Image de <i>Subancistrocerus compressus</i> Li & Chen
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Subancistrocerus compressus Li & Chen


fourni par Journal of Hymenoptera Research
Female (Figs 1, 3): body length 5.0 mm, forewing length 5.5 mm. Black, with the following parts yellow: apex of ocular sinus, postocular spot, interantennal spot, scape ventrally, clypeus except medial dark brown spot (Fig. 3), contiguous triangular pronotal spots, parategula, nearly coterminous spots of metanotum, and apical bands of T1 and T2; antennae ventrally except scape yellow to brown; mandible basally white and apically dark ferruginous; tegula and tibiae outside brownish yellow; apical margin of fore femur to apex of tarsi largely brown, and other parts of legs dark brown. Head. Frons densely punctate and reticulate; clypeus with silvery setae, sparsely punctate and medially with longitudinal depression, length of clypeus: width = 29:34, clypeal margin emarginate, laterally angulate, and apical width: depth of emargination = 1:0.1; length of A3: width = 4:3, length of A4 equal to width, length of A5: width = 6:7. Mesosoma. Length of mesosoma: width = 19:12; pronotal carina somewhat rounded laterally; pronotum, scutum, scutellum and mesopleuron except posteriorly densely punctate, the punctures obviously larger and deeper than those on head; punctures on metanotum sparser than those on other parts of thorax, left and right parts of metanotum contiguously tiled, metapleuron impunctate and somewhat coriaceous; propodeum coarse, with lateral carina and densely reticulate ridges, side somewhat coriaceous. Metasoma. Width of T1: length = 7.1:5.0, T1 and T2 densely punctate, S1 impunctate and coriaceous, punctures on S2 sparser than those on T1, T2 subapically somewhat depressed, T1, T2 and S2 with lamellate apical margin, respectively. Male. Body length 5.0 mm, forewing length 6.0 mm. Sculpture, punctuation, setae, and coloration similar to those of female except as follows: clypeus entirely whitish yellow (Figs 3–4); mandible largely whitish yellow; spots on pronotum and metanotum smaller and separated (Fig. 2); mid tarsomere 1 and hind tarsomere 1 whitish yellow, remaining tarsi ferruginous, mid tibia and base of hind tibia with one long whitish yellow elliptic spot, respectively; clypeus medially convex and without depression, length equal to width; length of A4: width = 5:4, length of A5: width = 8:9, A4–A9 laterally with carina-like prominences and ventrally without concavities, A11–A12 ventrally concave, length of A11: width = 17:15, A13 broad, foliaceous, its apex rounded and reaching the basis of A11 and not covering A10 (Figs 5–6), length of A13: width = 18:11; punctures on frons deeper than those in female; metanotum narrower than that in female; fore femur basally with anteroventral compression (Figs 9–10); fore tarsomere 1 longer than the following segments together (Figs 7–8); mid fore tarsomere 1 curved downward (Fig. 11); width of T1: length = 7.6:5.5, S1 basally depressed, apical depression of T2 less obvious than in female.
droit d’auteur
Ting-jing Li, Bin Chen
citation bibliographique
Li T, Chen B (2014) Description of two new Chinese Subancistrocerus de Saussure (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae), with a key to the Chinese species Journal of Hymenoptera Research (39): 47–57
Ting-jing Li
Bin Chen


fourni par Journal of Hymenoptera Research
China (Yunnan).
droit d’auteur
Ting-jing Li, Bin Chen
citation bibliographique
Li T, Chen B (2014) Description of two new Chinese Subancistrocerus de Saussure (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae), with a key to the Chinese species Journal of Hymenoptera Research (39): 47–57
Ting-jing Li
Bin Chen