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Dicaeoma epilobii-tetragoni (DC.) Arthur 1920

Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par North American Flora
Dicaeoma epilobii-tetragoni (DC.) Arthur
Uredo vagans Epilobii-tetragoni DC. Fl. Fr. 2: 228. 1805.
Aecidium Epilobii DC. Fl. Fr. 2: 238. 1805.
Uredo Epilobii DC. Fl. Fr. 6: 73. 1815.
Puccinia pulverulenta Grev. Fl. Edin. 432. 1824.
Caeoma Epilobii Link, in Willd. Sp. PI. 6^: 59. 1825.
Caeoma epilobiatum Link, in Willd. Sp. PI. 62; 59, in part. 1825.
Puccinia tenuistipes Opiz, Seznam 139; hyponym. 1852.
Trichobasis Epilobii Berk.; Cooke, Micr. Fungi 210. 1865.
Puccinia Gayophyti Billings, in S. Wats. Bot. King's Expl. 414. 1871.
Puccinia Oenotherae Vize, Grevillea 5: 109. 1877.
Aecidium Gayophyti Vize, Grevillea 7: 12. 1878.
Puccinia Epilobii-tetragoni Wint. in Rab. Kxypt.-Fl. 1: 214. 1881.
Puccinia Boisduvaliae Peck, Bot. Gaz. 7: 45. 1882.
Puccinia Gayophyti Peck, Bot. Gaz. 7: 56. 1882.
Puccinia Clarkiae Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 11: 49. 1884.
Puccinia Epilobii Schroet. Krypt. -Fi. Schles. 1: 319. 1887.
Puccinia intermedia Dietel & Holway; Dietel, Bot. Gaz. 18: 254. 1893.
Puccinia heterantha Ellis & Ev. Erythea 1: 204. 1893.
Puccinia Eulobi Dietel & Holway; Dietel, Erythea 1: 249. 1893.
Aecidium Clarkiae Dietel & Holway; Dietel, Erythea 2: 129. 1894.
Puccinia Sphaerostigmatis Dietel & Neger, Bot. Jahrb. 22: 353. 1896.
Dicaeoma Boisduvaliae Kuntze, Rev. Gen. S^i 468. 1898.
Dicaeoma Clarkiae Kuntze, Rev. Gen, S^: 468. 1898.
Dicaeoma Gayophyti Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 3^: 468. 1898.
Dicaeoma heteranthum Kuntze, Rev. Gen. S^: 469. 1898.
Dicaeoma intermedium Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 3^: 469. 1898.
Dicaeoma Oenotherae Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 3^: 469. 1898.
Puccinia Gayophyti Speg. Anal. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires III. 1: 63. 1901.
Puccinia Zauschneriae Sydow, Monog. Ured. 1: 435. 1903.
Puccinia glabella Holway, N. Am. Ured. 1: 76. 1907.
Pycnia amphigenous, among or opposite the aecia, scattered, inconspicuous, honeyyellow becoming brown, globoid, 85-150 m in diameter by 110-170/4 high; ostiolar filaments 30-65 ju long.
Aecia amphigenous, chiefiy hypophyllous, scattered, from a diffused mycelium, numerous, often covering the entire leaf-surface, cupulate or sometimes short-cylindric, 0.2-0.5 mm. across; peridium white, the margin recurved, lacerate; peridial cells rhomboidal, 13-22 by 22-36 IX, overlapping, the outer wall 5-10 ju thick, transversely striate, the inner wall thinner, 3-6 ju, moderately verrucose; aeciospores irregularly globoid, angular, or ellipsoid, 13-20 by 13-23 IX, (usually only up to 20 /x in length) ; wall colorless, thin, 1 n, minutely verrucose.
Uredinia amphigenous, often oniy hypophyllous, numerous, scattered, occasionaliy confluent, roundish, small, 0.1-0.8 mm. across, rather early naked, pidverulent, cinnamonbrown, ruptured epidermis noticeable; urediniospores ellipsoid, obovoid or globoid, flattened slightly on two opposite sides, 15-26 by 19-31 mJ wall cinnamon-brown, somewhat variable in thickness, 1.5-3 fx, moderately or sometimes closely echinulate, the pores 2, equatorial, rarely slightly superequatorial, in lighter-colored areas in the flattened sides.
citation bibliographique
Joseph Charles Arthur, Fred. Denton Fromme, Frank Dunn Kern. 1920. (UREDINALES); AECIDIACEAE (continuatio); DICAEOMA ON POACEAE (continuatio), DICAEOMA ON CAREX. North American flora. vol 7(5). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora