
Description ( anglais )

fourni par Zookeys
Head strongly transverse (Figs 10, 21). Vertex at least in anterior half densely rugose-reticulate with granulation. Eye with very short and rather dense setae. Ocelli arranged in obtuse triangle with base 1.1–1.3 times its sides. Occipital carina complete dorsally, archedly fused below with hypostomal carina weakly upper base of mandible. Frons with more or less distinct median carina in anterior half. Face weakly convex. Eye distinctly convergent below (Figs 14, 17). Tentorial pits deep, situated upper lower level of eyes. Malar suture distinct. Clypeal suture complete, but shallow. Mandible medium sized, almost not twisted. Palpi short, maxillary palpus 3-segmented, labial palpus 2-segmented. Antennae (Figs 11, 19, 20) weakly claviform, stable 17-segmented. Scape (Figs 12, 14, 17, 22) long, weakly curved, almost as long as maximum diameter of eye. Pedicel rather long, oval. First flagellar segment as long as or weakly longer than second segment. Segments in apical half of antenna weakly thickened. Apical segment pointed, but without spine. Mesosoma (Figs 13, 16, 21, 23, 24). Pronope absent. Notauli complete, shallow and wide, densely rugulose-reticulate. Mesoscutum rugose-striate and setose on wide medioposterior half, smooth and glabrous on anterior and sublateral areas. Prescutellar depression deep and long. Scutellum convex, with lateral carinae, at least partly rugose. Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shallow, wide, long, densely rugulose. Prepectal carina distinct. Postpectal carina absent. Metapleural lobe long, wide, rounded apically. Propodeum strongly and abruptly rounded from median part (lateral view), weakly and widely longitudinally concave in medioposterior half (dorsal view), entirely rugulose-areolate, with lateral carinae. Wings (Fig. 11, 15). Radial vein arising behind middle of pterostigma. Radial cell distinctly shortened. Second radial abscissa evenly and distinctly curved. First medial abscissa absent; as result, discoidal and first radiomedial cells fused. Mediocubital vein entirely sclerotised. Basal and recurrent veins distinctly convergent. Brachial cell short, widely open distally. Basal part of parallel vein weakly curved. In hind wing, first abscissa of mediocubital vein 4.0–5.0 times longer than second abscissa. Third abscissa of costal vein long; fourth abscissa almost straight. Legs long and slender. Segments of median tarsus long. Fifth tarsal segments slender. Hind femur slender. Tarsal claws long, slender and weakly curved (Fig. 25). Metasoma (Figs 11, 18). First tergite long, distinctly widened towards apex, its latero-ventral sides not fused, widely separated and with distinct split; dorsope small and very shallow; laterope indistinct. Second suture very shallow and fine. Only second tergite with separated laterotergites. Ovipositor (Figs 26, 27) long, straight, compressed laterally.
droit d’auteur
Sergey A. Belokobylskij, Augusto Loni, Andrea Lucchi, Umberto Bernardo
citation bibliographique
Belokobylskij S, Loni A, Lucchi A, Bernardo U (2013) First records of the genera Histeromerus Wesmael (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Histeromerinae) and Ecclitura Kokujev (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Euphorinae) in Italy ZooKeys 310: 29–40
Sergey A. Belokobylskij
Augusto Loni
Andrea Lucchi
Umberto Bernardo
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Distribution ( anglais )

fourni par Zookeys
Western Palaearctic, Nearctic, Oriental Regions.
droit d’auteur
Sergey A. Belokobylskij, Augusto Loni, Andrea Lucchi, Umberto Bernardo
citation bibliographique
Belokobylskij S, Loni A, Lucchi A, Bernardo U (2013) First records of the genera Histeromerus Wesmael (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Histeromerinae) and Ecclitura Kokujev (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Euphorinae) in Italy ZooKeys 310: 29–40
Sergey A. Belokobylskij
Augusto Loni
Andrea Lucchi
Umberto Bernardo
visiter la source
site partenaire