
Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Tetraleberis triplex

ETYMOLOGY.—From the Latin triplex (threefold) in reference to the 2nd joint of the 1st antenna of the female having 3 dorsal bristles.

HOLOTYPE.—Undissected adult female in alcohol, AMP39205.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Lizard Island, Australia, patch reef at northern entrance to Blue Lagoon, sta QLD 300, depth 3 or 4 m, 1 Feb 1989, baited cone trap.

PARATYPES.—Davies Reef: USNM 194117, ovigerous female on slide and in alcohol. Lizard Island, Blue Lagoon, sample 5: USNM 194118, dissected adult female in alcohol. Lizard Island, patch reef, sta QLD 299: AM P39204, partly dissected adult female in alcohol, deposited in The Australian Museum.

DISTRIBUTION.—Blue Lagoon, Lizard Island, Australia (QLD-299, QLD-300, 1989, and sample 5, 1987). Davies Reef (lagoon floor), Central Great Barrier Reef, Australia.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figures 63, 64).—Carapace shape, ornamentation, infold, and vestment similar to those characters of T. pix, except with fewer hair-like bristles (not shown) in anteroventral quarter of shell outer surface (Figure 63a).

Central Adductor Muscle Attachments (Figure 63b): Typical for subfamily.

Carapace Size (length (L), height (H), in mm): AM P39205 (holotype), L = 3.3, H = 2.8. USNM 194117, L = 3.04, H = 2.49. USNM 194118, L = 3.2, H = 2.5. AM P39204, L = 3.2, H = 2.5.

First Antenna (Figure 63c–e): 1st joint: ventral margin with few hairs; medial side with 12 spines and long hairs forming row parallel and close to ventral margin, and distal hairs at midheight and in dorsal corner (Figure 63d); lateral side with numerous long distal hairs in dorsal corner (Figure 63c). 2nd joint: ventral margin with long hairs; medial side with long hairs near ventral margin and proximally near dorsal margin (Figure 63d); dorsal margin with 3 spinous bristles; lateral side with few long distal hairs in ventral corner and row of 4 slender distal bristles (Figure 63c). 3rd joint: short ventral margin with small bare ringed bristle (Figure 63c); long dorsal margin with 12 spinous bristles and with long sclerites perpendicular to dorsal margin between bases of bristles (outlines of sclerites dashed in Figure 63c); lateral side with 2 hairs near base of 3rd dorsal bristle. 4th joint: ventral margin with 5 ringed terminal bristles (4 short bare, about length of 5th joint, and 1 very long spinous); dorsal margin with 1 long spinous terminal bristle; medial side with few indistinct distal hairs in dorsal corner. 5th joint: sensory bristle with 6 or 7 short proximal filaments and 9 long stout terminal filaments (Figure 63e); dorsal margin with stout triangular process at midlength; medial side bare or with few long distal hairs in dorsal corner; lateral side bare. 6th joint with long spinous medial ringed bristle shorter than bristle of 5th joint (not shown). 7th joint: a-bristle claw-like; b-bristle not shown, reaching tip of terminal filaments of bristle of 5th joint, with 10 marginal filaments each with terminal papilla; c-bristle not shown, about longer than b-bristle, with 14 marginal filaments; minute lateral pore present proximal to base of c-bristle. 8th joint: d- and e-bristles same length as b-bristle, bare with blunt tips, and both on small pedestal with minute lateral pore; f-bristle bent dorsally, longer than b-bristle, with 11 or 12 marginal filaments; g-bristle not shown, same length as c-bristle, with about 13 marginal filaments.

Second Antenna: Protopodite and exopodite (Figure 63g) similar to those of female T. pix. Endopodite 3-jointed (Figure 63f): 1st joint divided into 2 parts with 2 small bristles on proximal part and 6 small bristles on distal part; 2nd joint elongate, bare; 3rd joint short with long terminal filament.

Mandible: Coxale endite similar to that of female T. pix (Figure 63h). Basale endite with 7 terminal bristles, about 13 triaenid bristles, 6 dwarf bristles, and small round glandular process. Basale: ventral margin with 10 triaenid bristles, followed by 3 long bristles with long spines, and 1 shorter bristle with short spines; dorsal margin with 5 or 6 short or medium bare bristles followed by 2 longer bare bristles, 2 or 3 short bare bristles, and 2 very long terminal bristles with few short spines; medial surface with many long hairs and 2 or 3 minute bristles at midlength near ventral margin. Exopodite similar to that of female T. pix. 1st endopodial joint with 1 minute bristle and 7 long ventral bristles (2 longest bristles with long spines, others either with short spines or bare). 2nd endopodial joint: ventral margin with bristles in 2 groups: subterminal group with 3 bristles and terminal group with 2 long stout bristles; dorsal margin of joint with numerous long and medium bristles; medial side near dorsal margin with abundant short bristles. Bristles of 3rd endopodial joint similar to those of female T. pix.

Maxilla (Figure 64a): Epipodite long and slender. Endites I and II similar to those of T. pix; endite III with 4 unequal bristles with spines along entire margin (distal bristle longer than other bristles of endites); 5 or 6 short slender bristles distal to bases of bristles of endite III. Basale: dorsal margin spinous, with 14 proximal bristles with bases on medial side (distal bristle plumose, others bare) and 5 or 6 distal slender bare bristles (distal bristle longest); medial side with 5 or 6 distal bare bristles (ventral bristle very long, others short); ventral margin with 16 or 17 short bristles with indistinct spines, 2 long spinous distal bristles, and 1 very long spinous terminal bristle (with base lateral); lateral side with 1 short proximal bristle at midheight (not shown). Exopodite consisting of poorly defined lobe with 3 slender bristles (longest about length of 1st endopodial joint) (see detail in Figure 64a). Endopodite: 1st joint without spines, with 1 short bare alpha-bristle and 1 long spinous beta-bristle; 2nd joint with 6 spinous bristles (3 long, 3 short or medium) (bristles not shown).

Fifth Limb (Figure 64b): Dorsal margin with 5 small proximal bristles; lateral side with 1 stout spinous bristle, 8 small bristles near its base, and 1 small spinous proximal bristle near ventral edge.

Sixth Limb (Figure 64c; not all bristles shown): With 4 or 5 small epipodial bristles. Anterior margin with fairly long bristle just dorsal to suture marking lower endite. Anterior margin dorsal to upper endite with 14 bristles in inner medial row, 22 bristles in outer medial row, and 24 smaller bristles along edge. Anterior margin between endites with 6 bristles in inner medial row, 1 bristle in outer medial row (not counting longer bristle at lower suture), and 7 bristles along edge. About 17 slender bristles form single row just medial to edge between lower endite suture and anterior tip of skirt. Posterior end of skirt with 4 fairly broad plumose unringed bristles; ventral margin of skirt with about 95 spinous bristles. Summary: about 92 anterior bristles, 99 bristles on ventral margin and posterior comer of skirt, and 4 epipodial bristles; total of about 195 bristles.

Seventh Limb: Each limb with about 85 bristles, each with up to 8 bells. Terminus with opposing combs similar to those of T. pix, but teeth not counted.

Furca (Figure 64d): Each lamella with 4 stout main claws, 1 slender bristle between claws 3 and 4 (closer to claw 4), and 7 additional bristles; space between claw 4 and following bristle wider on right lamella than on left; main claws with rounded tips; teeth and spines of main claws similar to those of T. pix; bristles ringed (not shown) and with spines along margins except near pointed tip; right lamella anterior to left lamella by width of claw 1.

Bellonci Organ (Figure 64e), Upper Lip (Figure 64g,h), Posterior of Body, Gills, and Y-Sclerite: Similar to those of T. pix.

Eyes: Medial eye bare, without dark pigment (Figure 64e). Lateral eye about same size as medial eye, without dark pigment and with about 37 ommatidia (Figure 64f).

Genitalia: Not observed.

Number of Eggs: USNM 194117 with 33 eggs in marsupium; length of typical egg 0.41 mm (position of 5 eggs within carapace shown in Figure 63a).

COMPARISONS.—The new species T. triplex differs from previously described species in the genus in having three rather than four to six bristles on the dorsal margin of the second joint of the female first antenna (three specimens examined). The maxilla of T. triplex has 14 proximal bristles on the dorsal margin of the basale compared to three on the female T. pix.

Appendix 1

Station Data with Specimens Identified


Vicinity of Port Curtis and Gladstone, sampling depths 1–8 m at low water; salinity range generally 30–35 °/oo, but for short periods after heavy rain, short-term salinity reduction to 20°/00 can occur (for additional data on collecting area see Saenger et al., 1980). Collected by P. Saenger, Queensland Electricity Generating Board, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 1974–1980.

Scleroconcha pix: QM W20740, holotype, adult female; USNM 157968A, ovigerous female; USNM 194281, ovigerous female with female choniostomatid in marsupium; USNM 194282, 3 ovigerous females; USNM 194283, 9 adult females including 1 with parasite eggs and 1 or 2 with ostracode eggs; USNM 194284, ovigerous female with female choniostomatid in marsupium.

Sarsiella varix: QM W20747, holotype, ovigerous female; USNM 157971A, ovigerous female; USNM 157971C, 57 adult and ovigerous females; USNM 157971D, 2 adult females and 2 ovigerous females.

Eusarsiella phrix: QM W20743, holotype, instar IV female.

Eusarsiella saengeri: QM W20744, holotype, ovigerous female; USNM 157970A, adult female; USNM 194120A, adult female; USNM 194120B, ovigerous female.

Eusarsiella tryx: QM W20745, holotype, ovigerous female; USNM 157969B, ovigerous female; USNM 194121, ovigerous female; USNM 194969C, females and juveniles.

Eusarsiella vernix: QM W20746, holotype, adult female with choniostomatid parasites; USNM 157965A, ovigerous female; USNM 157965B, 2 ovigerous females and 1 adult female; USNM 157965C, adult female with choniostomatid parasites; USNM 157966, adult female with choniostomatid parasites and 1 adult female.

Eurypylus rex: QM W20742, holotype, ovigerous female.

Asteropterygion species indeterminate: USNM 194123, 1 juvenile (not mentioned in text).

Tetraleberis pix: QM W20739, holotype, adult male; USNM 157967A, ovigerous female; USNM 157967B, 4 adult females; USNM 157967C, adult male; USNM 157967D, 32 adult females and juveniles.


Intertidal washings of algae and substrate, from stations JLB Darwin 302, 304, and 305; some samples combined. Sta 302: Channel Island, 20 Aug 1982. Sta 304 and sta 305: East Point, 22 Aug 1982. Collected by J.L. Barnard, Smithsonian Institution.

Sta 302 and sta 305

Rutiderma dux: AM P45375, holotype, adult female; USNM 194087, ovigerous female; USNM 194089, 21 specimens.

Rutiderma sagax: AM P45365, holotype, adult male.

Sta 304

Rutiderma dux: USNM 194088, A-l male.

Sarsiella pugnax: AM P45369, holotype, ovigerous female.

Eurypylus darwinensis: AM P45366, holotype, ovigerous female; AM P45368, adult male.


Collected at lagoon floor by John Carleton, Australian Institute of Marine Science, Cape Ferguson, Townsville M.C., Queensland, Australia, in 1989 or 1990.

Tetraleberis triplex: USNM 194117, ovigerous female.


Coastal area in vicinity of Weipa, sampling depth 10 m. Collected by Peter C. Rothlisberg, Division of Fisheries and Oceanography, North-Eastern Regional Laboratory, CSIRO, Cleveland, Queensland, Australia, in 1981.

Cypridinodes rumex: AM P45374, holotype, ovigerous female; USNM 194100, ovigerous female; USNM 194101, adult male; USNM 194102A.B, 2 ovigerous females; USNM 194102C, adult male; USNM 194102D, 6 adult females and juveniles.

Cypridinodes pix: AM P45367, holotype, ovigerous female; USNM 194099, adult male; USNM 194111, ovigerous female; AM P45373, 2 adult females and 1 specimen.

Asteropterygion climax: AM P45370, holotype, A-l male; USNM 194279, A-l male; USNM 194280, adult male; USNM 194098, 3 juveniles.


Plankton tow, lagoon, 2000 hours. Collected by Peter N. Slattery, Moss Marine Laboratory, Moss Island, California, 24 Sep 1977.

Rutiderma dux: USNM 194093, 1 juvenile.

West of Lizard Island Research Station, off Casuarina Beach, 200–300 m off shore of sandy beach, about 1.5 m deep, silty sand, Collected by Anne C. Cohen, Smithsonian Institution, 27 May 1980.

Sta AC-LI-2

Rutiderma tryx: QM W20741, holotype, ovigerous female; USNM 194147, ovigerous female; USNM 194153, ovigerous female.

Lagoon south of Lizard Island, between Lizard Island and Palfrey Island, off sand beach with 1 palm tree, about 200–300 m from shore. In Thalassia bed (not dense) in very silty sand, about 2 m deep, Collected by Anne C. Cohen, Smithsonian Institution, 28 May 1980.

Sta AC-LI-6

Rutiderma dux: USNM 194096, 1 adult female; USNM 194124, 1 ovigerous female.

Blue Lagoon, central part, sample 5. Collected by J.K. Lowry, Division of Invertebrate Zoology, The Australian Museum, Sydney South, NSW, Australia, in 1987.

Tetraleberis triplex: USNM 194118, adult female.

Patch reef at northern entrance to Blue Lagoon. Baited traps (cones with small hole at top) on sandy lagoon floor having patches of blue-green algae. Traps set along 100 m transect beginning at 5 ft depth and continuing in a southeasterly direction (120°) to 11 ft depth. Traps set 1800–1830, retrieved 1100–1130, 31 Jan 1989–1 Feb 1989. Collected by J.K. Lowry and S.J. Keable, Division of Invertebrate Zoology, Australian Museum, Sydney South, NSW, Australia.

Sta QLD-299, trap

Tetraleberis triplex: AM P39204, adult female.

Sta QLD-300, trap 10/10

Tetraleberis triplex: AM P39205, holotype, adult female.


Transect across sand flat from shore to reef; stations 1–3 fairly close together and above mean datum; stations 4–8 extending 150 m across sand flat; station 8 at far edge of flat adjacent to a coral head at edge of coral reef; stations 4–8 exposed probably only at extreme low tides, twice a year. Sand fine to medium fine, with small ripple marks but not exposed to much wave action; tube-dwelling polychaetes and other more-or-less sedentary animals fairly abundant; 5 large cores (each 0.0176 m2) taken from each of 8 stations (ostracodes present in only 5 outer stations); cores sieved through 500 μm mesh; specimens from each station consolidated. Collected by Peter N. Slattery, Moss Marine Laboratory, Moss Island, California, during Sep-Oct 1977.

Sta 5

Rutiderma dux: USNM 194091, adult male; AM P45376, adult male.

Sta 8

Rutiderma dux: USNM 194094, adult male.

Appendix 2

Type Specimens in Australian Museums

The Australian Museum
citation bibliographique
Kornicker, Louis S. 1996. "Ostracoda (Myodocopina) from shallow waters of the Northern Territory and Queensland, Australia." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-97. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.578

Tetraleberis triplex ( néerlandais ; flamand )

fourni par wikipedia NL

Tetraleberis triplex is een mosselkreeftjessoort uit de familie van de Cylindroleberididae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1996 door Kornicker.

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