Nom non-résolu

Scamandra fasciata

Distribution ( anglais )

fourni par EOL authors

Hab. N.W. Borneo (Brit. Mus.) ; Kina Balu (Whitehead, Coll. Dist.).

citation bibliographique
Distant, W. L. 1906. IV.–Rhynchotal Notes.–XXXVIII. Annals & Magazine of Natural History 7th ser. Vol. 8:18-32.
Katja Schulz (Katja)
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site partenaire
EOL authors

Notes ( anglais )

fourni par EOL authors

Allied to S. hecuba, Stål, and S. scriptifacies, Walk., from both of which it may at once be superficially distinguished by the colour of the wings.

citation bibliographique
Distant, W. L. 1906. IV.–Rhynchotal Notes.–XXXVIII. Annals & Magazine of Natural History 7th ser. Vol. 8:18-32.
Katja Schulz (Katja)
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site partenaire
EOL authors

Original Description ( anglais )

fourni par EOL authors

Scamandra fasciata, sp. n.

Head, thorax, and body beneath pale castaneous brown ; abdomen sanguineous; legs black ; rostrum and posterior femora piceous brown ; tegmina brownish ochraceous, spotted with piceous, and with three irregular, transverse, piceous fasciae, the outermost immediately before a transverse, arcuated, linear, ochraceous fascia at about one third from apex, apical area brownish ochraceous, with the reticulate venation paler ; wings purplish red, the upper basal area for about half the wing black, with olivaceous veins, and divided near its apex by a short purplish-red transverse fascia, base of anal area stramineous, apical area brownish ochraceous, the apical margin paler ; tubercle at base of posterior tibiae moderately prominent; mesonotum transversely rugulose; pronotum finely blackly punctate; anterior process of head short, robust, extending to nearly half the length of vertex ; face with two strong central longitudinal ridges, between which is a more obscure central ridge not extending more than one third from base ; rostrum extending considerably beyond posterior coxae. Tegmina and wings beneath with a subapical calcareous arcuated fascia.

Long., excl. tegm., 22-25 mm. ; exp. tegm. 64-74 mm.

citation bibliographique
Distant, W. L. 1906. IV.–Rhynchotal Notes.–XXXVIII. Annals & Magazine of Natural History 7th ser. Vol. 8:18-32.
Katja Schulz (Katja)
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site partenaire
EOL authors