
Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par North American Flora
Eriophyllum biternatum Rydberg, sp. nov
A low shrub, about 2 dm. high; branches erect, slender, rather loosely floccose; leaves opposite, 1.5-2 cm. long, white-tomentose beneath, floccose above, ternately divided about half their length into narrow, linear, usually again 3-cleft divisions, with revolute margins; heads in small corymbs, short-peduncled; main peduncle 2-5 cm. long; involucre campanulate, about 4 mm. high, loosely floccose; bracts about 5, broadly obovate; ray-flowers as many; ligules orange, 4 mm. long and nearly as wide; disk-corollas nearly 3 mm. long; tube glandular-puberulent, shorter than the throat; achenes 2 mm. long, sparingly hispidulous; squamellae 6-8, narrowly oblong, erose, nearly 1 mm. long.
Type collected on Kern River, Tulare County, California, August 2, 1904, Culbertson CBaker distribution number) 4452 (herb. N. Y. Bot. Gard.).
Distribution: Tulare and San Bernardino counties, California.
citation bibliographique
Per Axel Rydberg. 1915. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; HELENIEAE, TAGETEAE. North American flora. vol 34(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora