary online. Retrieved from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Pygopod
  3. ^ a b Bradshaw SD, Gans C, Girons HS (1980). "Behavioural thermoregulation in a pygopodid lizard, Lialis burtonis ". Copeia 1980 (4): 738-743. JSTOR 1444452
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w Wall M, Shine R (2013). "Ecology and behaviour of Burton’s legless lizard (Lialis burtonis, Pygopodidae) in tropical Australia". Asian Herpetological Research 4 (1): 9-21. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1245.2013.00009
  5. ^ a b Weber E, Werner YL (1977). "Vocalisations of two snake-lizards (Reptilia: Sauria: Pygopodidae)". Herpetologica 33(3): 353-363. JSTOR 3891953
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h Cogger HG (2000). Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia. Sixth Edition. Sydney: Reed New Holland.
  7. ^ Gray JE (1835). "Characters of a New Genus of Reptiles (Lialis) from New South Wales". Proceedings of the Zoological Societry of London 1834: 134-135. (Lialis burtonis, new species). (in Latin and English).
  8. ^ Beolens, Bo; Watkins, Michael; Grayson, Michael (2011). The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. xiii + 296 pp. ISBN 978-1-4214-0135-5. (Lialis burtonis, p. 43).
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i Wall M, Shine R (2007). "Dangerous food: Lacking venom and constriction, how do snake-like lizards (Lialis burtonis, Pygopodidae) subdue their lizard prey?" Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91 (4): 719-727. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8312.2007.00835.x
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Cronin L (2001). Key guide: Australian reptiles and amphibians. Annandale, New South Wales: Envirobook.
  11. ^ Vidal N, Hedges SB (2005). "The phylogeny of squamate reptiles (lizards, snakes and amphisbaenians) inferred from nine nuclear protein-coding genes". Comptes Rendus Biologies 328 (10-11): 1000-1008. doi:10.1016/j.crvi.2005.10.001
  12. ^ Gorman GC, Gress F (1970). "Sex chromosomes of a pygopodid lizard, Lialis burtonis ". Experientia 26 (2): 206-207. doi:10.1007/BF01895586
  13. ^ Wever EG (1974). "The ear of Lialis burtonis (Sauria: Pygopodidae), its structure and function". Copeia 1974 (2): 297-305. JSTOR 1442523
  14. ^ Oliver PM, Bauer AM (2011). "Systematics and evolution of the Australian knob-tail geckos (Nephrurus, Carphodactylidae, Gekkota): plesiomorphic grades and biome shifts through the Miocene". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 59 (3): 664-674. ISSN 1055-7903 doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2011.03.018
  15. ^ Skipwith, Phillip L.; Bi, Ke; Oliver, Paul M. (2019-11-01). "Relicts and radiations: Phylogenomics of an Australasian lizard clade with east Gondwanan origins (Gekkota: Diplodactyloidea)". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 140 (106589): 106589. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2019.106589. ISSN 1055-7903. PMID 31425788.
  16. ^ a b Patchell FC, Shine R (1986b). "Feeding mechanisms in pygopodid lizards: How can Lialis swallow such large prey?" Journal of Herpetology 20 (1): 59-64. JSTOR 1564125
  17. ^ a b Wall M, Shine R (2009). "The relationship between foraging ecology and lizard chemo-reception: Can a snake analogue (Burton’s legless lizard, Lialis burtonis) detect prey scent?" Ethology 115 (3): 264-272. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0310.2008.01595.x
  18. ^ a b c d Patchell FC, Shine R (1986a). "Food habits and reproductive biology of the Australian legless lizards (Pygopodidae)". Copeia 1986 (1): 30-39. JSTOR 1444884
  19. ^ Neill WT (1957). "Notes on the pygopodid lizards, Lialis burtonis and L. jicari ". Copeia 1957 (3): 230-232. JSTOR 1439366
  20. ^ Wall M, Shine R (2008). "Post-feeding thermophily in lizards (Lialis burtonis Gray, Pygopodidae): Laboratory studies can provide misleading results". Journal of Thermal Biology 33 (5): 274-279. doi:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2008.02.005
  21. ^ a b c d Murray BA, Bradshaw SD, Edward DH (1991). "Feeding behaviour and the occurrence of caudal luring in Burton’s pygopodid Lialis burtonis (Sauria: Pygopodidae)". Copeia 1991 (2): 509-516. RJSTOR 1446599
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Burton's legless lizard: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Burton's legless lizard (Lialis burtonis) is a species of lizard in the family Pygopodidae. The species lacks forelegs and has only rudimentary hind legs. Pygopodid lizards are also referred to as "legless lizards", "flap-footed lizards" and "snake-lizards". This species is native to Australia and Papua New Guinea.

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Lialis burtonis ( basque )

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Lialis burtonis: Brief Summary ( basque )

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Lialis burtonis Lialis generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Pygopodidae familian sailkatuta dago.

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Lialis burtonis

fourni par wikipedia FR

Le lézard-serpent à nez pointu ou lézard sans pattes de Burton (Lialis burtonis) est une espèce de geckos de la famille des Pygopodidae[1].


Cette espèce se rencontre[1] :


Il s'agit d'un saurien apode et ovipare[1]. De couleur marron, il peut atteindre 50 à 60 cm, avec un museau allongé[2].


Cette espèce est nommée en l'honneur d'Edward Burton (1790–1867)[3].

Publication originale

  • Gray, 1835 "1834" : Characters of a new genus of reptiles (Lialis) from New South Wales. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, vol. 1834, p. 134-135 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

  1. a b et c Reptarium Reptile Database, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
  2. (fr) Lézard serpent à nez pointu sur le dictionnaire des sciences animales (consulté le 07-03-2019)
  3. Beolens, Watkins & Grayson, 2009 : The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Johns Hopkins University Press, p. 1-296
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Lialis burtonis: Brief Summary

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Le lézard-serpent à nez pointu ou lézard sans pattes de Burton (Lialis burtonis) est une espèce de geckos de la famille des Pygopodidae.

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Kadal-pensil Burton ( indonésien )

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Kadal-pensil Burton adalah jenis kadal tanpa kaki yang tersebar di Papua hingga Australia. Kadal ini merupakan jenis kadal yang tidak memiliki kaki fisik. Nama-nama umumnya di antaranya "kadal tanpa kaki Burton" (Burton's legless lizard), "kadal-ular Burton" (Burton's snake-lizard).[1]

Ciri-ciri fisik

Kadal ini memiliki ukuran tubuh yang tergolong kecil. Panjangnya antara 50 sampai 60 cm, dengan ekor sedikit lebih panjang daripada tubuhnya. Susunan sisik-sisik di tubuhnya mirip seperti jenis-jenis ular. Akan tetapi, kadal ini masih bisa dibedakan karena ia memiliki lubang telinga. Selain itu, lidahnya tidak bercabang panjang seperti halnya pada ular. Kepalanya berbentuk runcing seperti ujung pensil, dan menjadi alasan penamaan "kadal-pensil" tersebut. Tubuhnya berwarna dasar cokelat tanah atau cokelat kekuningan, terkadang disertai dengan garis-garis hitam yang membentang dari kepala hingga ujung ekor. Bagian bawah tubuh berwarna lebih pucat.[2][3]

Penyebaran dan habitat

Kadal ini tersebar luas di Australia, kecuali wilayah selatan, serta di pulau Papua bagian selatan. Habitat utama kadal ini adalah padang rumput (sabana) serta di pinggiran hutan dataran rendah. Walaupun begitu, kadal ini juga sering ditemukan di daerah gurun pasir dan tepian sungai. Kadal ini hidup di atas tanah dan seringnya berkeliaran di antara rerumputan dan serasah, serta daun-daun kering yang basah untuk mencari makanannya.[4][5]

Perilaku, makanan, dan reproduksi

Kadal ini aktif pada siang hari, meskipun juga dapat beraktivitas pada pagi, sore, atau malam hari. Jika terancam, kadal ini dapat memutuskan ekornya untuk mengalihkan perhatian pengganggu, sementara kadal tersebut pergi ke tempat yang aman. Makanan utama kadal ini adalah kadal-kadal kecil, biasanya dari golongan skink. Terkadang, kadal ini juga memakan serangga dan ular yang lebih kecil dari tubuhnya. Walaupun begitu, kadal-pensil Burton juga merupakan makanan bagi ular-ular yang berukuran lebih besar dari tubuhnya.[6][7][8][9][10]


Catatan kaki

  1. ^ [Gray, John Edward, 1831, The Zoological Miscellany, Treuttel, Wurtz & Co, London]
  2. ^ Pygopod. (2013). In The free dictionary online. Retrieved from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Pygopod
  3. ^ Patchell FC, Shine R (1986b). "Feeding mechanisms in pygopodid lizards: How can Lialis swallow such large prey?" Journal of Herpetology 20 (1): 59-64. JSTOR 1564125
  4. ^ Cogger HG (2000). Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia. Sixth Edition. Sydney: Reed New Holland.
  5. ^ http://reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species.php?genus=Lialis&species=burtonis&exact%5B0%5D=genus&exact%5B0%5D=species
  6. ^ Wall M, Shine R (2008). "Post-feeding thermophily in lizards (Lialis burtonis Gray, Pygopodidae): Laboratory studies can provide misleading results". Journal of Thermal Biology 33 (5): 274-279. DOI:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2008.02.005
  7. ^ Murray BA, Bradshaw SD, Edward DH (1991). "Feeding behaviour and the occurrence of caudal luring in Burton’s pygopodid Lialis burtonis (Sauria: Pygopodidae)". Copeia 1991 (2): 509-516. RJSTOR 1446599
  8. ^ Wall M, Shine R (2009). "The relationship between foraging ecology and lizard chemo-reception: Can a snake analogue (Burton’s legless lizard, Lialis burtonis) detect prey scent?" Ethology 115 (3): 264-272. DOI:10.1111/j.1439-0310.2008.01595.x
  9. ^ Patchell FC, Shine R (1986a). "Food habits and reproductive biology of the Australian legless lizards (Pygopodidae)". Copeia 1986 (1): 30-39. JSTOR 1444884
  10. ^ Neill WT (1957). "Notes on the pygopodid lizards, Lialis burtonis and L. jicari ". Copeia 1957 (3): 230-232. JSTOR 1439366

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Kadal-pensil Burton: Brief Summary ( indonésien )

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Kadal-pensil Burton adalah jenis kadal tanpa kaki yang tersebar di Papua hingga Australia. Kadal ini merupakan jenis kadal yang tidak memiliki kaki fisik. Nama-nama umumnya di antaranya "kadal tanpa kaki Burton" (Burton's legless lizard), "kadal-ular Burton" (Burton's snake-lizard).

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Płatonóg ostropyski ( polonais )

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Lialis burtonis (Gray, 1835) Płatonóg ostropyski Systematyka Domena eukarionty Królestwo zwierzęta Typ strunowce Podtyp kręgowce Gromada gady Rząd łuskonośne Rodzina płatonogowate Rodzaj Lialis Gatunek płatonóg ostropyski

Płatonóg ostropyski (Lialis burtonis) – gatunek gada z rzędu łuskoskórych, z rodziny płatonogów. Występuje na obszarze Australii i Nowej Gwinei. Głównie spotykany na terenach piaszczystych jak i w lasach. Gatunek ten bardzo dobrze czuje się pomiędzy trawami oraz wśród ściółki leśnej.


  1. Trudgen T., 1999, Lialis burtonis (pdf) (en)
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Płatonóg ostropyski: Brief Summary ( polonais )

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Płatonóg ostropyski (Lialis burtonis) – gatunek gada z rzędu łuskoskórych, z rodziny płatonogów. Występuje na obszarze Australii i Nowej Gwinei. Głównie spotykany na terenach piaszczystych jak i w lasach. Gatunek ten bardzo dobrze czuje się pomiędzy trawami oraz wśród ściółki leśnej.

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Thằn lằn Burton ( vietnamien )

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Thằn lằn Burton (danh pháp hai phần: Lialis burtonis) là một loài bò sát thuộc Cận bộ Tắc kè. Chúng sinh sống ở ÚcNew Guinea. Đặc điểm đáng chú ý nhất của con thằn lằn không chân này là chiếc mõm góc cạnh của nó. Nó có lỗ tai lộ ra, và được phân biệt từ rắn bằng lưỡi thịt của nó rộng. Chế độ ăn uống bao gồm chủ yếu của là thằn lằn bóng chăn ngắn nhỏ[1], thằn lằn và rắn.

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Griffiths, Ken (1987). Reptiles of the Sydney Region. Three Sisters Publications Pty Ltd. tr. 64. ISBN 0-9590203-3-0.

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Thằn lằn Burton: Brief Summary ( vietnamien )

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Thằn lằn Burton (danh pháp hai phần: Lialis burtonis) là một loài bò sát thuộc Cận bộ Tắc kè. Chúng sinh sống ở ÚcNew Guinea. Đặc điểm đáng chú ý nhất của con thằn lằn không chân này là chiếc mõm góc cạnh của nó. Nó có lỗ tai lộ ra, và được phân biệt từ rắn bằng lưỡi thịt của nó rộng. Chế độ ăn uống bao gồm chủ yếu của là thằn lằn bóng chăn ngắn nhỏ, thằn lằn và rắn.

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버튼민다리도마뱀 ( coréen )

fourni par wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

버튼민다리도마뱀(Lialis burtonis)은 버튼 레그리스 리자드(Burton's legless lizard)라고도 불리며, 뱀붙이도마뱀과에 속한 오스트레일리아, 파푸아뉴기니 고유이다.[1] 이 종은 앞다리가 없고 뒷다리는 흔적만이 남았다.[2] 뱀붙이도마뱀류는 "레그리스 리자드(legless lizards)",[3] "플랫풋 리자드(flap-footed lizards)",[4] "스네이크 리자드(snake-lizards)"라고도 불린다.[5]


종명 burtonis는 영국의 군의관 에드워드 버튼(:en:Edward Burton (zoologist))(1790–1867)을 기린 것이다.[6]

분류와 형태

버튼민다리도마뱀의 길쭉한 주둥이와 뚜렷한 쐐기 모양 머리에 주목하자.

버튼민다리는 뱀붙이도마뱀과에 속한 민다리도마뱀속의 일이다.[4] 뱀붙이도마뱀과에 속한 40 개의 종 중에서 민다리도마뱀속에 속한 종은 버튼민다리와 다른 종 하나 (L. jicari) 뿐이다.[4] 민다리도마뱀속에 포함된 종들은 macrostomata에 속한 뱀들과 유사하다고 여겨지는데, 이 분류군들이 큰 먹이를 통째로 삼킬 수 있는 등 기능적으로 유사한 적응 능력을 가지고 있기 때문이다.[4][7] 하지만 민다리도마뱀은 뱀과 달리 독샘도 없고, 먹이를 조일 수도 없고, 혓바닥은 갈라지지도 않았고 통통하며, 귓구멍과 뒷다리 흔적기관이 존재한다.[4][7][8] 게다가 버튼민다리는 뱀붙이도마뱀과에 속해있는데, 이 과는 유전적으로, 해부학적으로 도마뱀붙이과와 제일 가깝다.[9][10][11] 겉보기에는 뱀과 유사하게 수렴진화했지만 말이다.[10]

버튼민다리는 발버둥치는 큰 먹이를 다루기 위해 상당한 형태적 적응을 해왔다.[7] 첫 번째로 날카롭고 구부러진, 움직이는(hinged) 이빨이 줄줄이 난 길쭉한 주둥이는 먹이를 입으로 붙잡는데 도움을 준다.[12] 게다가 이 길쭉한 주둥이 덕택에 두 눈으로 동시에 먹이를 노려서(:en:binocular vision) 더 정확하게 먹이를 덮칠 수 있다.[7] 두 번째로 유연한 mesokinetic, hypokinetic 관절 덕에 턱이 먹이를 둘러쌀 수 있다.[7][12] 세 번째로 눈을 안으로 집어넣는 능력은 버튼민다리가 시각을 활용해 사냥하는 시각 포식자(visual predator)이기 때문에 굉장히 중요한데, 이 덕에 싸울 때 눈을 효과적으로 보호할 수 있다.[7]

분포와 서식지

버튼민다리는 호주의 거의 모든 곳에서 등장하지만, 태즈메이니아를 포함한 남동부 일부에서는 존재하지 않는다.[1] 이 종은 파푸아뉴기니에서도 발견되지만, 한 작은 지역에서만 분포한다.[1]

버튼민다리는 사막에서 우림의 경계에 이르는 다양한 서식지에서 발견되지만, 분포 지역으로 미루어보아 있을법한 호주 남부의 고산지대와 북부의 혹독한 사막지역에서는 발견되지 않는다.[1][8] 보통 하층식생이나, 잎더미 따위의 지면의 쓰레기 속에서 발견되는데, 그 중에서도 잎더미는 열대 환경에 서식하는 개체들에게 중요하게 여겨진다.[4][1] 이는 온도가 적당한 몇 가지 환경을 제공하자, 열대 지방에서 포획한 개체들이 잎더미를 훨씬 선호했다는 실험을 통해 증명되었다.[4] 잎더미가 근처에 없는 곳에서는, 서식지에서 찾을 수 있는 풀, 버려진 굴 등의 적당한 은신처를 활용할 것이다.[8]

식물 잔해 위의 버튼민다리도마뱀


버튼민다리는 거의 도마뱀만을 먹는다.[1][8][13] 일반적으로 스킨크를 섭취하지만 다른 민다리도마뱀, 도마뱀붙이, 아가마도마뱀 따위도 먹는다.[3][8][13] 게다가 박물관의 표본의 위 속의 음식을 연구한 결과 드물게는 뱀도 먹는다는 것이 밝혀졌다.[14] 특히 최근의 연구에 따르면 이 종은 먹이를 자주 먹지 않는다.[4]


모래 위의 버튼민다리

버튼민다리는 번식기가 존재하는 것으로 보이며, 호주 전역에서 비슷한 시기에 짝짓기를 한다.[4][8] 버튼민다리의 배란과 짝짓기는 보통 9월에서 여름까지 이루어진다.(남반구는 계절이 북반구와 6개월 차이난다.)[4][8] 이 종은 난생하며 보통 11월에서 1월에 산란하지만, 번식은 번식기(:en:Breeding season)가 아니더라도 언제든 할 수 있으며 암컷은 알을 여러 차례 낳을 수 있다.[4][14] 알은 나무토막이나 바위 밑, 지면, 잎더미 밑, 때로는 sugar ants의 둥지 안에 놓인다.[8]

이 녀석들은 한 번에 1 - 3 개의 껍질이 부드러운 알을 재빠르게 낳는데, 보통은 두 개를 낳는다.[14][15] 둥지를 공동으로 만들 수 있으며, 한 둥지에 20개 까지의 알이 발견되었다.[8][14] 버튼민다리 암컷의 또다른 특징은 다음 번에 사용하기 위해 정자를 저장하거나, 짝짓기를 하지 못했을 경우 처녀생식을 할 수 있다는 것이다.[4] 갓 부화한 새끼의 길이는 13 cm 정도다.[8]


혓바닥으로 눈비늘(en:Brille)을 닦는 버튼민다리도마뱀

버튼민다리는 주행성인데, 이는 거의 대부분의 먹이가 낮에 활동하기 때문이고 사실은 어느 때든 활동할 수 있다.[4] 버튼민다리는 더운 환경 아래에서의 고체온증, 맹금류 따위의 주행성 포식자와 같은 위험을 회피하기 위해 밤에 움직이는 경향이 있다는 점에서 놀라운 점이다.[4] 밤에 움직이는 또 다른 이유는 낮에 움직이다 먹잇감한테 은신 위치를 들키지 않기 위해서이다.[4] 게다가 지역에 따라 이동과 먹이찾기 방식에 다양한 차이점이 있는데, 이는 이 종이 굉장히 널리 분포하며 다양한 환경에 서식한다는 점에서 예측할 수 있는 사항이다.[4]

이 도마뱀은 시각에 의존하는, 움직이는 대상을 덮치는 포식자이며 먹이를 습격하기 위해 은신처가 필요하다.[4] 은신처는 포식자로부터 몸을 숨기는 데도 필요하며, 특히 먹이를 삼켰을 때는 움직이기 어려워서 포식자에게 대응하기도 버거워지기 때문에 중요하다.[16] 대신 은신처는 체온조절에도 중요한 역할을 한다.[4] 예를 들어 두터운 잎더미는 굉장히 좋은 은신처인데, 온도가 적절한 곳으로 깊숙이 파고 들어가서 숨어있을 수 있기 때문이다.[4]

버튼민다리는 꼬리낚시(:en:Caudal luring)로 먹이를 유인하는데, 도마뱀한테는 상당히 드문 방식이다.[17] 꼬리낚시는 처음에 기습공격한 먹이를 붙잡는 데 실패했을 때만 활용한다.[17] 하지만 먹이가 도망쳤다고 해서 이 방식이 언제나 쓰이지는 않는데, 이 전략을 활용할 가능성은 버튼민다리가 마지막 음식을 먹은 후 시간이 지남에 따라 증가한다.[17] 꼬리낚시는 먹잇감을 앞으로 유인하거나, 덮치는 순간에 주의를 딴 데로 돌리거나, 이 두 가지 방식을 동시에 활용하는 총 세 가지 방식으로 놓친 먹이를 붙잡는 데 활용할 수 있다.[17]

버튼민다리에게 있어 먹이찾기 전략은 굉장히 중요한데, 이 녀석들이 물렸을 때 심한 상처를 입을 정도로 큰 먹잇감을 노리는 경우가 많기 때문이다.[7] 이는 버튼민다리가 먹잇감의 크기에 따라 덮치기의 정확성을 조절하는 이유로 보이며, 큰 먹이를 덮칠 때는 뒤를 물리지 않도록 머리나 목을 공격한다.[7] 이 뿐만 아니라 버튼민다리는 큰 먹이가 자신에게 상처를 입히지 못하도록 삼키기 전에 무력화될 때까지 꾹 움켜쥐는 반면, 작은 먹이는 발버둥치는 먹이를 삼키는 데 드는 에너지보다 기다리는 데 드는 에너지가 더 많기 때문에 발버둥치든 말든 통째로 삼킨다.[7]

이 종은 특히 위협받을 때 소리지른다.[5] 게다가 포식자한테 잡히면 다른 수많은 도마뱀들처럼 꼬리를 자절할 수 있다.[4] 하지만 꼬리를 잃는 건 상당히 큰 손실이며, 꼬리가 다시 자라려면 시간과 영양분이 필요하다.[4]

바위 표면 위의 버튼민다리도마뱀


버튼민다리는 호주에서 제일 널리 분포하는 파충류이며, 극히 드문 예외를 제외한 모든 유형의 호주의 서식지에서 발견되기 때문에 보존에 우선적으로 노력을 기울일 필요는 없다.[4][1] 버튼민다리가 얼마나 흔한지는 알려져 있지 않지만, 이 종이 극히 드물거나 빠르게 줄어들고 있다는 증거는 없다.[4][1] 아직 IUCN 보존 상태가 평가되지 않았지만, 평가된다면 "관심 필요" 상태가 유력할 것이다.


  1. Cogger HG (2000). Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia. Sixth Edition. Sydney: Reed New Holland.
  2. Pygopod. (2013). In The free dictionary online. Retrieved from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Pygopod
  3. Bradshaw SD, Gans C, Girons HS (1980). "Behavioural thermoregulation in a pygopodid lizard, Lialis burtonis ". Copeia 1980 (4): 738-743. JSTOR 1444452
  4. Wall M, Shine R (2013). "Ecology and behaviour of Burton’s legless lizard (Lialis burtonis, Pygopodidae) in tropical Australia". Asian Herpetological Research 4 (1): 9-21. doi 10.3724/SP.J.1245.2013.00009
  5. Weber E, Werner YL (1977). "Vocalisations of two snake-lizards (Reptilia: Sauria: Pygopodidae)". Herpetologica 33(3): 353-363. JSTOR 3891953
  6. Beolens, Bo; Watkins, Michael; Grayson, Michael (2011). The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. xiii + 296 pp. ISBN 978-1-4214-0135-5. (Lialis burtonis, p. 43).
  7. Wall M, Shine R (2007). "Dangerous food: Lacking venom and constriction, how do snake-like lizards (Lialis burtonis, Pygopodidae) subdue their lizard prey?" Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91 (4): 719-727. doi 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2007.00835.x
  8. Cronin L (2001). Key guide: Australian reptiles and amphibians. Annandale, New South Wales: Envirobook.
  9. Vidal N, Hedges SB (2005). "The phylogeny of squamate reptiles (lizards, snakes and amphisbaenians) inferred from nine nuclear protein-coding genes". Comptes Rendus Biologies 328 (10-11): 1000-1008. doi 10.1016/j.crvi.2005.10.001
  10. Gorman GC, Gress F (1970). "Sex chromosomes of a pygopodid lizard, Lialis burtonis ". Experientia 26 (2): 206-207. doi 10.1007/BF01895586
  11. Wever EG (1974). "The ear of Lialis burtonis (Sauria: Pygopodidae), its structure and function". Copeia 1974 (2): 297-305. JSTOR 1442523
  12. Patchell FC, Shine R (1986b). "Feeding mechanisms in pygopodid lizards: How can Lialis swallow such large prey?" Journal of Herpetology 20 (1): 59-64. JSTOR 1564125
  13. Wall M, Shine R (2009). "The relationship between foraging ecology and lizard chemo-reception: Can a snake analogue (Burton’s legless lizard, Lialis burtonis) detect prey scent?" Ethology 115 (3): 264-272. doi 10.1111/j.1439-0310.2008.01595.x
  14. Patchell FC, Shine R (1986a). "Food habits and reproductive biology of the Australian legless lizards (Pygopodidae)". Copeia 1986 (1): 30-39. JSTOR 1444884
  15. Neill WT (1957). "Notes on the pygopodid lizards, Lialis burtonis and L. jicari ". Copeia 1957 (3): 230-232. JSTOR 1439366
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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

버튼민다리도마뱀: Brief Summary ( coréen )

fourni par wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

버튼민다리도마뱀(Lialis burtonis)은 버튼 레그리스 리자드(Burton's legless lizard)라고도 불리며, 뱀붙이도마뱀과에 속한 오스트레일리아, 파푸아뉴기니 고유이다. 이 종은 앞다리가 없고 뒷다리는 흔적만이 남았다. 뱀붙이도마뱀류는 "레그리스 리자드(legless lizards)", "플랫풋 리자드(flap-footed lizards)", "스네이크 리자드(snake-lizards)"라고도 불린다.

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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자