
Sellerie-Virus Y ( allemand )

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Das Sellerie-Virus Y (wissenschaftlich Apium Virus Y, ApVY) ist ein Pflanzenvirus aus der Gattung Potyvirus. Seine Erstisolierung gelang 2002 in nach Australien invasiv eingewanderten Pflanzen des Gefleckten Schierlings (Conium maculatum).[3] Es wurde in Anbaugebieten für Sellerie (Apium graveolens) in Kalifornien aus zwei verschiedenen Pflanzenarten der Gattung Engelwurzen (Angelica, Familie Apiaceae) isoliert, der Angelica lucida („Wilder Sellerie“) und Angelica genuflexa.[4] Seine bisher nachgewiesenen Verbreitungsgebiete sind neben Australien und Nordamerika Neuseeland[5] und eventuell Europa.

Experimentell können mehrere Pflanzenarten der Familien Doldenblütler (Apiaceae), Fuchsschwanzgewächse (Chenopodiaceae) und Nachtschattengewächse (Solanaceae) infiziert werden. Die in der Natur vorkommende Übertragung auf Doldenblütler geschieht durch die Grüne Pfirsichblattlaus beim Saugakt des Pflanzensaftes. Infizierte Pflanzen zeigen eine Chlorose der Blätter, verkümmerndes und verkrümmtes Wachstum.


Das Genom des Sellerie-Virus Y ist 9917 nt lang und kodiert in einem einzigen Offenen Leserahmen (englisch open reading frame, ORF) für ein Polyprotein von 3184 Aminosäuren. Vergleiche der Genomsequenzen zeigen eine Übereinstimmung von bis etwa 26 bis 53 % zu anderen Potyviren, wobei das nächst verwandte Virus das Sellerie-Mosaik-Virus (englisch Celery mosaic virus, CeMV) darstellt. Mit diesem zeigt es eine serologische Kreuzreaktivität und wird häufig als Koinfektion nachgewiesen.[6]


  • D. Xu et al.: Biological characterization and complete genomic sequence of Apium virus Y infecting celery. Virus Res. (2011) 155(1): S. 76–82 PMID 20833213
  • F. Revers, J. A. García: Molecular biology of potyviruses. (Review) Adv. Virus Res. (2015) 92: S. 101–199 PMID 25701887


  1. a b c d e ICTV: ICTV Taxonomy history: Lily mottle virus, EC 51, Berlin, Germany, July 2019; Email ratification March 2020 (MSL #35)
  2. ICTV Master Species List 2018b.v2. MSL #34, März 2019
  3. J. Moran, B. van Rijswijk, V. Traicevski, E. W. Kitajima, A. M. Mackenzie, A. J. Gibbs: Potyviruses, novel and known, in cultivated and wild species of the family Apiaceae in Australia. Arch. Virol (2002) 147: S. 1855–1967, doi:10.1007/s00705-002-0865-8, PMID 12376749
  4. D. Xu,H. Y. Liu, S. T. Koike, F. Li, R. Li: Biological characterization and complete genomic sequence of Apium virus Y infecting celery. Virus Res. 155(1), 2011, S. 76–82, doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2010.09.002, PMID 20833213
  5. J. Tang et al.: First Report of Apium virus Y in Celery in New Zealand. Plant Disease (2007) 91: S. 1682 doi:10.1094/PDIS-91-12-1682C
  6. Eastwell KC, Glass JR, Seymour LM, Druffel KJ: First Report of Infection of Poison Hemlock and Celery by Apium virus Y in Washington State, in: Plant Dis. 92(12), Dezember 2008, S. 1710. doi:10.1094/PDIS-92-12-1710C, PMID 30764307
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Sellerie-Virus Y: Brief Summary ( allemand )

fourni par wikipedia DE

Das Sellerie-Virus Y (wissenschaftlich Apium Virus Y, ApVY) ist ein Pflanzenvirus aus der Gattung Potyvirus. Seine Erstisolierung gelang 2002 in nach Australien invasiv eingewanderten Pflanzen des Gefleckten Schierlings (Conium maculatum). Es wurde in Anbaugebieten für Sellerie (Apium graveolens) in Kalifornien aus zwei verschiedenen Pflanzenarten der Gattung Engelwurzen (Angelica, Familie Apiaceae) isoliert, der Angelica lucida („Wilder Sellerie“) und Angelica genuflexa. Seine bisher nachgewiesenen Verbreitungsgebiete sind neben Australien und Nordamerika Neuseeland und eventuell Europa.

Experimentell können mehrere Pflanzenarten der Familien Doldenblütler (Apiaceae), Fuchsschwanzgewächse (Chenopodiaceae) und Nachtschattengewächse (Solanaceae) infiziert werden. Die in der Natur vorkommende Übertragung auf Doldenblütler geschieht durch die Grüne Pfirsichblattlaus beim Saugakt des Pflanzensaftes. Infizierte Pflanzen zeigen eine Chlorose der Blätter, verkümmerndes und verkrümmtes Wachstum.

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Apium virus Y ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Apium virus Y (ApVY) is a plant pathogenic virus[1] in the genus Potyvirus and the virus family Potyviridae.

Apium virus Y is a recently described member of the potyvirus family. It was first found in Australia in 2002[2] in poison hemlock (Conium maculatum: an immigrant weed in Australia). A survey of native and weed species in the family Apiaceae found ApVY to be widespread in Australia. In addition, this survey and others found two other potyviruses. One was a well-known potyvirus infecting the Apiaceae, Celery mosaic virus (CeMV). CeMV has been found in celery (Apium graveolens) crops worldwide, including Australia, New Zealand and the US.[3] The third potyvirus found in these surveys was another previously unknown potyvirus, Carrot virus Y (CarVY).

Geographic distribution

Since its sequence was first deposited in GenBank,[4] ApVY has been found in New Zealand,[5] Florida,[6] Washington state[7] and California[8] in the United States, and Turkey.[9]

In New Zealand, it was found in celery in a mixed infection with CeMV.[5] Two different strains of ApVY were found in Washington state, one in domestic celery crops and other in the weed poison hemlock. The one in celery was 98% identical to the Australian nucleotide sequences. The one found in naturally infected poison hemlock was only 91% identical to the sequences from Australia. The later turned out to be 98% identical to the North American isolates found in Florida and California. In turn, the Florida isolate was 90-91% identical to the Australian isolates.[7]

A third strain of this virus has been known in Germany since the early 1990s. Sequences of this virus isolated from parsley (Petroselinum crispum) were 94% identical to the Australian isolate from parsley.

ApVY was recently also found in Balıkesir province of Turkey, and might be distributed widely there as all 10 symptomatic parsley samples were tested positive using RT-PCR detection method. The study also successfully generated a new pair of primer for amplification of 1066 bp of ApVY genome, including the complete coat protein (CP) gene. Three of the four sequenced Turkish isolates shared a common ancestor with two Slovenian isolates which placed them in the same phylogenetic group, while another one was grouped with five USA isolates.[9]

Host range and symptoms

In addition to cultivated celery and parsley, and the weed poison hemlock, natural ApVY infections have been identified in sea celery (Apium prostratum), cilantro (Coriandrum sativum), and bishop's weed (Ammi majus). It has been found to be transmitted by aphid to celeriac (celery root, Apium graveolens var. rapaceum) cultivars in California.[10] All are members of the plant family Apiaceae. In another host range study, the virus causes local lesions and other symptoms on Chenopodium quinoa, Blitum capitatum, and Beta macrocarpa which belong to Amaranthaceae.[11]

Symptoms reported included mosaic, vein clearing or banding, necrotic/chlorotic line patterns and stunting. Some samples of parsley, celery and poison hemlock, that gave positive results in tests, however, were asymptomatic.


  1. ^ "About Plant Viruses / Florida Plant Viruses / Florida Plant Viruses and Their Inclusions / Science / Plant Industry / Divisions & Offices / Home - Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services". www.freshfromflorida.com. Archived from the original on 10 October 2014. Retrieved 31 January 2018.
  2. ^ Moran, J. et al., 2002. Potyviruses, novel and known, in cultivated and wild species of the family Apiaceae in Australia. Arch. Virol 147:1855-1967.
  3. ^ Descriptions of Plant Viruses Celery mosaic virus
  4. ^ "Apium virus Y strain conium maculatum polyprotein gene, partial cds - Nucleotide - NCBI". www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. 30 September 2001.
  5. ^ a b J. Tang, G. R. G. Clover, and B. J. R. Alexander 2007. First Report of Apium virus Y in Celery in New Zealand, Plant Disease 91: 1682
  6. ^ Baker, C.A., Rosskopf, E.N., Irey, M.S., Jones, L., Adkins, S.T. 2008. Bidens mottle virus and Apium virus Y identified in Ammi majus in Florida Plant Disease. 92:6:975.
  7. ^ a b K. C. Eastwell, J. R. Glass, L. M. Seymour, and K. J. Druffel. 2008. First Report of Infection of Poison Hemlock and Celery by Apium virus Y in Washington State Plant Disease 92: 1710.
  8. ^ T. Tian, H.-Y. Liu, and S. T. Koike. 2008. First Report of Apium virus Y on Cilantro, Celery, and Parsley in California. Plant Dis. 92:1254
  9. ^ a b Karanfil, Ali; Sarı, Merve; Randa‐Zelyüt, Filiz; Santosa, Adyatma Irawan; Korkmaz, Savaş (January 2022). "First report of Apium virus Y infecting Petroselinum crispum in Turkey". New Disease Reports. 45 (1): e12059. doi:10.1002/ndr2.12059. S2CID 246708143.
  10. ^ Koike, Steven T.; Liu, Hsing-Yeh; Sears, John; Tian, Tongyan; Daugovish, Oleg; Dara, Surendra (May 2012). "Distribution, Cultivar Susceptibility, and Epidemiology of Apium virus Y on Celery in Coastal California". Plant Disease. 96 (5): 612–617. doi:10.1094/PDIS-08-11-0704.
  11. ^ Xu, Donglin; Liu, Hsing-Yeh; Koike, Steven T.; Li, Fan; Li, Ruhui (January 2011). "Biological characterization and complete genomic sequence of Apium virus Y infecting celery". Virus Research. 155 (1): 76–82. doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2010.09.002.

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Apium virus Y: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Apium virus Y (ApVY) is a plant pathogenic virus in the genus Potyvirus and the virus family Potyviridae.

Apium virus Y is a recently described member of the potyvirus family. It was first found in Australia in 2002 in poison hemlock (Conium maculatum: an immigrant weed in Australia). A survey of native and weed species in the family Apiaceae found ApVY to be widespread in Australia. In addition, this survey and others found two other potyviruses. One was a well-known potyvirus infecting the Apiaceae, Celery mosaic virus (CeMV). CeMV has been found in celery (Apium graveolens) crops worldwide, including Australia, New Zealand and the US. The third potyvirus found in these surveys was another previously unknown potyvirus, Carrot virus Y (CarVY).

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