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Grubeulepis sulcatisetis (Jones 1962)

Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Grubeulepis sulcatisetis (Jones, 1962)

Pareulepis sulcatisetis Jones, 1962:174, figs. 1–27.

Grubeulepis sulcatisetis.—Pettibone, 1969:37.
citation bibliographique
Pettibone, Marian H. 1986. "Additions to the family Eulepethidae Chamberlin (Polychaeta: Aphroditacea)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-51. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.441

Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Grubeulepis sulcatisetis (Jones)

Pareulepis sulcatisetis Jones, 1962, p. 174, figs. 1-27.—Hartman, 1965, p. 15.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Green Bay, Jamaica, West Indies, 11 February 1960, I. M. Goodbody, collector—holotype and paratype (AMNH 3605, 3606).

DESCRIPTION.—Length 9.5-10 mm, width, including setae, 2.4 mm, segments 32. Elytra 12 pairs, becoming more elongate posteriorly; first pair with anterior fringe of minute papillae (about 7); rest of elytra with variable number digitiform processes (4-10) arranged between anterior and posterior rounded lobes; some of processes on more anterior elytra biarticulate, some on posterior elytra tripartite (Figures 8-11, in Jones, 1962). Branchiae 10 pairs, inflated, with distal branchial cirrus (Figure 7, B-E, in Jones, 1962). Dorsal cirri, on segments 3 and 6, subulate (Figures 3, 6, 7,A, in Jones, 1962). Posterior

lamellae pyriform, beginning on segment 26 (Figure 7, F-H, in Jones, 1962).

Prostomium covered by segment II and attached middorsally by more than half its length; median and lateral antennae subequal, short, conical; 3 pairs small eyes (Figures 1,2, in Jones, 1962). Tentacular parapodia (I) with dorsal and ventral tentacular cirri subequal in length (Figure 4, in Jones, 1962).

Neurosetae of several kinds: 1-2 upper pectinate setae; bilimbate and unilimbate capillaries; slender capillaries on lower posterior face of neuropodia; without acicular setae in some anterior segments. Upper neurosetae of posterior segments stouter than lower neurosetae, bent downward, spinous along bend, with tips scoop-shaped (Figures 24, 25, in Jones, 1962). Pharynx with about 14 pairs distal papillae (15+18—Jones) and 2 pairs chitinous plates (no definite teeth).

DISTRIBUTION.—West Indies (Jamaica).
citation bibliographique
Pettibone, Marian H. 1969. "Revision of the Aphroditoid Polychaetes of the family Eulepethidae Chamberlin (=Eulepidinae Darboux; = Pareulepidae Hartman)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-44. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.41