
Dictyopharidae ( bas-saxon )

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De Dictyopharidae sünd en Familie mank de Insekten. Dor höört se to de Twuschenornen (Infraordo) vun de Lantüchtendregers (Fulgoromorpha) ut de Unnerornen vun de Zikaden (Auchenorrhyncha) un de Ornen vun de Snavelinsekten (Hemiptera) mit to.


Düsse Insekten hefft en afsunnerlich formten Vörkopp. De Ogen sitt dor an de Sieten, knapp over de Föhlspriete. De Bost (Thorax) is man groot, just so, as de Flunken, wo allerhand Dwarsadern dörlopen doot. Up de Achterflunken sitt Oogplacken up oder se sünd dannig farvt, to'n Verjagen vun Angriepers. Dat Lief is twuschen 0,8 un 100 Millimeters lang.

Wie se leven doot

Echte Lantüchtendregers freet in'e Hauptsaak Plantenssapp. Overdag vermünnert se sik oder freet. Flegen doot se s'avends.

Wie se sik vermehren doot

De Eier weert afsett up en Foderplant un denn todeckt mit en Schuum, de gau hart warrt.

Wo se vorkamen doot

Düsse Familie kummt in de Tropen un Subtropen vor, wo dat veel Planten gifft. Se sitt meist up Bööm un Strüker.


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Dictyopharidae: Brief Summary ( bas-saxon )

fourni par wikipedia emerging languages

De Dictyopharidae sünd en Familie mank de Insekten. Dor höört se to de Twuschenornen (Infraordo) vun de Lantüchtendregers (Fulgoromorpha) ut de Unnerornen vun de Zikaden (Auchenorrhyncha) un de Ornen vun de Snavelinsekten (Hemiptera) mit to.

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Dictyopharidae ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Dictyopharidae is a family of planthoppers, related to the Fulgoridae. The family comprises nearly 760 species in more than 150 genera[1] which are grouped into two subfamilies, Dictyopharinae and Orgeriinae.


Like all other fulgoroids, they have the antennae arising on the side of the head below the compound eye (not between the eyes as in the Cicadoidea). Many species have an elongated frons. Those that do not have this elongation may have 2 or 3 carinae (keels). The median ocellus is absent.[2]


Genera are placed in two subfamilies:


Authority: Onuki, 1901; selected genera include:


Authority: Fieber, 1872; the following genera, in four tribes, are included by BioLib.cz:[3]

Almanini Kusnetzov, 1936
  1. Almana Stål, 1861
  2. Bursinia A. Costa, 1862
  3. Cnodalum Emeljanov, 1978
  4. Coppa Emeljanov, 1969
  5. Coppidius Emeljanov, 1969
  6. Haumavarga Oshanin, 1908
  7. Iphicara Emeljanov, 1978
  8. Mesorgerius Kusnezov, 1933
  9. Nymphorgerius Oshanin, 1913
  10. Orgamarella Emeljanov, 1969
  11. Parorgerioides Bergevin, 1928
  12. Scirtophaca Emeljanov, 1969
  13. Sphenarchus Emeljanov, 2003
  14. Tachorga Emeljanov, 1969
  15. Tigrahauda Oshanin, 1908
  16. Tilimontia Emeljanov, 1969
Colobocini Emeljanov, 1969
  1. Colobocus Emeljanov, 1969
Orgeriini Fieber, 1872
  1. Acinaca Ball & Hartzell, 1922
  2. Almanetta Emeljanov, 1999
  3. Aridia Ball & Hartzell, 1922
  4. Austrorgerius Woodward, 1960
  5. Deserta Ball & Hartzell, 1922
  6. Orgamara Ball, 1909
  7. Orgerius Stål, 1859
  8. Ticida Uhler, 1891
  9. Ticrania Emeljanov, 2006
  10. Timonidia Ball & Hartzell, 1922
  11. Yucanda Ball & Hartzell, 1922
  12. Kumlika Oshanin, 1912
  13. Ototettix Oshanin, 1912
Ranissini Emeljanov, 1969
  1. Elysiaca Emeljanov, 1969
  2. Parorgerius Melichar, 1912
  3. Phyllorgerius Kusnezov, 1928
  4. Ranissus Fieber, 1866
  5. Sphenocratus Horváth, 1910

Unplaced and fossil taxa

The following genera are incertae sedis:

  • Mitropodes Baptista, Ferreira & Da-Silva, 2006
  • Mozzela Baptista, Ferreira & Da-Silva, 2006

A number of species are known from the fossil record, which reaches back to the Santonian age of the Late Cretaceous. The oldest fossil, Netutela annunciator belonging to the extinct dictyopharine tribe Netutelini, was described from Taymyr amber on the Taymyr Peninsula of Russia.[4] Younger amber fossils include the amber genus Alicodoxa described from Eocene Baltic and Rovno ambers[5] Compression fossil species include the Ypresian Limfjordia breineri from the Fur Formation in Denmark and the Priabonian Florissantia elegans from the Florissant Formation, Colorado.[4]


  1. ^ Song, Zhi-Shun; Ai-Ping Liang (2011). "Two new genera and two new species of Oriental dictyopharid planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Dictyopharidae) from Sri Lanka and southern India" (PDF). Zootaxa. 2740: 24–34. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.2740.1.2.
  2. ^ Borror, DJ; Triplehorn, CA; Delong, DM (1989). Introduction to the Study of Insects, 6th Edition. Saunders College Publishing. ISBN 0-03-025397-7.
  3. ^ BioLib.cz: Orgeriinae Fieber, 1872 (retrieved 10 July 2021)
  4. ^ a b Szwedo, J. (2008). "A new tribe of Dictyopharidae planthoppers from Eocene Baltic amber (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoroidea), with a brief review of the fossil record of the family". Palaeodiversity. 1: 75–85.
  5. ^ Emeljanov, A. F.; Shcherbakov, D. E. (2011). "A new genus and species of Dictyopharidae (Homoptera) from Rovno and Baltic amber based on nymphs". ZooKeys (130): 175–184. doi:10.3897/zookeys.130.1775. PMC 3260758. PMID 22259275.

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wikipedia EN

Dictyopharidae: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Dictyopharidae is a family of planthoppers, related to the Fulgoridae. The family comprises nearly 760 species in more than 150 genera which are grouped into two subfamilies, Dictyopharinae and Orgeriinae.

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Dictyopharidae ( italien )

fourni par wikipedia IT

Dictyopharidae Spinola, 1839, è una Famiglia comprendente insetti dell'Ordine dei Rincoti Omotteri, Superfamiglia dei Fulgoroidei.


I Dictyopharidae sono insetti di piccole dimensioni. Il capo presenta la regione fronto-clipeale spesso pronunciata in avanti con un vistoso prolungamento, percorsa da 2 o 3 carene longitudinali e provvisto di due ocelli disposti sotto gli occhi e lateralmente rispetto alle carene laterali. Le antenne hanno flagello filiforme e non segmentato e i due articoli prossimali ingrossati. Il rostro ha il segmento terminale più lungo che largo.

Le ali anteriori hanno le nervature del clavo prive di granulazioni e terminanti sul margine posteriore, prima dell'apice del clavo; quelle posteriori hanno la regione anale priva di nervature trasversali. In alcune specie possono mancare le tegule, la cui presenza è invece ricorrente nella generalità dei Fulgoroidei.

Le zampe presentano, come in tutti i Fulgoroidei, le coxe allungate. Quelle posteriori hanno il secondo tarsomero poco sviluppato e terminante con una corona apicale di denti.


I Dictyopharidae sono in generale associati alla vegetazione erbacea e si rinvengono prevalentemente fra l'erba. A differenza di altri Fulgoroidei sono di scarsa importanza economica in quanto poco dannosi.


La famiglia comprende circa 670 specie ripartite in 148 generi[1]. Secondo altre fonti, comprenderebbe circa 490 specie ripartite fra 119 generi[2].

La classificazione tradizionale suddivide la famiglia in due sottofamiglie, a loro volta suddivise in tribù:


La famiglia è distribuita in tutte le regioni zoogeografiche della Terra. La maggior parte delle specie è cosmopolita oppure concentrata nelle regioni paleartica e neartica.

In Italia sono presenti 10 specie appartenenti a 4 differenti generi[3]:

Fra le specie italiane, sono endemiche Bursinia sicula, in Sicilia, e Iphicara globiceps, in Sardegna. Molto comune è invece la Dictyophara europaea, detta "cicaletta nasuta" per il notevole prolungamento della regione fronto-clipeale. Questo insetto, ritenuto non dannoso, si rinviene frequentemente sulle Apiacee[4].


  1. ^ (EN, ES, FR, PT) Family Dictyopharidae Spinola, 1839 , su FLOW, Fulgoromorpha Lists On the Web. URL consultato il 7 agosto 2008.
  2. ^ L.R. Donovall, Entomological Society of America, The phylogenetic relationships among the higher taxa of the Dictyopharidae (Hemiptera:Fulgoroidea), The 2005 ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition. December 15-18, 2005. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 2005. URL consultato l'8 agosto 2008. Abstract.
  3. ^ (EN) Family Dictyopharidae, su Fauna Italia. Checklist of the species of the Italian fauna. URL consultato l'8 agosto 2008.
  4. ^ Ermenegildo Tremblay. Entomologia applicata. Volume II Parte I. 1ª ed. Napoli, Liguori Editore, 1981, 87. ISBN 978-88-207-1025-5.


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Dictyopharidae: Brief Summary ( italien )

fourni par wikipedia IT

Dictyopharidae Spinola, 1839, è una Famiglia comprendente insetti dell'Ordine dei Rincoti Omotteri, Superfamiglia dei Fulgoroidei.

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Lantaarndragers (cicaden) ( néerlandais ; flamand )

fourni par wikipedia NL
Zie artikel Zie Lantaarndragers (vissen) voor de familie van diepzeevissen.


De lantaarndragers (Fulgoridae) vormen een familie van insecten behorende tot de infraorde der Lantaarndragerachtigen (Fulgoromorpha) uit de onderorde cicaden (Auchenorrhyncha) van de orde der halfvleugeligen (Hemiptera).


Deze insecten hebben een eigenaardige voorhoofdsvorm met zich aan de zijkanten van de kop bevindende ogen, vlak boven de antennen. Het borststuk is groot, evenals de met dwarsaderen voorziene vleugels. Op de achtervleugels hebben ze oogvlekken of schrikkleuren ter afschrikking van belagers. De lichaamslengte varieert van 0,8 tot 10 cm.


Het voedsel van deze dieren bestaat in hoofdzaak uit plantensappen. Overdag wordt er gerust en gegeten en 's avonds wordt er gevlogen.


De eieren worden afgezet op een voedselplant en afgedekt met snel verhardend schuim.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Deze familie komt voor in (sub)tropische gebieden met rijke begroeiing, meestal op bomen en struiken.


Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  • David Burnie (2001). Animals, Dorling Kindersley Limited, London. ISBN 90-18-01564-4 (naar het Nederlands vertaald door Jaap Bouwman en Henk J. Nieuwenkamp).
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wikipedia NL

Lantaarndragers (cicaden): Brief Summary ( néerlandais ; flamand )

fourni par wikipedia NL

De lantaarndragers (Fulgoridae) vormen een familie van insecten behorende tot de infraorde der Lantaarndragerachtigen (Fulgoromorpha) uit de onderorde cicaden (Auchenorrhyncha) van de orde der halfvleugeligen (Hemiptera).

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Dictyopharidae ( norvégien )

fourni par wikipedia NO

Dictyopharidae er en familie av sikader, og en del av gruppen Fulgoromorpha.


Små til middelsstore, kompakte, gjerne brunlige eller grønne sikader. Pannen er ofte framskytende som et langt horn, ansiktet mer eller mindre loddrett, gjerne med to eller tre lengdekjøler. Som hos andre Fulgoromorpha er antennene festet på sidene av hodet under fasettøynene. Frambeina er ofte påfallende lange og kraftige. Noen artere har harde, hvelvede forvinger og kan minne overflatisk om biller.

Dictyophara europaea er en av de europeiske artene


Disse sikadene blir ofte funnet mellom gress.


Familien finnes i alle verdensdeler bortsett fra Antarktis, men mangler i Nord-Europa. De fleste artene lever i tropiske områder.

Systematisk inndeling


Eksterne lenker

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Dictyopharidae: Brief Summary ( norvégien )

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Dictyopharidae er en familie av sikader, og en del av gruppen Fulgoromorpha.

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wikipedia NO

Dictyopharidae ( vietnamien )

fourni par wikipedia VI

Dictyopharidae là một họ nằm trong bộ Cánh nửa trong phân Bộ Auchenorrhyncha thuộc phân thứ Bộ Fulgoromorpha. Họ này bao gồm gần 760 loài chứa trong 150 chi.[1]

Tham khảo

  1. ^ Song, Zhi-Shun; Ai-Ping Liang (2011). “Two new genera and two new species of Oriental dictyopharid planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Dictyopharidae) from Sri Lanka and southern India” (PDF). Zootaxa 2740: 24–34. Chú thích sử dụng tham số |coauthor= bị phản đối (trợ giúp)

Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết liên quan đến Bộ Cánh nửa này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.

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Dictyopharidae: Brief Summary ( vietnamien )

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Dictyopharidae là một họ nằm trong bộ Cánh nửa trong phân Bộ Auchenorrhyncha thuộc phân thứ Bộ Fulgoromorpha. Họ này bao gồm gần 760 loài chứa trong 150 chi.

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Носатки (цикадовые) ( russe )

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У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Носатки.
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Первичноротые
Без ранга: Линяющие
Без ранга: Panarthropoda
Надкласс: Шестиногие
Класс: Насекомые
Клада: Paraneoptera
Надотряд: Condylognatha
Подотряд: Цикадовые
Инфраотряд: Fulgoromorpha
Надсемейство: Fulgoroidea
Семейство: Носатки
Международное научное название

Dictyopharidae Spinola, 1839[1]

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 109178NCBI 36155EOL 5421FW 207978

Носатки[2][3] (лат. Dictyopharidae) — семейство равнокрылых насекомых.


Средних размеров, хорошо прыгающие цикадовые. Голова часто вытянута вперёд в виде головного отростка. Передние тазики не доходят до вершины клипеуса. Имаго и личинки ходят, приподнимая переднюю часть тела. Для СССР указывалось 20 родов и 80 видов.[4]


Более 670 видов и 148 родов (или 490 и 119 по другим подсчётам[5]).


  1. Spinola, M. 1839. Essai sur les Fulgorelles, sous-tribu de la tribu des Cicadaires, ordre des Ryngotes. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 8: 133–337.
  2. Стриганова Б. Р., Захаров А. А. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных: Насекомые (латинский-русский-английский-немецкий-французский) / Под ред. д-ра биол. наук, проф. Б. Р. Стригановой. — М.: РУССО, 2000. — С. 39. — 1060 экз.ISBN 5-88721-162-8.
  3. Определитель насекомых европейской части СССР. Том 1. Низшие, древнекрылые, с неполным превращением / под общ. ред. Г. Я. Бей-Биенко. — (В серии: Определители по фауне СССР, издаваемые Зоологическим институтом АН СССР. Вып. 84). — М.-Л.: Наука, 1964. — С. 340. — 936 с.
  4. Определитель насекомых Дальнего востока СССР. Т.2. Равнокрылые и полужесткокрылые. Л., «Наука». 1988. — 972 с. — с.480-482. (Ануфриев Г. А., Емельянов А. Ф. Подотряд Cicadinea (Auchenorrhyncha) — Цикадовые: с.12-495)
  5. L.R. Donovall (2005). Entomological Society of America «The phylogenetic relationships among the higher taxa of the Dictyopharidae (Hemiptera:Fulgoroidea)». The 2005 ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition. December 15—18, 2005. Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
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Носатки (цикадовые): Brief Summary ( russe )

fourni par wikipedia русскую Википедию

Носатки (лат. Dictyopharidae) — семейство равнокрылых насекомых.

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