
Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cylindroleberis kliei

Asterope grimaldi Skogsberg.—Klie, 1940:409.

Cylindroleberis grimaldi (Skogsberg, 1920).—Hartmann and Schröder, 1974a:35,36,41,46,50,70,76,77; 1974b:232; 1975:360, table 4.

HOLOTYPE.—Klie specimen number 1, ovigerous female, length 1.78 mm, Hamburg Zoological Museum. Appendages on 2 slides and in alcohol; valves in alcohol.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Lüderitz Bay, South-West Africa.

ETYMOLOGY.—The species is named for Dr. Walter Klie.

ALLOTYPE.—Klie specimen number 2, adult male, length 1.95 mm, Hamburg Zoological Museum; from type-locality. Appendages on 2 slides and in alcohol; valves in alcohol.

PARATYPES.—44 specimens, including ovigerous females and juvenile males and females; Hamburg Zoological Museum.

DISTRIBUTION.—In addition to the type-locality, Hartmann and Shröder (1975:360, table 4) reported the species as Cylindroleberis grimaldi (Skogsberg, 1920) sensu Klie, 1940, from Langabaan, Velddrift, Kometji, False Bay, and Knysna, Union of South Africa. I have not seen those specimens.

Material: Through Dr. Gerd Hartmann, I received from the Hamburg Zoological Museum a vial containing 46 specimens and 2 labels: “09.” and “Asterope grimaldi Skogsberg, D.S.W. Africa: Lüderitz Bucht, February 1938. Coll. v. Levetzow.” All species have been referred herein to Cylindroleberis kliei, new species. I have labeled the holotype “Klie speciemen number 1” and the allotype “Klie specimen number 2.”

DESCRIPTION OF FEMALE (Figures 1–3).—Carapace elongate with slightly convex dorsal and ventral margins (Figure 1a); anterior margin evenly rounded with slitlike incisur below valve middle; posterior almost evenly rounded; surface smooth.

Infold: Infold behind rostrum with about 5 bristles along list near incisur, about 7 bristles forming row ventral to list near inner end of incisur, and about 50 long bristles and many small bristles dorsal to list; about 35 long bristles and about 29 small bristles on broad anteroventral infold ventral to incisur; about 40 bristles forming row along ventral infold to point opposite lowermost hyaline flaplike bristle on posterior list. List beginning near inner margin of anterior part of infold, extending along ventral infold and continuing on posterior infold where it broadens; posterior list with about 27 broad transparent bristles with tubes at their bases and about 57 slender bristles, generally 2 but sometimes 3 or 4 bristles between each pair of transparent bristles (Figure 1b); 28 bristles present in ventral part of posterior infold between broad posterior list and valve edge; 2 additional bristles present in dorsal corner of posterior infold posterior to broad list; middle of posterior infold with 5 processes, each process with several pores posterior to base.

Size: Holotype, Klie specimen number 1, length 1.78 mm, height 0.98 mm. Four ovigerous females: length 1.74 mm, height 0.89 mm; length 1.73 mm, height 0.84 mm; length 1.72 mm, height 0.84 mm; length 1.72 mm, height 0.88 mm.

First antenna (Figure 1c): 1st joint with long hairs on medial and lateral surfaces; 2nd joint with short spinous lateral bristle and long stout subterminal dorsal bristle on widest part of joint; lateral surface with spines forming rows proximally near dorsal margin; medial surface also with rows of spines; 3rd joint with minute ventral bristle and 6 long spinous dorsal bristles (5th and 6th bristles adjacent to each other, remaining bristles isolated); 3rd plus 4th joints quadrate, separated by indistinct suture; distal margin of 4th joint only slightly curved; ventral margin spinous and with 2 bristles (medial of these reaching middle of 6th joint; lateral bristle almost reaching end of stem); dorsal margin with spinous terminal bristle; 5th joint: sensory bristle with 1 short proximal filament and 6 long terminal filaments; lateral surface with short spines forming row on distal dorsal corner; 6th joint with 1 long spinous medial bristle; lateral surface with short spines forming row near middle and along distal margin. Seventh joint: a-claw short with a few minute teeth distally along ventral margin; b-bristle stout with 3 marginal and 2 terminal filaments including tip; c-bristle reaching past sensory bristle, with 3 marginal filaments and bifurcate tip. Eighth joint: d-bristle represented by minute spine; e-bristle bare, about two-thirds length of c-bristle, slightly shorter than b-bristle; f-bristle bent dorsally, with 4 spinous marginal filaments and bifurcate tip (part of bristle distal to the 4 marginal filaments with marginal spines); g-bristle similar to c-bristle.

Second antenna: Protopodite with spines along dorsal margin, on lateral surface near dorsal margin and on distal half of medial surface; distal medial bristle on protopodite minute or absent (Figure 1e). Endopodite 3-jointed but with suture between 1st and 2nd joints indicated only by division in weakly sclerotized exoskeleton (Figure 1d); terminal bristle longer than stem, reaching to about 5th joint of exopodite. Exopodite: joints 2–8 with short spines forming row along distal margin; bristle of 2nd joint reaching just past 9th joint, with short spines forming dense row along ventral margin; bristles of joints 3–8 with spines along proximal ventral margin and with natatory hairs; 9th joint with 2 long stout bristles with proximal ventral spines and natatory hairs, 2 short bristles with short marginal spines, and stout lateral spine about seven-eighths length of 9th joint; joints 3–8 with basal spines (spine on 8th joint about one-half length of 9th joint, spines on other joints smaller).

Mandible (Figure 2a,b): Coxale endite: ventral branch with spines forming 4 oblique rows, and with 3 minute teeth at tip (Figure 2b); minute bristle present near base of ventral branch; ventral margin of dorsal branch with double node followed by 2 single prominent nodes and 1 or 2 low nodes and short main spine; posterior margin of main spine and margin of branch between spine and tip of branch with minute spines; exact locality of base of dorsal terminal bristle difficult to ascertain on specimen examined. Basale: endite with usual 4 pectinate end bristles, short glandular peg, 2 short dwarf bristles, and 3 triaenid bristles with 3 or 4 pairs of marginal spines excluding terminal pair; ventral margin of basale near base of endite and proximal to U-shaped depression with 1 triaenid bristle with about 3 pairs of marginal spines excluding terminal pair; dorsal margin of basale with 3 or 4 short midbristles with bases on medial surface of basale, and 2 spinous terminal bristles (these also with bases on medial surface of basale); lateral surface of basale with numerous spines forming rows. Exopodite: very small, about one-fourth length of dorsal margin of 1st endopodite joint, hirsute, with 2 short terminal bristles. Endopodite: 1st joint with 3 stout spinous ventral bristles; ventral margin of 2nd joint with 3 spinous terminal bristles; dorsal margin with 1 short proximal bristle and stout spinous a-, b-, c-, and d-bristles; no lateral bristle between b- and c-bristles; 1 short spinous medial cleaning bristle present just distal to base of b-bristle; 2 oblique rows of 3 and 5 medial cleaning bristles between b- and d-bristles; 1 long spinous medial bristle present just distal to base of d-bristle; 1 long spinous lateral bristle present between c- and d-bristles; medial surface of 2nd joint with few rows of short spines; end joint with straight dorsal claw and 5 bristles (3 long, stout; 1 long, slender, and 1 short, slender).

Maxilla (Figure 2c): Epipodial appendage hirsute with tip reaching middle of dorsal margin of basale; endite I with 4 bristles, 3 long, 1 short; endite II with 3 long bristles. Basale hirsute with hairs on medial surface and dorsal margin; medial surface with 1 proximal and 1 distal bristle, the latter almost on dorsal margin; ventral margin with 1 short proximal bristle, 1 short distal bristle, and 1 long spinous terminal bristle; lateral surface with 1 short proximal bristle. Endopodite: 1st joint with 1 short dorsal bristle and 1 long beta-bristle with faint marginal spines; end joint with 1 long spinous bristle extending just past betabristle.

Fifth limb: Epipodial appendage with about 75 spinous bristles; comb with 2 short lateral bristles ventral to base of stout exopodial bristle; 2 pairs of lateral bristles present near middle of ventral margin of comb; 2 ventral bristles near distal end of comb with bases more proximally located on comb than bases of remaining ventral bristles.

Sixth limb (Figure 3a): Medial surface with minute bristle in anterodorsal corner more than usual distance from anterior margin; anterior margin with 1 upper and 1 lower bristle, both with marginal spines; anteroventral corner with 6 spinous bristles plus I spinous bristle on lateral flap; posteroventral margin with 25 spinous bristles; medial surface, anterior, ventral, and posterior margins hirsute.

Seventh limb (Figure 3b): Proximal and distal groups each with 6 bristles (3 + 3), each with 3 to 5 bells; terminus consisting of opposing combs, each with about 20 spinous teeth.

Furca (Figure 3f): Each lamella with 9 claws; posterior claw bent backward, most claws with teeth along posterior margins and slender spines along anterior margins; a few distal teeth along posterior margins longer than others; short spines present along lamella following claws.

Rod-shaped organ (Figure 3d): Elongate, slightly broader in middle, tip rounded.

Eyes: Medial eye bare, pigmented (Figure 3d); lateral eye pigmented, about same size as medial eye, with about 20 ommatidia (Figure 3c).

Posterior: Dorsum spinous forming small broad projecting process; posterior with long hairs (Figure 3f).

Upper lip (Figure 3e): Consisting of 2 hirsute lobes and hirsute lateral flap on each side; no spines observed.

Genitalia: Genitalia and brush organ not observed.

Eggs: Holotype, Klie specimen number 1, with 13 eggs in marsupium.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT MALE (Figures 4, 5).—Carapace differing from that of female in being larger, having a sloping dorsal margin, and hairs forming a verticle row near posterior margin (Figure 4a).

Infold: Not examined.

Central muscle scars: Consisting of about 12 individual ovoid scars (Figure 4b).

Size: Allotype, Klie specimen number 2, length 1.95 mm, height 1.03 mm.

First antenna (Figure 4c): First joint with long hairs on medial surface near ventral margin; 2nd joint with 1 spinous lateral bristle, 1 spinous distal bristle on dorsal margin, and short spines forming rows on medial and lateral surfaces; 3rd joint with minute ventral bristle and 6 spinous dorsal bristles (5th and 6th bristles adjacent to each other, remaining bristles isolated; proximal bristle separated from second bristle by long space); 4th joint distinctly separated from 3rd, with 1 spinous bristle near middle of dorsal margin and 2 short, slender, terminal bristles on ventral margin; 5th joint short, not reaching dorsal margin of limb, with stout sensory bristle with abundant filaments (approximately 6 filaments at tip stouter than others); long 6th joint with spinous medial bristle near dorsal margin. Seventh joint: short a-claw with distal teeth along ventral margin; b-bristle with 5 marginal filaments; long c-bristle with 25 marginal filaments. Eighth joint: d-bristle absent; e-bristle bare, about three-fourths length of b-bristle; long f-bristle with 25 marginal filaments; g-bristle with 6 marginal filaments.

Second antenna: Protopodite with minute distomedial bristle (Figure 4e), but without spines present on protopodite of female. Endopodite 3-jointed (Figure 4d): 1st joint elongate, bare; 2nd joint with 3 distal bristles on ventral margin near minute protuberance; proximal bristle of recurved 3rd joint with straight proximal part terminating in small node; tip of 3rd joint with 10 serrations. Exopodite (Figure 4f): 1st joint with hairs on lateral side near distal end; joints 2 to 8 with minute basal spine and long hairs forming row near inner edge of distal margin; bristle of 2nd joint reaching well past 9th joint and with natatory hairs, no spines; bristles of joints 3–8 without spines, but with natatory hairs; joint 9 with 2 long and 1 medium bristle, all with natatory hairs; lateral spine not observed on 9th joint.

Mandible (Figure 4g): Dorsal bristle near tip of dorsal branch of coxale endite with base set back from tip of branch (this was not seen clearly on female holotype), endite otherwise similar to that of female. Basale: 4 spinous end bristles of endite weakly developed; 2 triaenid bristles of endite also weakly developed but with more pairs of marginal spines (about 23) than on bristles of female; endite with 2 dwarf bristles and weakly developed glandular process; ventral margin of basale proximal to U-shaped depression with 1 weakly developed triaenid bristle near base of endite with about 20 pairs of marginal spines; dorsal margin of basale with 4 short midbristles and 2 spinous terminal bristles. Exopodite similar to that of female. Endopodite: 1st joint and ventral margin of 2nd joint similar to that of female; dorsal margin of 2nd joint with 3 short proximal bristles and stout spinous a-, b-, c-, and d-bristles; 4 cleaning bristles forming oblique row on medial side between b- and c-bristles; 6 cleaning bristles forming oblique row on medial side starting near base of c-bristle; 1 long lateral bristle present between c-, and d-bristles; 1 long medial bristle present just distal to base of d-bristle; end joint similar to that of female.

Maxilla (Figure 4h), 5th limb (Figure 5a): Similar to that of female.

Sixth limb (Figure 5b): Anteroventral corner with 5 spinous bristles plus 1 spinous bristle on lateral flap; limb otherwise similar to that of female.

Seventh limb (Figure 5c): Similar to that of female, except bristles with 2 to 5 bells.

Furca (Figure 5d,e) rod-shaped organ (Figure 5g): Similar to that of female.

Eyes: Medial eye similar to that of female (Figure 5g); lateral eye about one-third larger than that of female, with 21 ommatidia (Figure 5f).

Posterior, upper lip (Figure 5h): Similar to that of female.

Copulatory appendage: Elongate, paired, with triangular-shaped tip and few minute bristles (Figure 5d).

Y-sclerite: With slight curvature and small projection proximally on ventral margin and distally on dorsal margin (Figure 5i).

Parasites: Allotype with 1 choniostomatid copepodite inside carapace.

Comparisons: Only two other species of Cylindroleberis have as many as 3 midbristles on the dorsal margin of the mandibular basale: Cylindroleberis verrucosa (Poulsen, 1965:440), and Cylindroleberis thailandica (Poulsen, 1965:444). The new species, C. kliei, differs from both species in having more bristles on the posterior infold between the list and edge of valve, and in having processes on the posterior infold. The carapace of C. kliei also differs from that of C. verrucosa in not having teeth along the lower margin of the incisur.

Parasterope Poulsen, 1965

Two vials containing 78 specimens identified as Asterope muelleri Skogsberg by W. Klie were received from the Hamburg Zoological Museum. These had been collected in Lüderitz Bay in February, 1938, by Dr. v. Levetzow. Klie (1940) had reported 97 specimens of A. muelleri from that locality. This indicates that the specimens I studied represent the bulk of the collection. I divided the specimens into three groups: one group consists of 48 specimens of Parasterope beta, new species; a second group consists of 3 specimens of Parasterope kappa, new species; and a third group consists of 27 specimens, mostly juveniles, of Parasterope species indeterminate. All specimens were returned to the Hamburg Zoological Museum.

The two new species bring the number of species of Parasterope reported from the western coast of Africa to 7. Of the 7, only 4 have adult females with tumid (pear-shaped) carapaces in lateral view. Because the new species are easily distinguishable from the nontumid species on shape of carapace, the key above is just for tumid species.
citation bibliographique
Kornicker, Louis S. 1976. "Myodocopid Ostracoda from Southern Africa." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-39. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.214

Cylindroleberis kliei ( néerlandais ; flamand )

fourni par wikipedia NL

Cylindroleberis kliei is een mosselkreeftjessoort uit de familie van de Cylindroleberididae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1976 door Kornicker.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. WoRMS (2013). Cylindroleberis kliei Kornicker, 1976. In: Brandão, S. N.; Angel, M. V.; Karanovic, I. (2013) World Ostracoda Database. Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=451092
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