
Description ( anglais )

fourni par Zookeys
Female. Length 1.7 mm, 1.85× longer than wide; colour black. Head. Eyes separated above by 4.0× their width. Frons broadly flattened from vertex to epistoma, surface strongly reticulated, with tiny shallow punctures spaced by 1.5–2× their diameter, except smooth and impunctate on a triangular area on central lower third. Epistoma elevated, shiny, with a short median carina extending from epistoma to impunctate area. Vestiture consisting of a few scattered fine setae. Pronotum 0.8× as long as wide, sides almost straight, weakly constricted on posterior third, surface reticulate with minute shallow punctures spaced on average by 2× their diameter; median mycangial pore on anterior fifth round with a tuft of setae; pronotal vestiture consisting of sparse fine short setae, and about 20 much longer erect setae on anterior half. Elytra 1.05× longer than wide, 1.5× longer than pronotum; sides almost straight, slightly constricted just before declivity, broadly triangular at apex; striae not impressed except weakly so at declivital margin; strial and interstrial punctures on disk entirely confused, shallow, with minute setae of variable length. Interstriae 10 elevated to level of ventrite I. Declivity dull, rugose, punctures variable but generally larger than on disk; vestiture on declivity of fine ground setae and fewer but coarser stiff and slightly curved short setae. Legs. Procoxae separated by 0.5× the width of one coxa. Mesocoxae separated by 0.6× the width of one procoxae. Protibiae broad, with one large laterally curved distal spine, and five additional lateral small spines or granules, with small granules on the posterior face. Ventral vestiture. Metanepisternum with bifid long setae. Male: unknown.
droit d’auteur
Bjarte H. Jordal
citation bibliographique
Jordal B (2013) Deep phylogenetic divergence between Scolytoplatypus and Remansus, a new genus of Scolytoplatypodini from Madagascar (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) ZooKeys 352: 9–33
Bjarte H. Jordal
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