
Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Chrysopilus proximus Walker (PI. Ill, fig. 28)
Leptis proximo, Walker, List Dipt. Brit. Mus., I, p. 214. Leptis simillima Walker, List Dipt. Brit. Mus., 1, p. 215. Leptis propinqua Walker, List Dipt. Brit. Mus., 1, p. 215. 904. Chrysopila proximo, Adams, Kans. Univ. Sci. Bui., 11, p. 436. 904. Chrysopila propinqua Adams, Kans. Univ. Sci. Bui., 11, p. 437. 908. Chrysopilus propinquus Kertesz, Cat. Dipt., in, p. 325.
Chrysopilus proximus Kertesz, Cat. Dipt., in, p. 325. 908. Chrysopilus simillimus Kertesz, Cat. Dipt., Ill, p. 326. Male. — 6.5 to 7 mm. Opaque black, first antennal segment, palpi, sides of face, and body in general with rather numerous erect fairly long black hairs; mesonotum and abdomen with similar hairs and, in the better preserved specimens, with more or less appressed, rather long, dirty white to yellowish or golden tomentum; femora blackish, except tip, which with tibiae and tarsi is brownish yellow; wings almost hyaline, stigma yellowish, diffused, indistinct.
Female. — Length, 6.5 to 10 mm. More brownish; not nearly so hairy, with the hairs shorter and at least in certain lights dirty whitish to yellowish ; the mesonotum somewhat, and the abdomen often thickly clothed with dirty whitish to yellowish appressed rather long hairs.
I have seen a large series of specimens referrable to either propinquus or proximus and believe that I am correct in the synonomy as cited. A rather hasty examination of Walker's types several years ago has led me to this conclusion as also to the conclusion that his simillimus is synonymous with both, certainly at least with propinquus. Students of the group, have in the past attempted to keep proximus and propinquus separate, but according to my present judgement they should be combined. Specimens Examined: About 281 males and females.
New Brunswick: i d Younghall, July 3, 1908, (Arthur Gibson), [C. N. M.]. 4 cf , Frederickton, June 21, 1914, (J. D. Tothill), [N. B. Dept. Agr.]. 1 d Barber Dam, June 25, 1914, (J. D. Tothill), [N. B. Dept. Agr.].
Nova Scotia: i d St. Johu, June 29, 1901, (W. Mcintosh), [U. S. N. M.]; 2 9, [A.N. S. P.]. 1 <?, Truro, July II, 1913, [C. N. M.].
Quebec: i <?, Covey Hill, June 25, 1923, (C. H. Curran); 4 9, June 17, 1927, (W. S. Brown) ; I 9 , June 23, 1927; 1 d June 17, 1927, (G. S. Walley); 1 d 1 9, Hemmingford, June 27, 1923, (C. H. Curran); 2 d Megantic, June 21, 1923, (C, H. Curran); 1 d Strathroy, June 10, 1920. (H. F. Hudson); 1 9, Wakefield. July 14, 1926, (G. S. Walley) ; Cottage Beaulieu, August 19, 1906, (Beaulieu), [all C. N. M.]. 12 d Lauzon, June 27, 29, 1919; 3 9 , July 6, 12, 1919; 2 d 1 9 , Mount Royal, June 4, 9, 21; 1 d May 15; 2 d 1 9, Montreal, June 4, II, 21; I d July 4; 1 cf, 1 9, St. Remi, June 13, 1920; 2 d 1 9 , St. Hilaire, June 22, 1919:1 c Joliette, July6, [all Ouellet]; 1 9 , [A. N. S. P.]. 2 d 1 9 ,-Laurentians, Terrebonne County, June 22, 1902, [A. F. Winn]. 1 9 , Brome County, July 2, 1917, [A. F. Winn]. 1 9, Rigaud, [A. N. S. P.].
Ontario: 4 9, Ottawa, July 18, 1914, (G. Beaulieu); 2 o July i, 1907, (C. H. Young); 1 d 1 9, Mer Bleue, Ottawa, June 26, 1904, (W. Metcalf); 1 d 1 9, Orillia, July 1923, (C. H. Curran); 1 cf, Putnam, June 26, 1925, (G. S. Walley); 1 9, Lynn, July 7, 1926, (G. S. Walley); 1 9, Sand Hill, Rideau, July 1, 1906, (J. Fletcher); 1 cf, Jordan, June 19, 1915; and several males and females, June, (W. A. Ross); Bowmanville, June, (W. A. Ross); 4 cf, Rigaud, June 25, 1906, (G. Beaulieu); 1 cf, Bellville, [all Can. Nat. Mus.]. 1 d Guelph, June 26, 1912;
1 cf, Simcoe, June 23 to 30, 1915; 1 9, July 2 to 9, 1915, [all Ont. Agr. College]. New Hampshire: i 9, Franconia, [B. S. N. H.]; 1 cf, 1 9, July 9, 17, 1915,
(C. H. T. Townsend), [U. S. N. M.l; 1 cf, 1 9 , (A. T. Slosson), [U. S. N. M.];
2 d4 9, [A. M.N. H., ex Slosson]. "N. H.," "2000 ft.," [A. M. N. H.]. Massachusetts: 2 9, Springfield, (Geo. Dimmock); 2 cf, Beverley, June 15,
1876, (Burgess); 1 cf, June 6, 1867; 1 d June 13, 1869, (Burgess), [all U. S. N. M.];
1 9, July 4, 1869, [U. S. N. M., ex Riley]. 1 9, Forest Hills, (Jos. Bequaert), [A. M. N. H.]. 1 9 , Boston, (Hy. Edwards), [A. M. N. H.]. 1 d "Mass." June 24, 1891, [Mass. Agr. College, ex "Hatch Exp. Sta."]. 1 cf, 1 9, Amherst, June 21, 23, 1904, [Mass. Agr. College].
Rhode Island: 2 cf, Buttonwoods, June 20, 1912; 3 cf, June 22, 1912, [B. S. Connecticut: i cf ■ Hartford, June 8, 1893; 1 d New Haven, June 10, 1910;
2 cf,29, June 4, 8, 1911, (A. B. Champlain), [all U. S. N. M., ex Walton]; 1 9, May 30, 1897, [A. N. S. P.]; 3, June 11, 1914, June 26, 1910, and June 11, 1914; 1 9, June 1, 1908; 1 cf, North Branford, June 8, 1912, (B. H. Walden); 1 d Meriden, June 3, 1910, (B. H. Walden); 1 d Stonington, June 8, 1908, (W. E. Britton), [all Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta.].
New York: i, Speculator, June, (D. B. Young) ; 1, Keene, June, (M. D. Leonard) 1, Adirondack Lodge, June, (M. D. Leonard); 1, Lawson Lake, Albany County, June, (S. C. Bishop), [all N. Y. S. M.]. 1 cf , Kirkland, Oneida Co., June 4, 1921, (M. D. Leonard), [Cornell]. 1 9, Clayville, June 8, 1921, (M. D. Leonard), [C. U.]. 1 9, Ithaca, June 26, 1915, (R. C. Smith), [Kansas]. 1, Corinth, June, (D. B. Young), [N. Y. S. M.]. Salem, June; 1 cf, Karner, June 19, 1914, (D. B. Young); 1 cf, Voorheesville, May 1923, (reared from sphagnum by S. C. Bishop), [all N. Y. S. M.]. 1 9 , Stony Clove, July 1910, [A. M. N. H.]. 4 cf , 4 9 , Catskill Mts., June 9 to July 30, [A. M. N. H.]. 1, Poughkeepsie, June 4, 1903, (D. B. Young), [N. Y. S. M.]. 1 9, Port Chester, June 22, 1916, (E. R. Kalmbach), [Biol. Surv.]. 2 d% 2 9 , Ramapo, June, [Brook. Mus.]. 1 d Suffern, [A. M. N. H.].
3 cf, 2 9, Mosholu and Van Cortland Park, May, (Torre-Bueno), [E. Bezzi]. 6 cf, 6 9, Richmond, Staten Island, June 10 to 11, 1919, (E. J. Burns); 4, Watchogue, Staten Island; 1 cf, New Dorp, Staten Island, [all Burns]. 3 9, Flatbush, Long Island, June 22, 1894, (J. L. Zabriskie), [A. M. N. H.]. 1 cf , Sea Cliff, Long Island, [Banks].
New Jersey: 2 cf, Fort Lee, June 9, 1917, [E. J. Burns]. 1, Jersey City, June 19. 1917, [Burns]. 6 cf , 2 9, Ramsey, May, June 5 to 20, 1916, (Jos. Bequaert), 1 <j June 12, 1912, [A. M. N. H.]. 1 cf, Merchantville, May 26, 1904; 2 cf, National Park, June 10, 1906; 1 cf, Laurel Springs, May 23, 1902, [all Pa. Dept. Agr.]. 1 cf, Paterson, (J. A. Grossbeck), [A. M. N. H.]. 1 cf , Wenonah, May 30, [Pa. Dept. Agr.]. 3 cf , Snake Hill, [A. M. N. H.]. 2 d Arlington, June 4, [A. M. N. H.]3 cf , Ashland, June 22, 1907, (F. Haimbach), [A. N. S. P., ex Haimbach].
Pennsylvania: 4 cf, 3 9, Swarthmore, May 27, 1905, June 4, 1905, June 9, 1912, (E. T. Cresson, Jr.), [A. N. S. P.]. 1 cf, 1 9, Jack Run, Allegheny Co., June 14, 1908, [A. N. S. P.]. 1 d Edge Hill, [Brook, Mus.]. 1 cf , Philadelphia, May 30, 1911 [Brook. Mus.]. 1 cf, Marsh Run, York Co., June 23, 1911, (E. Daecke); 2 cf, Hummelstown, June 6, 7, 1912, (J. N. Knull); 2 cf, Charter Oak, June 20, 1917, (J. N. Knull), [all Pa. Dept. Agr.]. 2 9, New Cumberland, May 30, [U. S. N. M., ex Walton]; 2 d", June 16, and May 30, [Pa. Dept. Agr.]. 1 9 , Harrisburg, June 5, 1908, [Pa. Dept. Agr.]; 10 cf, June 9 to 24, [Pa. Dept. Agr.]; 3 b 2 9, June 10, 12, 23, [U. S. N. M., ex Walton]. 2 cf, Castle Rock, June 9, 1901 and June 30, 1907, [Pa. Dept. Agr.]; 1 cf , May II, 1906, [A. N. S. P.]. 1 cf , Delaware County, June 14, 1905; 1 9, Darby, Delaware County, June 14, 1903, [A. N. S. P.]. 2 d Fern Rock, Montgomery County, June 9, 1905, (F. Haimbach) ; 1 cf, Germantown, June 4, 1905, (F. Haimbach); 1 9, Roxboro, Montgomery County, June 19, 1910, (F. Haimbach), [all A. N. S. P., ex Haimbach]. 1 9 , Pocono Lake, July 9, 191 1, (H. S. Harbeck), [A. N. S. P., ex Harbeck]. 1 cf, Highspire, May 22, 1909; 1 cf, 1 9, June 15, 19, (W. S. Fisher); 1 9, May 23, 1909; 1 9 , Progress, June 6, [all U. S. N. M., ex Walton]. 3 cf , Hazleton, June 7, 1909, [A. N.S. P., ex Dietz]. 2 cf, "Pa." May 31, 1891, [U.S. N. M., ex Aldrich]; 1 cf,[U.S.N.M., ex Riley].
Virginia: 4 cf , Tazewell June 9, 1915, (L. O. Jackson), [Biol. Surv.].
North Carolina: i 9 , Black Mountains, June [A. M. N. H.]; 1, late May 1910, (F. Sherman), [N. Car. Dept. Agr.; Hine det.].
Florida: 59
Ohio: i cf , Wooster, June 24, 1917, (Q. Lowry), [N. H. Agr. College]; 4 cf , 2 9 , June 7, 9, 29, 1907, [Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta.].
Michigan: 2 cf , Battle Creek, [U. S. N. M., ex Aldrich]. ' 1 cf, East Lansing, June 19, 1890, [Mich. Agr. College].
Illinois: 2 cf , Algonquin, (Nason?), [U. S. N. M., ex Aldrich]; 1 cf , [U. S. N. M.] 9 cf , 3 9, Chicago, June 11, 16, 1899, [A. M. N. H.].
Wisconsin: i cf , Rochester, July 15, 1890, [A. M. N. H.]. 2 cf , "Wis." [A. M. South Dakota: i cf , "South Dakota," [U. S. N. M., ex Aldrich].
Nevada: 3 cf , Ormsby County, July, (C. F. Baker), [Stanford Univ.].
California: i cf, Berkeley Hills, Alameda County, April 20; 1 9, April 11, 1908, (E. T. Cresson Jr.), [A. N. S. P.; the females somewhat smaller than most Eastern specimens of that sex].
citation bibliographique
Leonard, M.D. 1930. A Revision of the Dipterous Family Rhagionidae (Leptidae) in the United States and Canada. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 7. Philadelphia, USA

Chrysopilus proximus ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Chrysopilus proximus is a species of snipe fly in the family Rhagionidae.[3]


United States


  1. ^ a b c d Walker, F. (1848). List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. part 1. London: British Museum. pp. 1–229.
  2. ^ Harris, T.W. (1835). Insects. Pp. 553-602. In Hitchcock, E., Report on the geology, mineralogy, botany, and zoology of Massachusetts. 2nd Edition. Amherst: J. S. & C. Adams. pp. [4] + 702 pp., 19 pls, 3 maps.
  3. ^ Kerr, Peter H. (2010). "Phylogeny and classification of Rhagionidae, with implications for Tabanomorpha (Diptera: Brachycera)". Zootaxa. 2592 (1): 1–133.
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Chrysopilus proximus: Brief Summary ( anglais )

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Chrysopilus proximus is a species of snipe fly in the family Rhagionidae.

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