
Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Leptonema lunatum

MALE.—Color light brown; forewing lacking basal spots, with indication of infuscation along chord. Length of forewing 24–28 mm.

Malar space broad, almost as high as eye. Parafacial area almost as broad as malar; postocular area as broad below as malar, very narrow above, with 5–8 enlarged setae near eye. Maxillary palpus with fifth segment slightly more than as long as basal 4 segments combined. Head dorsally and thorax densely setose. Processes of fifth sternum long, narrow, curved posteromesad, with a small, oblique opening at anterior end.

Genitalia: Tenth tergum with wart a a slightly produced, setiferous lobe in dorsolateral position; lateral lobe a large, broadly rounded plate, with dorsal surface shallowly cupped with anterodorsal margin a produced, setiferous ridge. Clasper with basal segment about 4frac12; times as long as apical, with inner margin bearing many spinous setae; without basal lobe. Phallus with base wider than, and rounding into stem; apex rounded posteroventrally, with large, rounded dorsolateral lobes, with apicodorsal opening small, a small ventromesal lobe in opening.

FEMALE.—Similar to male in size; color darker brown. Midtibiae and tarsi broad and flattened.

TYPES.—Holotype (male): BRAZIL, Edo. Santa Catarina, Corupa (Hansa Humboldt), Nov 1944, A. Maller.

Paratypes: Same data, 4; same, but Jan 1946, 2, 3.

Holotype in AMNH; paratypes in AMNH and USNM.
citation bibliographique
Flint, Oliver S., Jr., McAlpine, J. F., and Ross, H. H. 1987. "A Revision of the Genus Leptonema Guérin (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae: Macronematinae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-193. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.450

Leptonema lunatum ( néerlandais ; flamand )

fourni par wikipedia NL


Leptonema lunatum is een schietmot uit de familie Hydropsychidae. De soort komt voor in het Neotropisch gebied.

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Leptonema lunatum ( vietnamien )

fourni par wikipedia VI

Leptonema lunatum là một loài Trichoptera trong họ Hydropsychidae. Chúng phân bố ở vùng Tân nhiệt đới.

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Leptonema lunatum: Brief Summary ( vietnamien )

fourni par wikipedia VI

Leptonema lunatum là một loài Trichoptera trong họ Hydropsychidae. Chúng phân bố ở vùng Tân nhiệt đới.

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