
Benefits ( anglais )

fourni par EOL authors
Seeds minimally consumed by Northern Cardinal and a variety of sparrows. Foliage is low to moderate White-tailed Deer forage. Pollinators use flowers including numerous butterfly species.

Derivation of specific name ( anglais )

fourni par Flora of Zimbabwe
brasiliensis: of Brazil.
droit d’auteur
Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
citation bibliographique
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Verbena brasiliensis Vell. Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/species.php?species_id=148580
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings
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Flora of Zimbabwe

Frequency ( anglais )

fourni par Flora of Zimbabwe
droit d’auteur
Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
citation bibliographique
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Verbena brasiliensis Vell. Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/species.php?species_id=148580
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings
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site partenaire
Flora of Zimbabwe

Worldwide distribution ( anglais )

fourni par Flora of Zimbabwe
Native of South America
droit d’auteur
Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
citation bibliographique
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Verbena brasiliensis Vell. Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/species.php?species_id=148580
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings
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site partenaire
Flora of Zimbabwe

Distribution ( portugais )

fourni par IABIN
Chile Central
droit d’auteur
Universidade Estadual de CAMPINAS
Pablo Gutierrez
site partenaire

Distribution ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par IABIN
Chile Central
droit d’auteur
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Pablo Gutierrez
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Verbena brasiliensis ( asturien )

fourni par wikipedia AST

Verbena brasiliensis, verbena lila, ye una especie botánica de planta con flor de la familia de les Verbenaceae

Lampides boeticus sobre Verbena brasiliensis


Ye endémica d'Arxentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Paraguái, Uruguái.


Ye un subarbusto yerbácea, por demás ramificada, tarmos cuadrangulares de 8-13 (18) dm d'altor, fueyes opuestes, serruchaes de la metá escontra'l ápiz, 2-7 cm de llargu; con munches inflorescencies cilíndicas terminales,[1] qu'abren repetidamente ente abril-mayu y ochobre-payares; flores diminutes,[2] 5-pétalos, atrayendo enforma a abeyes, colibríes

Usos melecinales

En fervinchu de fueyes ye dixestiva, febrífuga. Y de flores sedante y tónicu cardiacu. Tien aceites esenciales.[3]


Verbena brasiliensis describióse por José Mariano da Conceição Vellozo y espublizóse en Florae Fluminensis, seu, Descriptionum plantarum parectura Fluminensi sponte mascentium liber primus ad systema sexuale concinnatus 17. 1825[1829].[4]


Verbena: nome xenéricu que ye un antiguu nome llatín de la verbena común europea.[5]

brasiliensis: epítetu xeográficu qu'alude al so localización en Brasil.

  • Verbena approximata Briq.
  • Verbena brasiliensis var. brasiliensis
  • Verbena brasiliensis var. subglabrata Moldenke
  • Verbena chacensis Moldenke
  • Verbena hansenii Greene
  • Verbena isabellei Briq.
  • Verbena litoralis f. angustifolia Chodat
  • Verbena litoralis var. brasiliensis (Vell.) Briq. ex Munir
  • Verbena litoralis f. congesta (Moldenke) Moldenke
  • Verbena litoralis var. congesta Moldenke
  • Verbena quadrangularis Vell.[6]

Ver tamién



  1. AFPD. 2008. African Flowering Plants Database - Base de Donnees des Plantes a Fleurs D'Afrique.
  2. Brako, L. & J. L. Zarucchi. (eds.) 1993. Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 45: i–xl, 1–1286.
  3. Correll, D. S. & M. C. Johnston. 1970. Man. Vasc. Pl. Texas i–xv, 1–1881. The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson.
  4. Fernald, M. 1950. Manual (ed. 8) i–lxiv, 1–1632. American Book Co., New York.
  5. Foster, R. C. 1958. A catalogue of the ferns and flowering plants of Bolivia. Contr. Gray Herb. 184: 1–223. View in Biodiversity Heritage Library
  6. Gibbs Russell, G. Y., W. G. M. Welman, Y. Retief, K. L. Immelman, G. Germishuizen, B. J. Pienaar, M. Van Wyk & A. Nicholas. 1987. List of species of southern African plants. Mem. Bot. Surv. S. Africa 2(1–2): 1–152(pt. 1), 1–270(pt. 2).
  7. Gleason, H. A. 1968. The Sympetalous Dicotyledoneae. vol. 3. 596 pp. In H. A. Gleason Ill. Fl. N. O.S.. New York Botanical Garden, New York.

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Verbena brasiliensis: Brief Summary ( asturien )

fourni par wikipedia AST

Verbena brasiliensis, verbena lila, ye una especie botánica de planta con flor de la familia de les Verbenaceae

 src= Lampides boeticus sobre Verbena brasiliensis  src= Flores
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Verbena brasiliensis ( azéri )

fourni par wikipedia AZ

Verbena brasiliensis (lat. Verbena brasiliensis) - minaçiçəyikimilər fəsiləsinin minaçiçəyi cinsinə aid bitki növü.


Inula britannica.jpeg İkiləpəlilər ilə əlaqədar bu məqalə qaralama halındadır. Məqaləni redaktə edərək Vikipediyanı zənginləşdirin.
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Verbena brasiliensis: Brief Summary ( azéri )

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Verbena brasiliensis (lat. Verbena brasiliensis) - minaçiçəyikimilər fəsiləsinin minaçiçəyi cinsinə aid bitki növü.

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Verbena brasiliensis ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Verbena brasiliensis, the Brazilian verbena or Brazilian vervain, is a flowering plant species from the vervain family (Verbenaceae). It is native to parts of South America, namely Brazil, but has spread its range in recent times and has occasionally become an invasive weed. It is an annual plant with purple flowers, and it has been introduced outside of its native range as an ornamental plant, and is now largely considered an invasive weed in these regions.[1][2]

In the past, several botanists have mistakenly applied the scientific name of the purpletop vervain, V. bonariensis, to this species.[3] As a consequence, the common names "Brazilian verbena" and "Brazilian vervain" are sometimes erroneously applied to the purpletop vervain.[4]


Verbena brasiliensis is an erect herb with serrate leaves and overlapping fruits.[5] Its flowers are usually purplish in color.[6] This plant exhibits a terminal inflorescence, with flowers grouped closely together.[7] It grows as a forb, herb, or subshrub.[2] The stems are roughly 1 meter tall and mostly glabrous below and scabrous-pubescent above. While the lower branches exhibit opposite arrangement, the upper branches grow in an irregular formation. The stem is mildly indented at the nodes. The leaves are membranaceous and have connate bases and have a mildly pubescent underside. The calyx of the flowers is about 3 mm long, five-lobed, and tubular. Nerves in the calyx extend beyond the lobes to form teeth. The posterior nerve is always shortest. The corolla is formed of fused petals that spread open at the end, and is just a little longer than the calyx. The flower possesses reproductive organs of both sexes. The ovary is superior and bicarpellary. The fruit is a schizocarp, a type of dry fruit that splits when mature. It is encased in the calyx, and released by the shortest posterior nerve of the calyx. The nutlets are triangular in cross section and are about 2 mm long each. Four nutlets are generally produced by each fruit, with two per each carpel.[8] Verbena brasiliensis reproduces sexually via seed production.[9]

Verbena brasiliensis is often confused with Verbena litoralis because they are found in similar habitats. However, their inflorescences are different enough to easily separate the species. Verbena brasiliensis has short and compact spikes in open cymes, whereas Verbena litoralis has longer spikes that are arranged in paniculate cymes.[8]


Verbena brasiliensis was described by Vellozo and published in Florae Fluminensis in 1829. The lectotype is located in Rio de Janeiro.[10][11]

Synonyms include Verbena approximata Briq., Verbena brasiliensis var. brasiliensis, Verbena brasiliensis var. subglabrata Moldenke, Verbena chacensis Moldenke, Verbena hansenii Greene, Verbena isabellei Briq., Verbena litoralis f. angustifolia Chodat, Verbena litoralis var. brasiliensis (Vell.) Briq. ex Munir, Verbena litoralis f. congesta (Moldenke) Moldenke, Verbena litoralis var. congesta Moldenke, Verbena quadrangularis Vell., and Verbena paucifolia Turczaninow Bull. Soc. Imp.[10][12]


Verbena brasiliensis is currently found in many regions, including North America, Oceania, Africa, Asia, and Europe, where it is largely considered invasive. Verbena brasiliensis is native in South America, specifically, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. There, it grows in dry conditions on agricultural fields and is considered a weed. In locations where it is invasive, it grows well in man-made areas or riverine environments.[7] In the United States, it is found mostly in grasslands, rangelands, riparian zones, urban areas, and wetlands.[1] The US states where the plant occurs include Oregon, California, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Hawaii.[12]


Verbena brasiliensis has been used as a garden and ornamental plant. It has been cultivated within and largely outside of its native range for aesthetic uses.[1]


Bees are attracted to Verbena brasiliensis as pollinators, as documented in Florida.[13]

Verbena brasiliensis has been documented as a minor food source for large mammals and terrestrial birds, comprising 2-5% of their diet.[12]

Euphyes bayensis, or the Bay Skipper, is a small butterfly found only in herbaceous marshes in estuarine and coastal habitats. This butterfly is endemic to only two locations: one in Texas and one in Mississippi. It has been identified relying on Verbena brasiliensis as a significant source of nectar.[14]


Verbena brasiliensis poses a threat to native plants because it may displace them from their natural habitat. In the mid-south United States, it is considered significantly invasive. In the National Forest System of the United States, Verbena brasiliensis is banned.[1]

In mountain ecosystems of South Africa, invasive Verbena brasiliensis was recorded spreading to increasing elevations year after year, showing its resiliency and ability to spread and adapt.[15]

To prevent the spread of this invasive weed, it is recommended that this plant is not bought, sold, or planted as ornamental decoration because of its tendency to spread beyond the intended area.

For removal of Verbena brasiliensis, the herbicide Triclopyr 480 has been successfully used on this plant in South Africa. 2,4-D has been reported successful against Verbena brasiliensis as well.

Outstar, a blend of hexazinone and sulfometuron, was tested in the southeast United States, and Verbena brasiliensis was found to be tolerant of both active ingredients.[9]


  1. ^ a b c d "Texas Invasives". www.texasinvasives.org. Retrieved 2018-11-25.
  2. ^ a b "Plants Profile for Verbena brasiliensis (Brazilian vervain)". plants.usda.gov. Retrieved 2018-11-19.
  3. ^ USDA (2008)
  4. ^ E.g. USDA (2007)
  5. ^ Weakley, Alan S. (2015). Flora of the Southern and Mid-Atlantic States. pp. 1057–1058.
  6. ^ Yeo, P. F. (1990). "A Re-Definition of Verbena brasiliensis". Kew Bulletin. 45 (1): 101–120. doi:10.2307/4114439. JSTOR 4114439.
  7. ^ a b Verloove, Filip (2006). "Verbena brasiliensis (Verbenaceae), a New Record for the Flora of Georgia (Former USSR)". Systematics and Geography of Plants. 76 (2): 185–189. JSTOR 20649710.
  8. ^ a b Perry, Lily M. (1933). "A Revision of the North American Species of Verbena". Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 20 (2): 239–362. doi:10.2307/2394217. JSTOR 2394217.
  9. ^ a b www.upane.it, Upane -. "GISD". www.iucngisd.org. Retrieved 2018-11-21.
  10. ^ a b "Verbena brasiliensis - Species Page - APA: Alabama Plant Atlas". atlas.uwa.edu. Retrieved 2018-11-25.
  11. ^ "IPNI Plant Name Details". www.ipni.org. Retrieved 2018-11-19.
  12. ^ a b c "Verbena brasiliensis Vell. — The Plant List". www.theplantlist.org. Retrieved 2018-11-19.
  13. ^ Hall, H. Glenn; Ascher, John S. (December 2010). "Surveys of Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila) in Natural Areas of Alachua County in North-Central Florida". Florida Entomologist. 93 (4): 609–629. doi:10.1653/024.093.0419. ISSN 0015-4040.
  14. ^ "Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Finding on a Petition to List the Bay Skipper as Endangered Or Threatened". The Federal Register. 77 (167). August 28, 2012 – via ProQuest Central.
  15. ^ Kalwij, Jesse M.; Robertson, Mark P.; van Rensburg, Berndt J. (2015-09-16). "Annual monitoring reveals rapid upward movement of exotic plants in a montane ecosystem". Biological Invasions. 17 (12): 3517–3529. doi:10.1007/s10530-015-0975-3. hdl:2263/50270. ISSN 1387-3547. S2CID 16237728.
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wikipedia EN

Verbena brasiliensis: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Verbena brasiliensis, the Brazilian verbena or Brazilian vervain, is a flowering plant species from the vervain family (Verbenaceae). It is native to parts of South America, namely Brazil, but has spread its range in recent times and has occasionally become an invasive weed. It is an annual plant with purple flowers, and it has been introduced outside of its native range as an ornamental plant, and is now largely considered an invasive weed in these regions.

In the past, several botanists have mistakenly applied the scientific name of the purpletop vervain, V. bonariensis, to this species. As a consequence, the common names "Brazilian verbena" and "Brazilian vervain" are sometimes erroneously applied to the purpletop vervain.

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wikipedia EN

Verbena brasiliensis ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES

Verbena brasiliensis, verbena lila, es una especie botánica de planta con flor de la familia de las Verbenaceae

Lampides boeticus sobre Verbena brasiliensis


Es endémica de Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Paraguay, Uruguay.


Es un subarbusto herbáceo, sumamente ramificada, tallos cuadrangulares de 8-13 (18) dm de altura, hojas opuestas, aserradas de la mitad hacia el ápice, 2-7 cm de largo; con muchas inflorescencias cilíndicas terminales,[1]​ que abren repetidamente entre abril-mayo y octubre-noviembre; flores diminutas,[2]​ 5-pétalos, atrayendo mucho a abejas, colibríes

Usos medicinales

En infusión de hojas es digestiva, febrífuga. Y de flores sedante y tónico cardíaco. Posee aceites esenciales.[3]


Verbena brasiliensis fue descrita por José Mariano da Conceição Vellozo y publicado en Florae Fluminensis, seu, Descriptionum plantarum parectura Fluminensi sponte mascentium liber primus ad systema sexuale concinnatus 17. 1825[1829].[4]


Verbena: nombre genérico que es un antiguo nombre latíno de la verbena común europea.[5]

brasiliensis: epíteto geográfico que alude a su localización en Brasil.

  • Verbena approximata Briq.
  • Verbena brasiliensis var. brasiliensis
  • Verbena brasiliensis var. subglabrata Moldenke
  • Verbena chacensis Moldenke
  • Verbena hansenii Greene
  • Verbena isabellei Briq.
  • Verbena litoralis f. angustifolia Chodat
  • Verbena litoralis var. brasiliensis (Vell.) Briq. ex Munir
  • Verbena litoralis f. congesta (Moldenke) Moldenke
  • Verbena litoralis var. congesta Moldenke
  • Verbena quadrangularis Vell.[6]



  1. AFPD. 2008. African Flowering Plants Database - Base de Donnees des Plantes a Fleurs D'Afrique.
  2. Brako, L. & J. L. Zarucchi. (eds.) 1993. Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 45: i–xl, 1–1286.
  3. Correll, D. S. & M. C. Johnston. 1970. Man. Vasc. Pl. Texas i–xv, 1–1881. The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson.
  4. Fernald, M. 1950. Manual (ed. 8) i–lxiv, 1–1632. American Book Co., New York.
  5. Foster, R. C. 1958. A catalogue of the ferns and flowering plants of Bolivia. Contr. Gray Herb. 184: 1–223. View in Biodiversity Heritage Library
  6. Gibbs Russell, G. E., W. G. M. Welman, E. Retief, K. L. Immelman, G. Germishuizen, B. J. Pienaar, M. Van Wyk & A. Nicholas. 1987. List of species of southern African plants. Mem. Bot. Surv. S. Africa 2(1–2): 1–152(pt. 1), 1–270(pt. 2).
  7. Gleason, H. A. 1968. The Sympetalous Dicotyledoneae. vol. 3. 596 pp. In H. A. Gleason Ill. Fl. N. U.S.. New York Botanical Garden, New York.

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Verbena brasiliensis: Brief Summary ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES

Verbena brasiliensis, verbena lila, es una especie botánica de planta con flor de la familia de las Verbenaceae

 src= Lampides boeticus sobre Verbena brasiliensis  src= Flores
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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Verbena brasiliensis ( portugais )

fourni par wikipedia PT

Verbena brasiliensis é uma espécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Verbenaceae.

A autoridade científica da espécie é Vell., tendo sido publicada em Florae Fluminensis, seu, Descriptionum plantarum parectura Fluminensi sponte mascentium liber primus ad systema sexuale concinnatus 17. 1825.[1]


Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português, nomeadamente em Portugal Continental.

Em termos de naturalidade é introduzida na região atrás indicada.


Não se encontra protegida por legislação portuguesa ou da Comunidade Europeia.


  1. Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 5 de Outubro de 2014 http://www.tropicos.org/Name/33700510>


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wikipedia PT

Verbena brasiliensis: Brief Summary ( portugais )

fourni par wikipedia PT

Verbena brasiliensis é uma espécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Verbenaceae.

A autoridade científica da espécie é Vell., tendo sido publicada em Florae Fluminensis, seu, Descriptionum plantarum parectura Fluminensi sponte mascentium liber primus ad systema sexuale concinnatus 17. 1825.

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Verbena brasiliensis ( ukrainien )

fourni par wikipedia UK
  1. а б в Plants of the World Online — Kew Science. Процитовано 24.01.2019. (англ.)

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wikipedia UK

Verbena brasiliensis: Brief Summary ( ukrainien )

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Plants of the World Online — Kew Science. Процитовано 24.01.2019. (англ.)

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狭叶马鞭草 ( chinois )

fourni par wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Verbena brasiliensis
Vell., 1831

狭叶马鞭草学名Verbena brasiliensis)为马鞭草科马鞭草属下的一个种。



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狭叶马鞭草: Brief Summary ( chinois )

fourni par wikipedia 中文维基百科

狭叶马鞭草(学名:Verbena brasiliensis)为马鞭草科马鞭草属下的一个种。

droit d’auteur

アレチハナガサ ( japonais )

fourni par wikipedia 日本語
アレチハナガサ Verbena brasiliensis
Verbena brasiliensis
分類APG III : 植物界 Plantae 階級なし : 被子植物 Angiosperms 階級なし : 真正双子葉類 Eudicots 階級なし : コア真正双子葉類 Core eudicots 階級なし : キク類 Asterids 階級なし : 真正キク類I Euasterids I : シソ目 Lamiales : クマツヅラ科 Verbenaceae : クマツヅラ属 Verbena : アレチハナガサ V. brasiliensis 学名 Verbena brasiliensis Vell.[1] シノニム

Verbena bonariensis auct. non L.

英名 Brazilian vervain

アレチハナガサ(荒地花笠、学名: Verbena brasiliensis)は、クマツヅラ科クマツヅラ属に分類される、草丈1-2mほどの多年草の一種。河川敷道端に生育する。








  1. ^ 米倉浩司・梶田忠 (2003-). “Verbena brasiliensis”. BG Plants 和名−学名インデックス(YList). ^ a b c 江口佳澄、佐々木晶子、中坪孝之「河川氾濫原における外来草本アレチハナガサの繁殖とその生態学的影響」、『保全生態学研究』第10巻第2号、日本生態学会、ISSN 1342-4327NAID 110004741107
  2. ^ a b 国立環境研究所. “アレチハナガサ”. 侵入生物データベース ―外来種/移入種/帰化動植物情報のポータルサイト―. 参考文献[編集]
    • 岩瀬徹・川名興・飯島和子 『校庭の雑草』 全国農村教育協会〈野外観察ハンドブック〉、ISBN 978-4-88137-146-6。
    • 亀田龍吉、有沢重雄 『花と葉で見わける野草』 近田文弘監修、小学館ISBN 978-4-09-208303-5。


     src= ウィキスピーシーズにアレチハナガサに関する情報があります。  src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、アレチハナガサに関連するカテゴリがあります。


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アレチハナガサ: Brief Summary ( japonais )

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アレチハナガサ(荒地花笠、学名: Verbena brasiliensis)は、クマツヅラ科クマツヅラ属に分類される、草丈1-2mほどの多年草の一種。河川敷道端に生育する。

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