
Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cycloleberis lobiancoi (Müller, 1893)

Cylindroleberis Lobianci Müller, 1893:359; 1894:23, 37, 45 (fig. 3), 47, 72, 159, 218, 220, 221, pl. 4: figs. 40, 42; pl. 5: figs. 2, 3, 26, 32, 34, 40; pl. 37: figs. 31, 32, 43; pl. 40: figs. 36, 42, 44.—Brady and Norman, 1896:623.—Not Sharpe, 1908:401, 424, 425, pl. 63, pl. 65: figs. 3–7.

Cyclasterope lobianci.—Müller, 1906:33.

Cyclasterope lobiancoi.—Müller, 1912:48, 49 [part].—Müller, 1927:406, 412, 431, figs. 352, 353, 362.—Puri, 1963:2.- Reys, 1965:256, 258.—Not Barney, 1921:179, fig, 2.—Not Klie, 1943:50, figs. 1–4.

Cycloleberis Lobiancoi.—Skogsberg, 1920:437, 438, 442. [Skogsberg said that this species probably belongs in Cycloleberis.]

Cycloleberis lobiancoi.—Poulsen, 1965:238, 243–245, 276.—Hartmann, 1966:129, fig. 106c; 1967:342, 389, figs. 206, 248.—Kornicker, 1974:52, figs. 23–26; 1975b: 13.

Cycoleberis lobiancoi.—Hanai, 1959:425.

Cyclasterope (Cycloleberis) lobiancoi.—Sylvester-Bradley, 1961: Q402.

HOLOTYPE.—None selected.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Gulf of Naples.

MATERIAL.—No new material.

DISTRIBUTION.—Mediterranean: Gulf of Naples, Gulf of Marseille (Figure 19). Depth range 10–30 m.

DIAGNOSIS.—First antenna: sensory bristle of adult female with 2 short proximal filaments.

Second Antenna: 1st endopodial joint of adult female with 3 short proximal filaments.

Maxilla: Dorsal margin of basale of adult female with 8 distal bristles.

Sixth Limb: Adult female with 4 or 5 epipodial bristles.

COMMENT ON SPECIFIC NAME.—I have followed common usage in using C. lobiancoi; however, according to the present rules of nomenclature, the original spelling in which the final “o” is ommitted should be retained.

Cycloleberis species indeterminate

MATERIAL.—11 juveniles from station 103, Babel Mandeb, USNM 157800.

Leuroleberis, new genus

ETYMOLOGY.—The generic name from the Greek leuros (smooth) plus leberis (sloughed skin) in reference to the smooth rim around the anterior margin of the rostrum of the genus. Gender feminine.

TYPE-SPECIES.—Leuroleberis sharpei, new species.

DISTRIBUTION.—L. sharpei: off west coast of California and Baja California, and off Alaska (?). L. orbicularis: off coast of Chile. L. zealandica. New Zealand. L. poulseni: off Atlantic coast of Argentina. L. mackenziei: Australia (Figure 23). Depth range intertidal to 146.3 m.

COMPOSITION.—This genus contains the following species: Leuroleberis zealandica (Baird, 1850b), L. orbicularis (Brady, 1897), L. poulseni (Moguilevsky and Ramirez, 1970, L. mackenziei, new species, L. sharpei, new species.

DIAGNOSIS.—Anterior margin of rostrum with bordering rim with smooth inner edge.

Ornamentation: Surface with shallow fossae bearing short bristle emerging from closed pore; bottom of fossae with reticulate structure; ridges anterior to fossae extending well past end of fossae on all species except L. sharpei.

First Antenna: 5th joint: dorsal margin without teeth or nodes; sensory bristle with 2–4 short proximal filaments and 12–15 long terminal filaments (L. sharpei differs in having 6–8 short proximal and 7–8 long terminal filaments). 7th joint: a-bristle clawlike, bare.

Fifth Limb: Dorsal margin of comb of adult male with only 1 process (adult males known only for L. sharpei, L. zealandica, and L. mackenziei).

Furca: Each lamella with 3 stout claws followed by 8–10 secondary bristlelike claws.

COMPARISONS.—This genus differs from Cycloleberis in not having a scalloped rim bordering the anterior margin of the rostrum, and from Alphaleberis in having a clawlike a-bristle on the 1st antenna.
citation bibliographique
Kornicker, Louis S. 1981. "Revision, Distribution, Ecology, and Ontogeny of the Ostracode Subfamily Cyclasteropinae (Myodocopina: Cylindroleberididae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-548. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.319

Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cycloleberis lobiancoi (Müller, 1894)

Cylindroleberis lobianci Müller, 1894:220, pl. 4: figs. 40, 42, pl. 5: figs. 2–3, 26, 32. 34, 40, pl. 40: figs. 36, 42, 44, [not Sharpe, 1908:424, pl. 63: figs. 1–5, pl. 65: figs. 3–7].

Cyclasterope lobiancoi.—Müller, 1912:48 [key, diagnosis].—Klie, 1943:49, figs. 1–4[?].—Pun, 1963:2 [listed].—Keys, 1965b:256, 258 [listed].

Cycloleberis lobiancoi.—Skogsberg, 1920:437, 442 [discussion].—Poulsen, 1965:238 [discussion], 245 [key].

Cyclasterope (Cycloleberis) lobiancoi.—Sylvester-Bradley, 196I:Q402 [revision].

Not Cyclasterope lobiancoi.—Barney, 1921:179, fig. 2.

MATERIAL.—One adult without eggs from station B31 Gulf of Naples; collected by Harbans S. Puri and Gioacchino Bonaduce. Presently with some appendages on slides, and remaining appendages and valves in alcohol, all in collection of Zoological Station of Naples.

DISTRIBUTION.—Mediterranean: Gulf of Naples, Gulf of Marseille (Reys, 1965b:258). Questionably in Atlantic Ocean off northwest Africa (Klie, 1943: 50).
citation bibliographique
Kornicker, Louis S. 1974. "Revision of the Cypridinacea of the Gulf of Naples (Ostracoda)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-64. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.178