
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

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Maximum longevity: 23.7 years (captivity) Observations: In captivity, these animals have been reported to live up to 23.7 years (Richard Weigl 2005).
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Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
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AnAge articles

Sans titre ( anglais )

fourni par Animal Diversity Web

Emperor tamarins were named after the Emperor of Germany, Emperor Wilhelm II. Taxidermists liked to play with these monkeys and twist up their moustaches to look like the Emperor instead of letting them droop in their natural position. Swiss zoologist Goeldi gave the species the name of "emperor" as a joke, but the name stuck and was soon given the Latin name of "Saguinas imperator". Their claws are believed to be an adaptation to their environment instead of a vestigal trait of their phylogenetic ancestors.

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Eaton, T. 1999. "Saguinus imperator" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_imperator.html
Taryn Eaton, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Behavior ( anglais )

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Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Eaton, T. 1999. "Saguinus imperator" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_imperator.html
Taryn Eaton, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status ( anglais )

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Saguinas imperator is considered endangered or threatened in Brazil and Peru, but in other areas of their terrestrial biome, the IUCN classifies their status as indeterminate. The clearing of forest habitat by humans is the main reason they are in danger. CITES Appendix 2.

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Eaton, T. 1999. "Saguinus imperator" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_imperator.html
Taryn Eaton, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( anglais )

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Emperor tamarins are approximately 9.2-10.4 inches in body length with a tail length of 14-16.6 inches. They are relatively light weight, reaching only between 10.7-14.2 oz at full size. The "Emperors" are mainly gray on their bodies, with a mixture of fine yellow hair on their backs and a rusty-red scattering of color on their breast. They also have a silvery brown crown, black hands and feet, and a reddish brown tail. Most characteristic of this species is its extremely long, white moustache that hangs down to its chest (and extends past its shoulders when laid back) in two strands. Like most tamarins, this species has claws on all of its fingers and toes except the great toe, which has a nail. The dental formula of emperor tamarins is (i2/2, c1/1, pm3/3, m2/2).

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

Average mass: 518.5 g.

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Eaton, T. 1999. "Saguinus imperator" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_imperator.html
Taryn Eaton, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( anglais )

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Average lifespan
Sex: male
Status: captivity:
20.2 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
17.9 years.

Average lifespan
Sex: male
Status: captivity:
13.0 years.

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Eaton, T. 1999. "Saguinus imperator" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_imperator.html
Taryn Eaton, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( anglais )

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Saguinas imperator is found in various forms of light, dry-bottom to densely grown Amazonian forest margins in seasonally inundated regious. If these areas, their territories are between 75-100 acres and also span open woodlands and secondary growth. This species is arboreal, spending most of its time in trees,usually below 80-95 feet elevation.

Terrestrial Biomes: rainforest

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Eaton, T. 1999. "Saguinus imperator" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_imperator.html
Taryn Eaton, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( anglais )

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Emperor tamarins inhabit vast Amazonian tropical forest regions in southeast Peru, northwest Bolivia, and northwest Brazil. Several river drainages in Peru, including the Acre, Purus, and Jurua have populations of this species.

Biogeographic Regions: neotropical (Native )

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Eaton, T. 1999. "Saguinus imperator" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_imperator.html
Taryn Eaton, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( anglais )

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The diet of Saguinas imperator consists mainly of fruits, insects, and tree sap. It feeds on fruit, flowers, and nectar of different species of trees, usually those with small crowns. Their light weight enables them to feed on the outermost twigs and branches of such trees, giving them access to food sources that are less readily available to larger monkeys. Emperor tamarins get most of the protein in their diet through eating invertebrates such as locusts, beetles, butterflies, spiders, and ants. Their small size also enables them to stalk large insects very discreetly. Emperors utilize tree sap that is left on trees from the previous tapping of other animals. The sap is an additional source of valuable carbohydrates and minerals. Emperor tamarins have also been known to eat smaller vertebrates such as lizards, tree frogs, and bird eggs.

Animal Foods: amphibians; reptiles; eggs; insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods

Plant Foods: fruit; nectar; flowers; sap or other plant fluids

Primary Diet: omnivore

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Eaton, T. 1999. "Saguinus imperator" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_imperator.html
Taryn Eaton, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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site partenaire
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( anglais )

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The emperor tamarin is a rare zoo exhibit but is welcomed by any that have the opportunity to receive it. Other species of tamarins (such as Saguinas oedipus) are important in the pet and zoo trade.

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Eaton, T. 1999. "Saguinus imperator" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_imperator.html
Taryn Eaton, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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site partenaire
Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( anglais )

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These groups contain several sexually mature members, in particular, 2 adult males. Group members are ranked by sex and age such that the oldest female has the highest rank. In addition to helping at birth, both males of the group help rear the youngest members, and the younger members act as porters.

Mating System: polyandrous ; cooperative breeder

The estrous cycle of Saguinas imperator is about 15 days, and the female mates with the all of the males of the group. The gestation period lasts from 140-145 days, after which 1-2 young are born (rarely 3). Most of these tamarins become sexually mature around 16-20 months of age. The life span of this species is between 10 and 20 years.

Range number of offspring: 1 to 3.

Range gestation period: 140 to 145 days.

Range weaning age: 2 to 3 months.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 16 to 20 months.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 16 to 20 months.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous

Average birth mass: 47 g.

Average number of offspring: 2.

The father (usually both males of the group since the exact father can not be determined) usually helps with the baby's birth, receiving it at the end of partruition and washing it. A newborn Emperor is completely helpless, weighs approximately 1.2 oz (35 g.), and has a coat of short hair. A mother feeds her baby every 2-3 hours for about a half hour each time, after which she returns the baby to the father. The babies ride on the backs of their parents for 6-7 weeks, and at around 2-3 months of age they go through a weaning period.

Parental Investment: pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Male, Female)

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Eaton, T. 1999. "Saguinus imperator" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_imperator.html
Taryn Eaton, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
visiter la source
site partenaire
Animal Diversity Web

İmperator Tamarin ( azéri )

fourni par wikipedia AZ
Tamarin balası
İmperator Tamarinin Portreti

İmperator Tamarin (Saguinus imperator) — olaraq bilinən bu növün adı, iddialara görə əslində Alman imperatoru II Vilhelm məsxərəyə qoymaq üçün qoyulmuşdur. Bəzi qaynaqlar isə bu adın Çin imperatorlarına göndərmə olaraq qoyulduğunu iləri sürürlər . Ancaq "imperator" kəliməsi, həqiqətən də növün elmi adı olaraq qeydlərə keçmişdir.[1]

Yaşadığı ərazi

Peru'nun şərqində, Amazon bölgəsində yaşayan İmperator Tamarin'i Bolivya və Brazilya'nın bəzi əyalətlərində də görülmüşdür. Meşələrdə ağaclar üzərində yaşayaraq çeşidli bitkilər, bitki nektarları və böcəklərlə bəslənirlər. Pəncələri və əlləri cisimləri tutmaq və saxlamaq mövzusunda püxtələşəcək şəkildə təkamülləşmişlər. Məsələn pəncələri sayəsində bitki gövdələrini parçalayaraq içlərindən çıxan saqqızı yeyebilirlər .[2]

Fiziki quruluşu

Normalda tükləri çoğunluqla bozdur, Sinəsinde ise sarı bənəklər görülə bilər. Əlləri və ayaqları qara, quyruğu isə qəhvəyidir. Onu maraqlı edən isə dişiləri çəkmək üçün istifadə etdiyi və olduqça maraqlı quruluşda olan "saqqal" ve "bığ"larıdır.

Tamarinler lə en yaxın qohumları olan marmosetlər, bilinən ən kiçik meymunlar arasında yer alırlar. Ancaq bu meymunlar, bəzı daha böyük və daha məşhur meymunlarla da yaxın qohumdurlar : kapuçinler və babunlar kimi... 24-26 santımetr böyüklüyündə olan bu tamarin növünün 35 ilə 42 santimetr arasındakı uzunlukda olabilən bir quyruğu vardır və ümumilikdə 500 qram ağırlığındadır.[3]

Həmçinin bax

Xarici keçidlər



  1. https://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2017/05/07/the-emperor-tamarin-saguinus-imperator/
  2. https://www.zooeco.com/0-mlek/0-mlek001733.html?fbclid=IwAR3ualMP6tUH8iFmDiagw7Zm7dIQpu7nCRSz4x34pVjn1iM6cU7weXu86vY
  3. https://www.zooeco.com/0-mlek/0-mlek001733.html?fbclid=IwAR3ualMP6tUH8iFmDiagw7Zm7dIQpu7nCRSz4x34pVjn1iM6cU7weXu86vY
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İmperator Tamarin: Brief Summary ( azéri )

fourni par wikipedia AZ
 src= Tamarin balası  src= İmperator Tamarinin Portreti

İmperator Tamarin (Saguinus imperator) — olaraq bilinən bu növün adı, iddialara görə əslində Alman imperatoru II Vilhelm məsxərəyə qoymaq üçün qoyulmuşdur. Bəzi qaynaqlar isə bu adın Çin imperatorlarına göndərmə olaraq qoyulduğunu iləri sürürlər . Ancaq "imperator" kəliməsi, həqiqətən də növün elmi adı olaraq qeydlərə keçmişdir.

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wikipedia AZ

Saguinus imperator ( breton )

fourni par wikipedia BR

Saguinus imperator[1] a zo ur spesad primated e-touez kerentiad ar Cebidae.

Doareoù pennañ

Saguinus imperator imperator.

Ur pevarzroadeg-deiz an hini eo hag a vev er gwez.


Bevañ a ra al loen diwar amprevaned ha frouezh kement ha diwar ar gom a ver diouzh rusk gwez 'zo.


Daou isspesad zo dezhañ : Saguinus imperator imperator ha Saguinus imperator subgrisescens.


  • ██ Tiriad Saguinus imperator.
  • Kavet e vez e mervent diazad an Amazon e reter Perou, en hanternozh Bolivia ha kornôg Brazil.

    Liamm diavaez

    Muioc'h a restroù diwar-benn

    a vo kavet e Wikimedia Commons.

    Notennoù ha daveennoù

    1. N'en deus al loen anv boutin ebet testeniekaet e brezhoneg evit poent.
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    wikipedia BR

    Saguinus imperator: Brief Summary ( breton )

    fourni par wikipedia BR

    Saguinus imperator a zo ur spesad primated e-touez kerentiad ar Cebidae.

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    wikipedia BR

    Tití emperador ( catalan ; valencien )

    fourni par wikipedia CA

    El tití emperador (Saguinus imperator) és una espècie de mico de la família dels cal·litríquids que viu a Sud-amèrica.



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    Tití emperador: Brief Summary ( catalan ; valencien )

    fourni par wikipedia CA

    El tití emperador (Saguinus imperator) és una espècie de mico de la família dels cal·litríquids que viu a Sud-amèrica.

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    wikipedia CA

    Tamarín vousatý ( tchèque )

    fourni par wikipedia CZ

    Tamarín vousatý (Saguinus imperator) je opice z čeledi kosmanovití (Callitrichidae) a podčeledi kosmani (Callithricinae).


    Pohled na hlavu tamarína

    Vyskytuje se v pralesích Jižní Ameriky, jde tedy o tzv. opici nového světa.


    Tento druh je malý, měří asi 25 cm. Hmotnost se odhaduje na 450 g. Tamaríni jsou všežraví, živí se plody, hmyzem, ale i drobnými obratlovci. Podobně jako všichni jeho příbuzní umí dobře šplhat a skákat po stromech. Žije ve skupinách.


    • Tamarín vousatý se vzhledem podobá panovníkovi Vilémovi II., od toho latinský druhový název imperator .[2] (Zajímavé je, že i jeho příbuzný-tamarín pinčí (Saguinus oedipus) dostal přízvisko podle osoby, konkrétně podle F. Lisztse).
    • Samice se o svá vlastní mláďata příliš nestarají a nechávají je otcům. K sobě si je berou pouze, když potřebují kojit.


    IUCN považuje tohoto primáta za málo dotčený druh.[3]


    Jsou uznány dva poddruhy tamarína vousatého:


    • Tamarín císařský
    Pohled na tamarína



    V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Emperor tamarin na anglické Wikipedii.

    1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]
    2. Naše Země (sběratelská kniha). [s.l.]: [s.n.]
    3. Tamarín vousatý na iucnredlist.org [online]. Dostupné online.
    4. Tamarín vousatý na biolib.cz [online]. Dostupné online.

    Související články

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    wikipedia CZ

    Tamarín vousatý: Brief Summary ( tchèque )

    fourni par wikipedia CZ

    Tamarín vousatý (Saguinus imperator) je opice z čeledi kosmanovití (Callitrichidae) a podčeledi kosmani (Callithricinae).

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    Wikipedia autoři a editory
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    wikipedia CZ

    Kejsertamarin ( danois )

    fourni par wikipedia DA

    Kejsertamarin (Saguinus imperator)[2][3] er en art af tamariner angiveligt opkaldt efter sin lighed med den tyske kejser Wilhelm II.[4][5] Den lever i det sydvestlige Amazonområdet, øst i Peru, nord i Bolivia og i vest i de brasilianske stater Acre og Amazonas.[1]

    Der er to underarter af Kejsertamarin:[1]

    • Saguinus imperator imperator
    • Saguinus imperator subgrisescens


    1. ^ a b c "Saguinus imperator subgrisescens". IUCN's Rødliste. 2008. Hentet 2015-05-15.
    2. ^ "Saguinus imperator". Bucknell Univesity. 2015. Hentet 2015-05-15.
    3. ^ Rylands AB and Mittermeier RA (2009). "The Diversity of the New World Primates (Platyrrhini)". I P. A. Garber, A. Estrada, J. C. Bicca-Marques, E. W. Heymann & K. B. Strier. South American Primates: Comparative Perspectives in the Study of Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation. Springer. s. 23-54. ISBN 978-0-387-78704-6. CS1 maint: Multiple names: editors list (link)
    4. ^ "Wildfacts - Emporer tamarin". BBC. April 2012.
    5. ^ "Kejsertamarin". Aalborg Zoo. 2015. Hentet 2015-05-15.

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    Kejsertamarin: Brief Summary ( danois )

    fourni par wikipedia DA

    Kejsertamarin (Saguinus imperator) er en art af tamariner angiveligt opkaldt efter sin lighed med den tyske kejser Wilhelm II. Den lever i det sydvestlige Amazonområdet, øst i Peru, nord i Bolivia og i vest i de brasilianske stater Acre og Amazonas.

    Der er to underarter af Kejsertamarin:

    Saguinus imperator imperator Saguinus imperator subgrisescens
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    Kaiserschnurrbarttamarin ( allemand )

    fourni par wikipedia DE
    Verbreitungsgebiet laut IUCN, dunkelgrün S. imperator subgrisescens, hellgrün S. imperator imperator

    Der Kaiserschnurrbarttamarin (Saguinus imperator) ist eine Primatenart aus der Familie der Krallenaffen. Seinen Namen verdankt er der (angeblichen) Ähnlichkeit seines „Schnurrbartes“ mit jenem des deutschen Kaisers Wilhelm II. Das Artepitheton imperator war zunächst als Witz gedacht, wurde aber zum wissenschaftlich anerkannten Namen.


    Das Fell der Kaiserschnurrbarttamarine ist überwiegend grau gefärbt, mit gelb-braunen Sprenkeln auf dem Rücken. Die Hände und Füße sind schwarz, der Schwanz rötlich-braun gefärbt. Der Kopf ist schwarz, herausragendes Merkmal ist der lange, weiße Schnurrbart, der sich auf beiden Seiten über die Schultern hinaus erstreckt. Wie bei allen Krallenaffen befinden sich an den Fingern und Zehen (mit Ausnahme der Großzehe) Krallen statt Nägel. Die Tiere erreichen eine Kopfrumpflänge von 23 bis 26 Zentimeter, dazu kommt noch ein 35 bis 41 Zentimeter langer Schwanz. Ihr Gewicht beträgt rund 450 bis 500 Gramm.

    Verbreitung und Lebensraum

    Kaiserschnurrbarttamarine leben im südwestlichen Amazonasbecken in Südamerika. Ihr Verbreitungsgebiet umfasst das südwestliche Brasilien (Bundesstaaten Acre und Amazonas), das südöstliche Peru sowie den äußersten Nordwesten Boliviens. Ihr Lebensraum sind tropische Regenwälder, sie halten sich häufig in Gebieten auf, die mit dichtem Unterholz bestanden sind.


    Diese Primaten sind tagaktive Tiere, die den Großteil ihres Lebens auf Bäumen verbringen. Sie bewegen sich schnell auf allen vieren fort und können gut springen. Sie halten sich eher in den höheren Baumschichten, in 10 Metern und darüber hinaus, auf.

    Kaiserschnurrbarttamarine leben in Gruppen von zwei bis acht Tieren zusammen. Gruppen bestehen aus einem oder mehreren Weibchen, einem oder mehreren Männchen und den dazugehörigen Jungtieren. Gruppen bewohnen feste Reviere von rund 30 Hektar. Das Sozialverhalten ist ausgeprägt, die gegenseitige Fellpflege spielt eine wichtige Rolle für die Kontakte innerhalb der Gruppe. Die Tiere vergesellschaften sich oft mit anderen Krallenaffenarten wie dem Schwarzmanteltamarin (Leontocebus weddelli) oder dem Springtamarin (Callimico goeldii).[1] Sie verständigen sich untereinander durch Schreie und helfen sich damit, Räuber frühzeitig zu erkennen.


    Blüte von Quararibea cordata

    Kaiserschnurrbarttamarine sind wie alle Tamarine Allesfresser, die sich von Früchten, Insekten, Nektar und Baumsäften ernähren. Zusätzlich nehmen sie auch Vogeleier und kleine Wirbeltiere zu sich. Aufgrund ihres geringen Gewichts können sie Beute am äußeren Ende von Ästen erreichen, die für die schwereren Primaten nicht zugänglich sind. Im peruanischen Nationalpark Manú haben Früchte während der Regenzeit einen Anteil von 97 % an ihrer pflanzlichen Nahrung. In der Trockenzeit sinkt dieser Anteil auf etwa 40 % und Nektar, z. B. von Quararibea cordata, stellt dann etwa die Hälfte ihrer pflanzlichen Nahrung. Über 80 % der von den Kaiserschnurrbarttamarinen konsumierten Früchte sind klein mit einem Durchmesser von 0,5 bis 1 cm. Zu den größeren Früchten, die regelmäßig gefressen werden, gehören die harten Beeren von Leonia glycycarpa und Duguetia quitarensis. Die tierische Nahrung der Kaiserschnurrbarttamarine besteht vor allem aus Heuschrecken, Raupen, Ameisen, Käfer und deren Larven, Schnecken und kleinen Baumfröschen.[1]



    Innerhalb der Gruppe pflanzt sich nur das dominante Weibchen fort. Kaiserschnurrbarttamarine leben polyandrisch, das heißt das Weibchen paart sich mit allen Männchen der Gruppe. Nach 140 bis 145 Tagen Tragzeit bringt es zwei – selten ein oder drei – Junge zur Welt. Alle männlichen Tiere, der Vater steht ja nicht fest, helfen bei der Geburt und kümmern sich, unterstützt von den jüngeren Gruppenmitgliedern, um die Jungtiere. Sie tragen sie und bringen sie der Mutter nur zum Säugen. Mit rund drei Monaten werden sie entwöhnt und gegen Ende des zweiten Lebensjahres sind sie geschlechtsreif. Ihre Lebenserwartung beträgt über 15 Jahre.


    Der Kaiserschnurrbarttamarin wird in zwei Unterarten unterteilt. Die Nominatform (S. imperator imperator) hat kurze weiße Haare am Kinn, die den schwarzen Kehlfleck nicht verdecken. Der Rücken ist dunkelgrau agutifarben (d. h. die Haare sind gebändert), die Bauchseite und die Innenseiten von Armen und Beinen sind rostbraun bis orange. Bei S. imperator subgrisescens sind die Haare am Kinn dagegen zu einem langen Bart ausgezogen, der den schwarzen Kehlfleck teilweise verdeckt. Der Rücken ist bräunlich agutifarben, die Bauchseite und die Innenseiten von Armen und Beinen sind graubraun.[1]


    Zu den natürlichen Feinden der Kaiserschnurrbarttamarine zählen Pardelkatzen, Greifvögel und Schlangen. Die Hauptbedrohung ist jedoch die Vernichtung ihres Lebensraumes, der Regenwälder. Mehrere Zoos beteiligen sich an Zuchtprogrammen zum Schutz dieser Tiere, wobei in Europa nur Tiere der Unterart S. imperator subgrisescens gehalten werden.[2]

    Die Bestände sind rückläufig, die IUCN betrachtet den Kaiserschnurrbarttamarin aber derzeit als „nicht gefährdet“ (least concern).[3]



    1. a b c A. B. Rylands & R. A. Mittermeier: Family Callitrichidae (Marmosets and Tamarins). Seite 335–336 in Russell A. Mittermeier, Anthony B. Rylands & Don E. Wilson: Handbook of the Mammals of the World: Primates: 3. (2013) ISBN 978-84-96553-89-7
    2. www.Zootierliste.de. Abgerufen am 13. Juni 2020.
    3. Saguinus imperator in der Roten Liste gefährdeter Arten der IUCN 2008. Eingestellt von: Rylands, A.B. & Mittermeier, R.A., 2008. Abgerufen am 24. Februar 2009.
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    Kaiserschnurrbarttamarin: Brief Summary ( allemand )

    fourni par wikipedia DE
     src= Verbreitungsgebiet laut IUCN, dunkelgrün S. imperator subgrisescens, hellgrün S. imperator imperator

    Der Kaiserschnurrbarttamarin (Saguinus imperator) ist eine Primatenart aus der Familie der Krallenaffen. Seinen Namen verdankt er der (angeblichen) Ähnlichkeit seines „Schnurrbartes“ mit jenem des deutschen Kaisers Wilhelm II. Das Artepitheton imperator war zunächst als Witz gedacht, wurde aber zum wissenschaftlich anerkannten Namen.

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    பேரரசர் சிறு குரங்கு ( tamoul )

    fourni par wikipedia emerging languages

    பேரரசர் சிறு குரங்கு (emperor tamarin, Saguinus imperator) என்பது ஒரு அரிய முதனி ஆகும். இந்தக் குரங்கின் முகத்தில் அடர்த்தியான மீசை ரோமங்கள் இருக்கும். அரசர்களுக்கு இருப்பது போலவே மீசை இருப்பதால் இவை ஜெர்மன் பேரரசர் இரண்டாம் வில்லியமின்.[2] மீசையோடு உள்ள ஒற்றுமையால் எம்பெரர் டாமரின் என்ற பெயரால் அழைக்கப்படுகிறது. இந்த விலங்கு தென்மேற்கு அமேசான் படுகை, கிழக்குப் பெரு, வடக்கு பொலிவியா, மேற்கு பிரேசில் மாநிலமான ஆக்ரி மற்றும் அமேசான் மாநிலம் போன்ற பகுதிகளில் காணப்படுகின்றன.

    இவற்றின் மார்பு முடிகள் மஞ்சள் கலந்து, பெரும்பான்மையாக சாம்பல் நிறத்தில் இருக்கும். கைகள், கால்கள் போன்றவை கருப்பு நிறத்திலும் வால் பழுப்பு நிறத்திலும் இருக்கும். இவற்றின் வெள்ளை மீசையானது நீண்டு இரு தொள்களைத் தொடுமளவு இருக்கும். இவ்விலங்கு 23–26 செண்ட்டிமீட்டர்கள் (9.1–10.2 in) நீளமுடையது, மேலும் 35–41.5 cm (13.8–16.3 in) நீளமான வலை கொண்டிருக்கும். இதன் எடை தோராயமாக 500 கிராம்கள் (18 oz) இருக்கும். இவை எப்போதும் குடும்பமாகவே வாழக்கூடியன. ஒரு குடும்பத்தில் மூன்று முதல் எட்டு விலங்குகள்வரை இருக்கும்.[3]


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    விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

    பேரரசர் சிறு குரங்கு: Brief Summary ( tamoul )

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    பேரரசர் சிறு குரங்கு (emperor tamarin, Saguinus imperator) என்பது ஒரு அரிய முதனி ஆகும். இந்தக் குரங்கின் முகத்தில் அடர்த்தியான மீசை ரோமங்கள் இருக்கும். அரசர்களுக்கு இருப்பது போலவே மீசை இருப்பதால் இவை ஜெர்மன் பேரரசர் இரண்டாம் வில்லியமின். மீசையோடு உள்ள ஒற்றுமையால் எம்பெரர் டாமரின் என்ற பெயரால் அழைக்கப்படுகிறது. இந்த விலங்கு தென்மேற்கு அமேசான் படுகை, கிழக்குப் பெரு, வடக்கு பொலிவியா, மேற்கு பிரேசில் மாநிலமான ஆக்ரி மற்றும் அமேசான் மாநிலம் போன்ற பகுதிகளில் காணப்படுகின்றன.

    இவற்றின் மார்பு முடிகள் மஞ்சள் கலந்து, பெரும்பான்மையாக சாம்பல் நிறத்தில் இருக்கும். கைகள், கால்கள் போன்றவை கருப்பு நிறத்திலும் வால் பழுப்பு நிறத்திலும் இருக்கும். இவற்றின் வெள்ளை மீசையானது நீண்டு இரு தொள்களைத் தொடுமளவு இருக்கும். இவ்விலங்கு 23–26 செண்ட்டிமீட்டர்கள் (9.1–10.2 in) நீளமுடையது, மேலும் 35–41.5 cm (13.8–16.3 in) நீளமான வலை கொண்டிருக்கும். இதன் எடை தோராயமாக 500 கிராம்கள் (18 oz) இருக்கும். இவை எப்போதும் குடும்பமாகவே வாழக்கூடியன. ஒரு குடும்பத்தில் மூன்று முதல் எட்டு விலங்குகள்வரை இருக்கும்.

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    விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

    Emperor tamarin ( anglais )

    fourni par wikipedia EN

    The emperor tamarin (Saguinus imperator) is a species of tamarin monkey allegedly named for its resemblance to the German emperor Wilhelm II.[2] It lives in the north Brazilian states of Acre and Amazonas[1] and the southwest Amazon Basin, in east Peru, north Bolivia.

    The fur of the emperor tamarin is predominantly grey colored, with yellowish speckles on its chest. The hands and feet are black and the tail is brown. Outstanding is its long, white beard, which extends to both sides beyond the shoulders. The animal reaches a length of 23–26 centimetres (9–10 in), plus a 35–41.5 cm (13.8–16.3 in) long tail.[2] It weighs approximately 500 grams (18 oz).[1]

    Physical description

    Saguinus imperator in Singapore Zoo

    (Saguinus imperator imperator) Black-chinned emperor tamarin

    There are claws on each of the animal's toes and fingers, aside from its big toe which has a nail. While it has a definitive long mustache, it also has almost inconspicuous white hairs on its chin. Visually, however, the saguinus imperator has a black chin. The hair on its chest and belly are a mixture of red, orange, and white hairs. On its back, the fur is dark brown. The inner side of its arms and legs are an orange-like color.

    (Saguinus imperator subgrisecens) Bearded emperor tamarin

    Saguinus imperator subgrisecens, the bearded emperor tamarin, typically has the same biological structure as S. imperator imperator. However, its main differences lie in the variation of color on its chest, belly, and arms. Also, in addition to its long white mustache, this subspecies has a large white-haired beard, unlike S. imperator imperator, which merely has faint black whiskers upon its chin.

    Aside from the color changes and visually striking beard, the two tamarins essentially have the same body structure. They are very small, compared to most other primates. Using their claws, they cling to tree branches, maintaining a consistent verticality in the jungle environment. To navigate their lush environment, which typically is in rainforests, they leap and move quickly through trees, rarely touching the forest floor.[3]


    Emperor tamarins occur mostly in Amazonian lowland and lower mountain rain forests, as well as remnant, primary, and secondary forests.[1][4] Amazonian lowland holds an abundance of water during high sea level due to the flooding by nearby water sources. This contributes to a very humid, tropical climate to occur year-round.[5] The lower montane forests Emperor tamarins are primarily found in are considered tropical and moist with an abundance of vegetation. During the dry season, flowering peaks and in the wet season, flowering decreases, affecting the diets of the Emperor tamarins.[6] Many Emperor tamarins are found in Amazonian secondary forests, which account for 40% of the forest area. Secondary forests appear to accumulate woody plant species at a relatively rapid rate but the mechanisms involved are complex and no clear pattern emerged. This process helped grow the trees in which Emperor tamarins primarily reside in when found in secondary forests.[7] The average size of the group tamarins live in is two to eight individuals, but it can range from four to eighteen. They reside in the form of an extended family group, usually with only one breeding female. The groups they live in usually only consist of Emperor tamarins, but occasionally can also include Saddle-back tamarins considering their food scavenging groups often join together. This is due to the fact Emperor tamarins tend to stay higher in the canopy than 10 meters, and Saddle-back tamarins usually stay below 10 meters.

    Emperor tamarins consume a wide range of specimens in their daily dietary routine. They eat fruits and flowers, many of which are readily available due to their flourishing vegetational habitats.[6] They also eat the exudes of plants such as gums and saps, easily gouged from the trees they are living in. Many also choose to consume animal prey, such as insects and frogs, depending upon what type of forest they are located in. Emperor tamarins have been reported to engage in mixed species associations with Weddell's saddle-back tamarins (S. fuscicollis weddelli), spending up to 20% of their day foraging in these mixed species troops. Emperor tamarin society is based on a dominance hierarchy led by a dominant female and her mate. It is the dominant emperor tamarins who form these foraging troops, forming these mixed species groups is beneficial to the emperor tamarins and their ability to find quality food resources. Some speculated at one point that females of the species were the primary scavengers of food, specifically fruit and flowers, because of their enhanced abilities over the males in the form of stronger visual cues. Upon research, it was found that males and females possess the same abilities to locate food patches. Though it does not discriminate between the two species, females do tend to be the more dominant hunters, which led to the speculation.[8] Weddell's saddle-back tamarins are better and faster at locating food resources. S.fuscicollis are a smaller bodied species of tamarins and are able to move fast through the canopy, saddle-back tamarins often arrive to the food resources before the emperor tamarins. The emperor tamarins follow the saddle-back tamarins to food patches using their larger size to intimidate the feeding Weddell's saddle-back tamarins into leaving the feeding tree. This foraging strategy is beneficial to both species, the mixed species troops provide more vigilance for predator protection. Observations of tamarins foraging in mixed species troops using feeding platforms and monitoring fruiting trees show that these troops spend less time foraging in smaller patches of fruiting trees with limited amounts of fruiting resources.[9]

    Reproduction and infant care

    The age of first reproduction in emperor tamarins is around 16–20 months old, with a gestation period of up to 6 months.[10] Tamarins are seasonal breeders. Breeding is based around food availability. Most births occur during the wet season when food resources are in abundance.

    Tamarin species were once thought to be a monogamous species, but observations of emperor tamarins in the wild show that they have a polyandrous mating system, with one dominant female mating with multiple males. This mating system works to ensure paternal investment in offspring. If a female mates with multiple males and give birth to a litter, males are more likely to invest because of the possibility that one of the infants will carry their genes onto the next generation. Due to high rates of twinning or multiple births in Emperor tamarins, parental care and paternal investment is important to infant survival. Previously the only knowledge of tamarin infant care came from captive studies on Cotton-top tamarins (S. oedipus), which demonstrated that infant survival is dependent on helpers. Helpers are either older female offspring of the dominant female that have remained in their natal group or the males that most frequently interact with the dominant female. Infant carrying has a high energetic cost due to the relatively large fetal weight of infants to the weight of adults. Helpers provide the extra support to remove some of the cost of caring for multiple infants. Male emperor tamarins have been observed to spend the most time with infants, often carrying both infants while the dominant female forages. Male emperor tamarins are reported to be more observant of the infants and more protective. For example, they are known to react faster to infant distress calls than females.

    Infant mortality in the wild is at its highest during weeks 5–15 of their lives, when they begin to move around and explore on their own, this is because one of the greatest threats to infant survival is falling from the canopy.[11]


    The emperor tamarin can be found in Brazil; places in Peru and Bolivia that are parts of the southwest Amazon Basin; east of the upper Purus river; between the Purus river and Rio Acre; east of the upper Juruá river to the Tarauacá river and Juruparí river; west to the Urubamba river and Inuya river; and south of Tahuamanú river.[12]

    According to Buchanan's research, the subspecies of S. imperator, S. i. imperator, are rarely found in Los Campos and Buena Vista, which are located near the left bank of the Rio Acre; and in the banks of the Purus River and Eiru River.[13][4]

    Lastly, according to Buchanan and Bairrao, the subspecies, S. i. subgrisescens, can be found on the upper banks of the Juruá River; south of the Tahuamanú river and along the banks of the Muyumanu river.[4][12]


    Emperor tamarins behave actively, rapidly, gracefully, gregariously, and playfully in the wild. In captivity the tamarins are very social and interactive with humans. A study by Knox, Kerry L. and Donald Stone Sade of the social behavior of emperor tamarins in captivity found that tamarin colonies behave agonistically according to seniority. There is an agonistic network where each component along a continuum from strongly dominant individuals interaction with strongly subordinate individuals. In the interactions the tamarins usually communicate threat and submission. The aggression is more frequently among individuals of the same sex, most frequently between juvenile males and juvenile males, between juvenile females and juvenile females and also between sexed twins. There are matrices of within family groups of emperor tamarins where a large proportion of the total number of agonistic interaction within a group occurs between pairs of siblings from different litters. The dynamics of agonistic relations within a group is not just only for the status of the breeding pair but may also influence the allocation of reproductive effort. Family members other than the breeding female may suppress reproduction in adult daughters too. There are certain behaviors that were identified as dominant and some responses as subordinate. The dominant most frequent behaviors happened when the tamarin's mouth is completely opened and show the teeth, when they mount another tamarin or when a tamarin approaches from the rear and encircles another tamarin's waist with both arms. A dominant tamarin will usually display many components at the same time. The Subordinate most frequent behaviors are always responses to dominant components and they happened when the subordinate tamarin brings his or her anogenital region into the view of the other tamarin as usually part of a sequence of their body being displayed, when they made a wide-mouth grimace or after they have been mounted they look backward at the dominant tamarin but does not make eye contact. There is always a dominant component toward another tamarin, which immediately responds, with a subordinate component. Long calls and tongue flicking was sometimes part of the agonistic behavior repertoire.

    Communication is a key behavior, a facilitation of cohesion and coordination among group-living tamarins. There was also an agonistic interaction with saddle back tamarins and emperors, where the emperor tamarins were the dominant species. The long call is the most likely call in the tamarin vocal repertoire to serve as a coordinating signal. Long call vocalization has been hypothesized to serve as communicative signals both within and between Tamarin species. Long calls are usually quite loud and can be hear by humans over 150 m away. Emperor tamarins often produce long call upon leaving their sleeping sites at the morning and then periodically throughout the day, especially when travelling or participating in territorial encounters with neighbor tamarin groups. Long calls promote contact between neighbor tamarin groups. Long calls also function as interspecific signals consisting of counter-calling between heterospecific groups that travel together or approach another after period separations throughout the day. Emperor tamarin long calls generally cover a broader frequency range and the notes are shorter and repeated more quickly than those produced by saddle back tamarins. The acoustical differences between saddle back and emperor tamarin calls allow humans to differentiate between them easily. Tamarins are able to identify the sex of unfamiliar callers too. Emperor tamarins respond in high rates of to the calls from conspecific and heterospecific species calls but not that much to polyspecific species calls. Emperor tamarins displayed higher frequencies of approach towards the speaking following playback of tamarin long calls. Communication between tamarin species via long calls included high vocalization rates before reinitiating contact in the morning and during travel when two groups may become separated. Individuals also call at high rates in the morning and during travel when they are with another tamarin and when they are alone. They call the groups simultaneously. The calls are an exchange has the potential to act as a proximate mechanism facilitating coordination, both within conspecific tamarin and heterospecific tamarin. Sometimes tamarins consider the broadcast of calls as a challenge to their territory against intruders. Counter-calling between species represents interspecific communication in polyspecific tamarin associations. Emperor tamarins distinguish between calls on the basis of social relationships.[14][15][16][17]

    The emperor tamarin forms mixed-species troops with Weddell's saddle-back tamarin and also associates with Goeldi's marmoset.[18]


    Emperor tamarins are listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as a species of Least Concern, and there are no conservation efforts aimed directly towards this species of primates. Emperor tamarins populations have been in decline due to threats of deforestation and human encroachment. Forest fragmentation has become a huge problem for arboreal primate species in the neotropics: fragmentation causes the tamarins range to be restricted, causing populations to be isolated. Emperor tamarins are located in protected areas in Peru at Manú National Park and Bolivia at Manuripi-Heath Amazonian Wildlife National Reserve. There are no protected areas that overlap with the Brazilian populations of emperor tamarins.

    Manú National Park in Peru provides protection of the natural habitat of the emperor tamarins. This national park is considered to be one of the world's most important protected areas because of it being located within one of the largest biodiversity hotspots and its high species richness. The National Park is home to small populations of indigenous people, these indigenous people are permitted to hunt in the park. Research shows that indigenous subsistence hunting has effects on the larger bodied primates in the park but shows minimal effects on the emperor tamarin population size. There is evidence that hunting has extended the range of emperor tamarins which originally were restricted to the north bank of the Manú River are also now found on the south bank.[19] Manú National Park had a successful community based ecotourism industry, and in recent years ecotourism has increased as Park administration and NGOs have taken interest in improving the livelihoods of the indigenous populations. Though there is cause for concern that improving the livelihoods and infrastructure of the national park may lead to negative effects on the wildlife populations including the emperor tamarins.[20]

    Human interactions

    Many zoos observe interesting behaviors of Emperor tamarins held in captivity. According to staff at the Jackson Zoo in Jackson, Mississippi, their Emperor tamarins display a need for tenderness. They love to be stroked by human hands and lie on their backs in order to indicate to their caretakers they are requesting more special attention.[21] Staff at San Francisco Zoo have reported that the species takes part in mutual grooming.[22]


    1. ^ a b c d Ravetta, A.L.; Calouro, A.M.; Wallace, R.B.; Mollinedo, J.M.; Röhe, F.; Bicca-Marques, J.C.; Heymann, E.W.; Mittermeier, R.A. (2021). "Saguinus imperator". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2021: e.T39948A192551472. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2021-1.RLTS.T39948A192551472.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
    2. ^ a b "Wildfacts - Emperor tamarin". BBC. April 2012.
    3. ^ Hershkovitz Philip. 1979. "Races of the emperor tamarin, Saguinus imperator Goeldi (Callitrichidae, Primates)"
    4. ^ a b c Buchanan-Smith H.M, Hardie SM, Caceres C, Prescott M.J 2000. Distribution and Forest Utilization of Saguinus and Other Primates of the Pando Department, Northern Bolivia. Journal of Primatology 21:353-379
    5. ^ Irion G., Muller J., Nunes de Mello J., Junk W.J. 1995. Quaternary geoglogy of Amazonian lowland. Geo-Marine Letters 15:172-178
    6. ^ a b Jackson J.F. 1978. Seasonality of Flowering and Leaf-Fall in a Brazilian Subtropical Lower Montane Moist Forest. Biotropica 10:38-42
    7. ^ Brown S. and Lugo A. 1990. Tropical Secondary Forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology 6:1-32
    8. ^ Dominy N.J., Garber P.A., Bicca-Marques J.C., de Azevedo-Lopes, M.A. 2003. Do female tamarins use visual cues to detect fruit rewards more successfully than do males? Animal Behaviour 66:829-837
    9. ^ Bicca-Marques J.C and Garber P.A. 2003. Experimental field study of relative costs and benefits to wild tamarins (Saguinus imperator and S. fuscicollis) of exploiting contestable food patches as sing- and mixed- species troops. American Journal of Primatology 60:139-153
    10. ^ Jones, K.E., Bielby, J., Cardillo, M., Fritz, S.A., O’Dell, J., Orme, C.D.L., Safi, K., Sechrest, W., Boakes, E.H., Carbone, C., Connolly, C., Cutts, M.J., Foster, J.K., Grenyer, R., Habib, M.Plaster, C.A., Price, S.A., Rigby, E.A., Rist, J., Teacher, A., BinindaEmonds, O.R.P., Gittleman, J.L., Mace, G.M., Purvis, A., Michener, W.K., 2009.PanTHERIA: a species-level database of life history, ecology, and geography of extant and recently extinct mammals. Ecology 90, 2648
    11. ^ Windfelder T.L. 2000. Observations on the birth and subsequent care of offspring by a lone pair of wild emperor tamarins (Saguinus imperator). American Journal of Primatology. 52:107-113
    12. ^ a b Bairrao Ruvio E. 2010. Husbandry Guidelines for Callitrichidae. EAZA. 2nd Edition. 1-218.
    13. ^ TAXONOMY OF TAMARINS (CALLITRICHIDAE) (PDF). The Linnean Society of London,Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2017-01-28. Retrieved 2019-06-01.
    14. ^ Buchanam-Smith, Hannah M. "Tamarin Polyspecific Associations: Forest Utilization and Stability of Mixed-species Groups". Research. University of Stirling. Stirling: Primates Socioecology, 1999.
    15. ^ Knox, Kerry L. and Donald Stone Sade. "Social Behavior of the Emperor Tamarin in Captivity: Components of Agonistic Display and the Agonistic Network". Research. Evaston: International Journal of Primatology, 1991.
    16. ^ Windfelder, Tammy L. "Interspecific Communication in mixed-species groups of tamarins: evidence from playback experiments". Research. Duke University. Ann Arbor: Animal Behavior, 2001.
    17. ^ "Saguinus imperator". Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Retrieved June 22, 2016.
    18. ^ Porter, Leila M.; Dacier, Anand (2016). Rowe, Noel; Myers, Marc (eds.). All the World's Primates. Pogonias Press. pp. 345–346. ISBN 9781940496061.
    19. ^ Endo E., Peres C.A., Salas E., Morl S., Sanchez-Vega J., Shepard G., Pacheco V., Yu D.W. 2009. Game vertebrate densities in hunted and nonhunted forest sites in Manú National Park. Biotropica. 42(2):251-261
    20. ^ Shepard G.H, Rummenhoeller K., Ohl-Schacherer J., Yu D.W. 2010. Trouble in paradise: indigenous populations, anthropological poliies, and biodiversity conservation in Manu National Park, Peru. Journal of Sustainable forestry. 29(2-4):252-301
    21. ^ "Emperor Tamarin (Saguinus imperator)" (PDF). Jackson Zoo. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-05-22. Retrieved 2013-10-25.
    22. ^ "Emperor Tamarin". San Francisco Zoo. Archived from the original on 2013-10-29. Retrieved 2013-10-25.

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    Emperor tamarin: Brief Summary ( anglais )

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    The emperor tamarin (Saguinus imperator) is a species of tamarin monkey allegedly named for its resemblance to the German emperor Wilhelm II. It lives in the north Brazilian states of Acre and Amazonas and the southwest Amazon Basin, in east Peru, north Bolivia.

    The fur of the emperor tamarin is predominantly grey colored, with yellowish speckles on its chest. The hands and feet are black and the tail is brown. Outstanding is its long, white beard, which extends to both sides beyond the shoulders. The animal reaches a length of 23–26 centimetres (9–10 in), plus a 35–41.5 cm (13.8–16.3 in) long tail. It weighs approximately 500 grams (18 oz).

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    Saguinus imperator ( espagnol ; castillan )

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    El tití emperador o tamarino bigotudo, también tamarino emperador (Saguinus imperator) es una especie de primate platirrino de la familia Callitrichidae que vive en la Amazonia de Bolivia, Brasil y Perú. Posee largos bigotes blancos. Es llamado así por su parecido con el emperador alemán Guillermo II.

    Tití emperador con dos crías.

    Su cuerpo alcanza 25 a 30 cm de longitud y su cola no prénsil mide de 35 a 41 cm. Pesa entre 300 y 500 g.

    Vive en grupos territoriales jerárquicos de con un área de acción promedio de 30 a 40 hectáreas en selvas lluviosas y bosques de baja elevación, a veces asociados con títis de otras especies como el tamarino de cabeza amarilla (S. fuscicollis). Son diurnos y se desplazan con agilidad grandes distancias, de rama en rama o dejándose caer de una altura superior.

    En cada grupo hay por lo menos dos machos y una hembra se aparea con todos los machos del grupo. Se le ha visto en grupos integrados desde una pareja hasta cuarenta individuos, aunque casi siempre son de tres a quince de ellos. El período de gestación es de 140 a 150 días y paren una o dos crías que dependen de la madre al menos tres semanas antes de adquirir independencia. Los machos ayudan en la crianza cargando las crías, que entregan a la madre media hora, cada tres horas, para la lactancia.

    Se alimentan principalmente de frutos y también de néctar, savia, flores, hojas, insectos, pequeños vertebrados y huevos de aves.

    Se le estima una longevidad de unos 17 años.

    Existen dos subespecies, las que se diferencian en que la subespecie nominal no tiene barba:

    • Tamarin emperador de mentón negro, Saguinus imperator imperator
    • Tamarin emperador barbudo, Saguinus imperator subgrisescens


    1. Rylands, A. B. y Mittermeier, R. A. (2008). «Saguinus imperator». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2010.3 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 9 de octubre de 2010.

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    Saguinus imperator: Brief Summary ( espagnol ; castillan )

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    El tití emperador o tamarino bigotudo, también tamarino emperador (Saguinus imperator) es una especie de primate platirrino de la familia Callitrichidae que vive en la Amazonia de Bolivia, Brasil y Perú. Posee largos bigotes blancos. Es llamado así por su parecido con el emperador alemán Guillermo II.

     src= Tití emperador con dos crías.

    Su cuerpo alcanza 25 a 30 cm de longitud y su cola no prénsil mide de 35 a 41 cm. Pesa entre 300 y 500 g.

    Vive en grupos territoriales jerárquicos de con un área de acción promedio de 30 a 40 hectáreas en selvas lluviosas y bosques de baja elevación, a veces asociados con títis de otras especies como el tamarino de cabeza amarilla (S. fuscicollis). Son diurnos y se desplazan con agilidad grandes distancias, de rama en rama o dejándose caer de una altura superior.

    En cada grupo hay por lo menos dos machos y una hembra se aparea con todos los machos del grupo. Se le ha visto en grupos integrados desde una pareja hasta cuarenta individuos, aunque casi siempre son de tres a quince de ellos. El período de gestación es de 140 a 150 días y paren una o dos crías que dependen de la madre al menos tres semanas antes de adquirir independencia. Los machos ayudan en la crianza cargando las crías, que entregan a la madre media hora, cada tres horas, para la lactancia.

    Se alimentan principalmente de frutos y también de néctar, savia, flores, hojas, insectos, pequeños vertebrados y huevos de aves.

    Se le estima una longevidad de unos 17 años.

    Existen dos subespecies, las que se diferencian en que la subespecie nominal no tiene barba:

    Tamarin emperador de mentón negro, Saguinus imperator imperator Tamarin emperador barbudo, Saguinus imperator subgrisescens
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    Keisertamariin ( estonien )

    fourni par wikipedia ET

    Keisertamariin (Saguinus imperator) on tamariinide perekonda kuuluv imetaja.


    Laialt levinud Lääne- ja Lõuna-Ameerika vihmametsades.


    Oma nime olevat uhkete vurrudega keisertamariini saanud kunagisele Saksamaa valitseja Wilhelm II järgi, kellega ahvike olevat väga sarnane.


    Nad on aktiivsed, kiired, graatsilised, sõbralikud ja mänguhimulised .Karusnahk on peamiselt halli värvusega ja rind on kollakaspruun. Käed jalad on mustad ja saba on pruun. Loomal on pikad, ümber õlgadeni ulatuvad valged vuntsid.

    • Pikkus: 23-26 cm (9-10 tolli)
    • Saba: 35-41,5 cm (13,8-16,3 tolli).
    • Kaalub umbes 500 grammi.
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    Keisertamariin: Brief Summary ( estonien )

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    Keisertamariin (Saguinus imperator) on tamariinide perekonda kuuluv imetaja.

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    Saguinus imperator ( basque )

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    Saguinus imperator Saguinus generoko animalia da. Primateen barruko Callitrichinae azpifamilia eta Cebidae familian sailkatuta dago. Imperator izena eman zitzaion Gilen II.a Alemaniakoaren antza fisikoa zuelako[3]. Amazonasen arroan bizi dira, Peruko ekialdean, Boliviako iparraldean eta Brasilgo Acre eta Amazonas (estatua)ren mendebaldean[4].

    S. imperatorren larrua batez ere grisa da, orban horixkekin bere paparrean. Eskuak eta oinak beltzak dituzte eta isatsa marroia. Bere ezaugarririk garrantzitsuena sorbaldak baino luzeagoa den bibotea da. 23-26 zentimetro arteko luzera dute, eta beste 35-41,5 zentrimetroko isatsa. Gehienez ere 500 gramoko pisua dute.


    1. (Ingelesez)Mammals - full taxonomy and Red List status Ugaztun guztien egoera 2008an
    2. Goeldi (1907) 1907 Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 93. or..
    3. (Ingelesez) The Zoo | Emperor tamarin . Noiz kontsultatua: 2017-07-02.
    4. Saguinus imperator (Black-chinned Emperor Tamarin, Emperor Tamarin) . Noiz kontsultatua: 2017-07-02.

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    Saguinus imperator: Brief Summary ( basque )

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    Saguinus imperator Saguinus generoko animalia da. Primateen barruko Callitrichinae azpifamilia eta Cebidae familian sailkatuta dago. Imperator izena eman zitzaion Gilen II.a Alemaniakoaren antza fisikoa zuelako. Amazonasen arroan bizi dira, Peruko ekialdean, Boliviako iparraldean eta Brasilgo Acre eta Amazonas (estatua)ren mendebaldean.

    S. imperatorren larrua batez ere grisa da, orban horixkekin bere paparrean. Eskuak eta oinak beltzak dituzte eta isatsa marroia. Bere ezaugarririk garrantzitsuena sorbaldak baino luzeagoa den bibotea da. 23-26 zentimetro arteko luzera dute, eta beste 35-41,5 zentrimetroko isatsa. Gehienez ere 500 gramoko pisua dute.

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    Keisaritamariini ( finnois )

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    Keisaritamariini (Saguinus imperator) on eteläamerikkalainen apinalaji. Se on saanut nimensä Saksan keisari Vilhelm II:n mukaan, jolla oli samantyyppiset viikset.

    Koko ja ulkonäkö

    Keisaritamariini painaa 300–400 grammaa ja kasvaa noin 25 cm pitkäksi. Sen häntä on 35–senttinen.


    Keisaritamariini elää Amazonin valuma-alueen lounaisosassa Perun itäosissa, Bolivian pohjoisosissa sekä Brasilian läntisissä osavaltioissa Acressa ja Amazonaksessa.[1]


    Keisaritamariinit elävät 2–8 yksilön ryhmissä, joita johtaa ryhmän vanhin naaras. Ne ovat kaikkiruokaisia, ja syövät etenkin hedelmiä ja hyönteisiä. Myös linnunmunat ja pienet selkärankaiset kuten sammakot kuuluvat tamariinien ruokavalioon.


    1. a b Rylands, A.B. & Mittermeier, R.A.: Saguinus imperator IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1. 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 5.7.2014. (englanniksi)
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    Keisaritamariini: Brief Summary ( finnois )

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    Keisaritamariini (Saguinus imperator) on eteläamerikkalainen apinalaji. Se on saanut nimensä Saksan keisari Vilhelm II:n mukaan, jolla oli samantyyppiset viikset.

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    Tamarin empereur

    fourni par wikipedia FR

    Saguinus imperator

    Le Tamarin empereur [1] (Saguinus imperator) est une espèce de primates de la famille des Cebidae et vivant en Amérique du Sud, aisément reconnaissable à sa grosse moustache blanche.


    Son corps mesure de 23 à 25,5 cm, sa queue de 39 à 41,5 cm et son poids est généralement de 450 g. Rapport longueur bras/jambes (x100) : 75.Son pelage est noir agouti lavé de blanc sur les flancs. Queue orange rouille brillant. Queue parfois noire dessus, orange dessous avec une extrémité entièrement noire. Tête, oreilles, pieds et mains noirâtres. Une bande blanchâtre court au-dessus des yeux bruns. Immenses moustaches blanches. Cette description est variable d’une espèce à une autre, et c’est ainsi que :

    - Le tamarin empereur à menton noir (S. i. imperator) aura un dessus chamois ou agouti grisâtre avec des poils sombres à leur base. Dessous et intérieur des bras rougeâtre à orangé mêlé de poils blancs. Poils du menton blancs et courts ne cachant pas la tache noire du menton.

    - Tandis que le tamarin empereur barbu (S. i. subgrisescens) aura plutôt un dessus agouti brun avec des poils clairs (bruns ou blancs) à leur base. Dessous et intérieur des bras brun mêlé de poils blancs. Fine barbe de longs poils blancs cachant pratiquement la tache noire du menton.

    Écologie et comportement


    Frugivore-insectivore-exsudativore. Régime diversifié incluant surtout des fruits cueillis sur des arbres à petite couronne. Capture moult insectes sur les feuilles et les petites branches périphériques, fondant sur ses proies comme l’éclair. Marque une prédilection pour les orthoptères (57 %) tels les criquets, les larves (16 %) et pupes (10 %) de papillons, les adultes (7 %) et larves (2 %) de coléoptères, les fourmis (2 %) sans oublier les araignées et les escargots. De petits vertébrés (lézards, grenouilles arboricoles) et des œufs d’oiseau figurent à son menu. Pendant la saison humide, il se nourrit quasi exclusivement de fruits (97 %) avec un complément de nectar (1 %), de sève (1 %) et de champignons (1 %). À la saison sèche, il se rabat sur le nectar (52 %), les fleurs (4 %), la gomme et la sève entre septembre et décembre, les fruits continuant de compter pour 41 % tout de même.

    Relations inter et intraspécifiques

    Comportements basiques

    Diurne. Arboricole. Quadrupède. Très agile, court et saute de branche en branche comme un bolide miniature.

    Parcourt chaque jour 1,4 km. Évolue entre 15 et 30 m au-dessus du sol en petits gangs frénétiques. Se cache et se repose plusieurs heures par jour dans les enchevêtrements de lianes, avant de s’endormir en groupe compact dans de grands arbres isolés croulant sous la végétation épiphyte et parasite.

    Comportement social

    Groupe multimâle-unifemelle, comptant entre 3 et 8 individus (jusqu’à 15). Polyandrie, voire polygynie ou monogamie.


    • Communication orale : Gazouillis d’oiseau, sifflements tremblés et longs sifflements descendants. Vocalise souvent aux limites de son territoire. Comprend et répond aux cris d'alarme du tamarin à selle (S. fuscicollis). Ses petits cris sont le meilleur moyen d’identifier cette espèce timide, discrète et difficile à observer.
    • Communication olfactive : Domaine marqué à l’aide d’urine.
    • Communication tactile : Joueur et amical, c’est hélas un animal de compagnie recherché. Il a toujours besoin de tendresse, aime être pris dans les bras et se met sur le dos pour solliciter toujours plus de caresses.

    Sympatrie et association

    Le tamarin empereur à menton noir (S. i. imperator) est sympatrique du tamarin à selle de Weddell (Saguinus fuscicolis weddelli). Le tamarin empereur barbu (S. i. subgrisescens) est sympatrique du tamarin à selle de Weddell (Saguinus fuscicollis weddelli) et du tamarin à manteau noir (Saguinus nigricollis) sur toute sa distribution. Le tamarin empereur forme des troupes mixtes avec le tamarin à selle et les deux font cause commune dans la défense du territoire. Ils s’entraident pour la détection des dangers : le tamarin empereur excelle à repérer les prédateurs aériens (rapaces), tandis que le tamarin à selle se charge de repérer les prédateurs terrestres (petits félins et serpents). Le tamarin empereur domine le tamarin à selle, si bien qu’il pourra le déloger pour se nourrir en priorité. S’associe également avec le titi brun (Callicebus brunneus) au sud-est du Pérou.


    Petits félins, rapaces, serpents.


    Jeune tamarin empereur âgé de deux mois.

    Cycle œstral : 15 jours. La femelle met bas 2 petits (rarement 1 ou 3) de 85 g après une gestation de 140 à 145 jours.

    Le père et les autres membres du groupe aident au transport des jeunes, les rendant à leur mère le temps du nourrissage (cinq séances quotidiennes de 30 min chacune). Le groupe continue à donner de la nourriture aux jeunes lorsque ceux-ci sont sevrés. Les jeunes s’accrochent au dos des adultes jusqu’à 7 semaines. Maturité sexuelle entre 16 et 20 mois.

    Jusqu’à 17 ans, en captivité. Atteint rarement 10 ans dans la nature.

    Répartition et habitat

    Distribution géographique

    Sud-est du Pérou, État d’Acre à l’ouest du Brésil et nord de la Bolivie.


    Forêt de plaine primaire mais surtout secondaire, jusqu’à 30 m d’altitude. Affectionne la dense végétation de plantes grimpantes. Rarement dans la forêt inondable.


    De 30 à 40 ha. Patrouille activement son territoire et les confrontations frontalières hebdomadaires peuvent se prolonger durant six heures.


    • Tamarin empereur à menton noir (S. i. imperator) : Aire très restreinte à l’ouest du Brésil dans l’État d’Acre jusqu’à la frontière péruvienne, entre le Rio Purús au Brésil et le Rio Acre vers le Pérou.
    • Tamarin empereur barbu (S. i. subgrisescens) : État de l’Acre à l’ouest du Brésil (à l’ouest jusqu’au haut Rio Juruá et très rarement au-delà, à l’est jusqu’au Rio Eirú), sud-est du Pérou (entre le Rio Ucayali à l’ouest, le Rio Muyumanu au sud - sud du Rio Tahuamanú - et la frontière bolivienne à l’est) et nord de la Bolivie (au nord du Rio Madre de Dios).


    Tamarin empereur à menton noir (S. i. imperator) : Insuffisamment documenté.


    Tamarin empereur à menton noir (S. i. imperator) : SE du Rio Acre et PN de la Serra do Divisor (Brésil). Tamarin empereur à menton noir (S. i. imperator) : Zone réservée du haut Río Purús, PN de la Manu (sud-est du Pérou), Rfa. de Manuripi et RE du Río Tahuamanú (nord Bolivie).

    Voir aussi

    Références taxinomiques

    Notes et références
    1. (en) Murray Wrobel, Elsevier's Dictionary of Mammals : in Latin, English, German, French and Italian, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2007, 857 p. (ISBN 978-0-444-51877-4, lire en ligne), entrée N°6176.

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    Tamarin empereur: Brief Summary

    fourni par wikipedia FR

    Saguinus imperator

    Le Tamarin empereur (Saguinus imperator) est une espèce de primates de la famille des Cebidae et vivant en Amérique du Sud, aisément reconnaissable à sa grosse moustache blanche.

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    Saguinus imperator ( galicien )

    fourni par wikipedia gl Galician

    O Saguinus imperator é unha especie de primate platirrino que debe o seu nome pola súa semellanza co emperador alemán Guillerme II.[2] Vive no suroeste da conca do Amazonas, no leste do Perú, norte de Bolivia e o oeste dos estados brasileiros de Acre e Amazonas.[1]

    Existen dúas subespecies de Saguinus imperator:[1]


    1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 A. B. Rylands & R. A. Mittermeier (2008). "Saguinus imperator". Lista Vermella da IUCN (IUCN) 2008: e.T39948A10295512. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2008.RLTS.T39948A10295512.en. Consultado o 6 de xaneiro de 2018.
    2. "Wildfacts - Emperor tamarin". BBC. abril de 2012.

    Véxase tamén

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    Saguinus imperator: Brief Summary ( galicien )

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    O Saguinus imperator é unha especie de primate platirrino que debe o seu nome pola súa semellanza co emperador alemán Guillerme II. Vive no suroeste da conca do Amazonas, no leste do Perú, norte de Bolivia e o oeste dos estados brasileiros de Acre e Amazonas.

    Existen dúas subespecies de Saguinus imperator:

    Saguinus imperator imperator Saguinus imperator subgrisescens
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    Tamarin kaisar ( indonésien )

    fourni par wikipedia ID

    Tamarin kaisar (Saguinus imperator), adalah spesies tamarin yang diduga diberi nama demikian karena kemiripannya dengan Kaisar Jerman Wilhelm II.[2] Spesies ini hidup di barat daya Cekungan Amazon, di timur Peru, utara Bolivia, dan di barat negara bagian Brasil di Acre dan Amazonas.[1]

    Bulu tamarin kaisar ini didominasi warna abu-abu, dengan bintik kuning di dadanya. Tangan dan kakinya berwarna hitam dan ekornya berwarna cokelat. Yang menarik perhatian adalah kumis putihnya yang panjang, yang memanjang ke kedua sisi melebihi pundaknya. Hewan ini mencapai panjang 23–26 sentimeter (9–10 in), ditambah sebuah ekor yang panjangnya 35–41,5 cm (13,8–16,3 in).[2] Beratnya kira-kira 500 gram (18 oz).[1]


    1. ^ a b c A. B. Rylands & R. A. Mittermeier (2008). "Saguinus imperator". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN. 2008: e.T39948A10295512. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2008.RLTS.T39948A10295512.en. Diakses tanggal 6 January 2018.
    2. ^ a b "Wildfacts - Emperor tamarin". BBC. April 2012.

    Pranala luar

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    Tamarin kaisar: Brief Summary ( indonésien )

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    Tamarin kaisar (Saguinus imperator), adalah spesies tamarin yang diduga diberi nama demikian karena kemiripannya dengan Kaisar Jerman Wilhelm II. Spesies ini hidup di barat daya Cekungan Amazon, di timur Peru, utara Bolivia, dan di barat negara bagian Brasil di Acre dan Amazonas.

    Bulu tamarin kaisar ini didominasi warna abu-abu, dengan bintik kuning di dadanya. Tangan dan kakinya berwarna hitam dan ekornya berwarna cokelat. Yang menarik perhatian adalah kumis putihnya yang panjang, yang memanjang ke kedua sisi melebihi pundaknya. Hewan ini mencapai panjang 23–26 sentimeter (9–10 in), ditambah sebuah ekor yang panjangnya 35–41,5 cm (13,8–16,3 in). Beratnya kira-kira 500 gram (18 oz).

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    Saguinus imperator ( italien )

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    Il tamarino imperatore (Saguinus imperator Goeldi, 1907) è un primate platirrino della famiglia dei Cebidi: deve il nome comune e scientifico ai lunghi baffi, simili a quelli in voga durante il regno dell'imperatore Guglielmo II di Germania.


    Con due sottospecie (S. imperator imperator e S. imperator subnigrescens) il tamarino imperatore è diffuso in una vasta area di foresta tropicale amazzonica che va dal Perù sud-orientale al Brasile nord-occidentale (stati dell'Acre ed Amazonas), passando per la Bolivia settentrionale. Colonizza indifferentemente le aree di foresta periodicamente inondate oppure di tierra firme, ossia dal fondo asciutto: si adatta bene anche alle foreste secondarie, ossia foreste ricresciute dopo che la foresta originaria (primaria) è stata per qualche motivo rasa al suolo.



    Misura circa 60 cm di lunghezza complessiva, di cui fra i 24 ed i 26 cm spettano al corpo ed i rimanenti alla coda, solitamente più lunga del corpo. Il peso oscilla fra i 300 ed i 400 g.


    Il pelo è grigio nella parte dorsale, con sparsi peli gialli nella zona del quarto posteriore: sul petto invece il colore del mantello tende al biancastro, mentre il basso ventre, la parte posteriore delle cosce e la coda sono rossicci. Attorno alla testa può essere presente una corona grigio-argentata, mentre le parti nude del corpo (cerchi perioculari, mani, orecchie, sottocoda) sono nerastre.

    Saguinus imperator subnigrescens: risultano evidenti i caratteristici "baffi" e la barba sul mento.

    La caratteristica principale della specie, tuttavia, sono gli arditi baffi che si dipartono dal muso (che possiede pelle rosata) fino a raggiungere le spalle, simili come acconciatura ai baffi in voga ai tempi dell'imperatore tedesco Guglielmo II: tali ornamenti, portati da ambedue i sessi, danno all'animale un aspetto altezzoso, da cui il nome comune e scientifico della specie.

    In realtà, a differenza di quelli del kaiser, i baffi di queste scimmiette tendono verso il basso: i tassidermisti, tuttavia, erano soliti piegarli innaturalmente verso l'alto, a guisa di quelli portati dall'imperatore. Emil Goeldi diede loro l'appellativo di "imperatore" quasi per scherzo, ma il nome piacque molto agli zoologi europei e rimase anche nella denominazione latina.

    Saguinus imperator imperator: in questa sottospecie il mento è invece glabro.

    Le due sottospecie di tamarino imperatore differiscono principalmente nella foggia dei baffi: la sottospecie subnigrescens. infatti, possiede oltre ai mustacchi anche una barba sul mento, del tutto assente invece nella sottospecie nominale.

    Per il resto, questi animali possiedono mani prive di pollici opponibili, a differenza di molte altre specie di primati: inoltre, le dita sono munite di unghiette appuntite simili ad artigli, fatta eccezione per le unghie dei pollici, che sono piatte ed allargate, simili ad unghie umane. Si è a lungo pensato, considerando i callitricidi come delle forme ancestrali di platirrine, che questi artigli fossero semplicemente una forma vestigiale di quelli che possedevano le prime scimmie del Nuovo Mondo: recenti ricerche, tuttavia, sembrano smentire questa credenza, considerando i callitricidi dei cebidi che hanno sviluppato nuove caratteristiche (fra cui, appunto, gli artigli) come adattamento al nuovo ambiente, piuttosto che delle scimmie primitive.


    I tamarini imperatore sono animali attivi esclusivamente durante le ore diurne: di abitudini prettamente arboricole, si muovono velocemente sulle quattro zampe correndo e saltellando attraverso la volta della foresta. Vivono in gruppetti comprendenti dai due agli otto individui: nell'ambito del gruppo, a comandare è sempre una femmina dominante, affiancata da vari individui disposti gerarchicamente a seconda dell'età e del sesso, e sono sempre presenti almeno due maschi. Nonostante l'aspetto austero, sono animali molto graziosi ed amichevoli, amanti del gioco e delle coccole: in natura passano molto tempo a fare del grooming, mentre in cattività si affezionano al loro guardiano, nella mano del quale amano giacere e spesso si pongono a pancia in su in attesa di carezze.

    Allo stato selvatico, è piuttosto frequente osservare questi animali in associazione con gruppi di altre specie di tamarini, in particolare coi tamarini dal dorso bruno (Saguinus fuscicollis): esemplari delle due specie possono occupare territori perfettamente sovrapposti, scambiarsi vocalizzazioni e coordinare i propri spostamenti. Non è ancora chiaro il motivo di tali associazioni, ma si pensa che ambedue le specie ricavino vantaggi da questa convivenza in termini di raccolta di cibo e di protezione da eventuali predatori, in quanto più occhi equivalgono ad una maggiore efficienza nel pattugliamento dei territori.


    I tamarini imperatorie hanno una dieta basata principalmente su frutta e insetti: grazie al loro peso contenuto, queste scimmiette sono in grado di raggiungere i rami più sottili, dove altre specie dalla dieta simile, ma di dimensioni maggiori, non possono arrivare. Questi animali sono inoltre soliti utilizzare le incisioni lasciate nelle cortecce d'albero dagli uistitì per nutrirsi di linfa allo stesso scopo, dato che i loro denti non presentano gli adattamenti a questo tipo di dieta mostrati invece dalle specie del genere Callithrix.

    Qualora la disponibilità di cibo sia piuttosto scarsa, è possibile che i tamarini imperatore caccino attivamente piccoli vertebrati, come lucertole, rane e nidiacei e uova di uccelli: grazie alla loro piccola taglia, questi animali possono avvicinarsi furtivamente agli animali fino a una distanza piuttosto piccola, saltando poi loro addosso fulmineamente e finendoli con un morso alla nuca.


    Un maschio porta i due cuccioli in groppa in uno zoo.

    Il ciclo estrale dura circa due settimane, con la femmina dominante (l'unica a cui è concesso di riprodursi, poiché inibisce tramite feromoni l'ovulazione delle femmine subordinate) che si accoppia promiscuamente con tutti i maschi presenti nel gruppo. Questa forma di poliandria è probabilmente stata evoluta in modo tale che tutti i maschi, pensando ciascuno di poter essere il padre dei nascituri, aiutino la femmina nel loro allevamento.

    Un giovane tamarino imperatore prende confidenza col cibo solido.

    La gestazione dura 140-150 giorni, al termine dei quali vengono dati alla luce solitamente due gemelli, ma saltuariamente possono nascere un unico cucciolo, tre o addirittura quattro. I cuccioli vengono curati dai maschi subito dopo la nascita: essi, infatti, li prendono appena dopo il parto e sono i maschi a leccarli per lavarne la placenta e stimolarli a respirare. I cuccioli appena nati sono ricoperti da una fitta peluria grigia e dipendono completamente dalle cure dei genitori: sono i maschi, a volte coadiuvati dagli altri membri del gruppo, a portarli sempre con sé, lasciandoli alla madre solo per la poppata, ogni due o tre ore e per un tempo di circa mezz'ora.

    Si ritiene che queste cure paterne siano una conseguenza delle grandi dimensioni dei cuccioli (50 g cadauno alla nascita), che renderebbero la femmina, già provata per il parto, troppo vulnerabile nei confronti di eventuali predatori: dividendo lo sforzo energetico di allevare la prole con tutto il gruppo ed in particolare coi due maschi, esso diventa ben più sostenibile.

    I cuccioli restano aggrappati alla schiena dei genitori per circa due mesi, in seguito tendono a seguire i loro spostamenti e ad assaggiare i primi cibi solidi, anche se lo svezzamento può dirsi completato solo dopo il terzo mese di vita. Attorno all'anno e mezzo d'età, i cuccioli raggiungono la maturità sessuale e sono pronti per allontanarsi dal gruppo natio, anche se solitamente non se ne separano prima del terzo anno di vita. La speranza di vita di questi animali si aggira attorno ai dieci anni in natura, mentre in cattività vivono facilmente fino ai vent'anni.


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    Saguinus imperator: Brief Summary ( italien )

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    Il tamarino imperatore (Saguinus imperator Goeldi, 1907) è un primate platirrino della famiglia dei Cebidi: deve il nome comune e scientifico ai lunghi baffi, simili a quelli in voga durante il regno dell'imperatore Guglielmo II di Germania.

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    Imepratoriškasis tamarinas ( lituanien )

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    Imperatoriškasis tamarinas (Saguinus imperator) – beždžionių tamarinų rūšis, paplitusi pietvakarių Amazonijoje (rytų Peru, šiaurės Bolivijoje ir Brazilijos Akrės ir Amazonės valstijose).

    Ši rūšis turi nukarusius baltus ūsus. Drėgnuoju laikotarpiu minta vaisiais, o sausuoju – žiedų nektaru bei medžių sula ir ištisus metus – vabzdžiais, ypač svirpliais. Dažnai sudaro mišrius būrius su kitais tamarinais. Jeigu netoliese pastebimas grobuonis, kiekviena rūšis atsiliepia į kitos rūšies pavojaus šūksnius.

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    Imperatora tamarīns ( letton )

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    Imperatora tamarīns ir viens no kalitriksu dzimtas pārstāvjiem. Šim dzīvniekam ir garas, baltas ūsas, kuru gali nokarājas līdz pat pleciem, un iesarkana aste. Tas apdzīvo Peru dienvidaustrumus, Bolīvijas ziemeļaustrumus un Brazīlijas rietumus.

    Izskats un īpašības

    Imperatora tamarīns ir samērā neliels zīdītājs. Tā garums ir 23 - 25,5 cm. Tā aste var būt gandrīz divas reizes garāka nekā pats - 35 - 42 cm. Imperatora tamarīna svars ir 300-400 g. Imperatora tamarīnam ir biezs, pietiekami garš kažoks. Apmatojuma krāsa ir rūsgana un pelēka. Vēders dažkārt ir sudrabaini pelēks, kāju gali un galvas augšpuse-melni, aste-iesarkana. Šim, no piecām tamarīnu sugām ir visizteiksmīgākās ūsas. Pirkstu virsma ir pārveidojusies par nagiem, izņemot īkšķiem. Šie dzīvnieki ēd augļus, kukaiņus un nektāru. Imperatora tamarīni ir sabiedriski un nebrīvē dzīvo līdz 23 gadiem. Dzimumgatavība sākas 15-18 mēnešu vecumā. Pārošanās laiks - maijs-jūnijs. Grūtniecība ilgst 140-145 dienas.


    Imperatora tamarīni dzīvo Amazones ieplakas lietus mežos un sausās, mūžam zaļās audzēs augstākās teritorijās. Šie dzīvnieki aktīvi kļūst vēlu no rīta un barojas līdz pat pusdienlaikam. Viņi parasti uzturas biezu, ložņājošu augu virsotnēs, lai paslēptos no plēsīgajiem putniem. Tamarīnu barā parasti veido viena mātīte, tēviņš-barvedis un viens vai daži pakļauti tēviņi, un arī mazuļi.


    Pārošanās periodā tēviņi raida riesta kliedzienus. Mātīte parasti dzemdē divus mazuļus. Mātīte mazuļus parasti tikai pabaro ar pienu, bet par to rūpējas tēviņi kopā ar citiem grupas locekļiem.

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    Imperatora tamarīns: Brief Summary ( letton )

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    Imperatora tamarīns ir viens no kalitriksu dzimtas pārstāvjiem. Šim dzīvniekam ir garas, baltas ūsas, kuru gali nokarājas līdz pat pleciem, un iesarkana aste. Tas apdzīvo Peru dienvidaustrumus, Bolīvijas ziemeļaustrumus un Brazīlijas rietumus.

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    Keizertamarin ( néerlandais ; flamand )

    fourni par wikipedia NL

    De keizertamarin (Saguinus imperator) behoort tot de familie van Cebidae.


    Keizertamarins zijn klein en een van de opvallende tamarinsoorten door hun opvallende witte snor, die contrasteert op het zwarte gelaat. Aan de overeenkomst met deze snor en die van keizer Wilhelm II van Duitsland dankt de keizertamarin zijn naam.[2]

    Het lichaam is vlekkerig rood- of grijsbruin met een oranje staart. De poten zijn niet bezet met nagels, maar met klauwen. De lichaamslengte bedraagt 23 tot 26 cm, de staartlengte 39 tot 42 cm en het gewicht 450 gram.


    De dieren voeden zich in de regentijd met fruit, in de droge tijd met honing en boomsappen. Op zijn menu staan ook vogeleieren en insecten, die het hele jaar worden gegeten. Ze leven vaak in gemengde groepen, samen met andere tamarins. Als een predator opdaagt, waarschuwen ze elkaar, waarop dan ook door ieder dier wordt gereageerd.


    De draagtijd is ongeveer 140 tot 145 dagen, waarna er gewoonlijk 2 jongen worden geboren, die worden gedragen door de vader, behalve als ze worden gezoogd.


    Ze komen voor in tropische wouden en bergachtige gebieden van westelijk Zuid-Amerika, met name Bolivia, Peru en Brazilië.

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    Keizertamarin: Brief Summary ( néerlandais ; flamand )

    fourni par wikipedia NL

    De keizertamarin (Saguinus imperator) behoort tot de familie van Cebidae.

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    Keisertamarin ( norvégien )

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    Tamaryna cesarska ( polonais )

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    Tamaryna cesarska[5], tamaryna wąsata (Saguinus imperator) – gatunek ssaka naczelnego z rodziny pazurkowcowatych (Callithrichidae).


    Ameryka Południowa - lasy deszczowe południowo-zachodniego dorzecza Amazonki, w Brazylii, Boliwii i Peru.


    Długość ciała 23–26 cm, ogona 35–42 cm; masa ciała 400–550 g[2]. Sierść szara z domieszką rdzawobrązowego koloru, dłonie i stopy czarne, ogon brązowy. Głowa mała, charakterystyczne długie, białe wąsy (stąd nazwa wąsata). Żyje w grupach rodzinnych, prowadzi nadrzewny tryb życia, jest aktywna w dzień. Wszystkożerna - zjada głównie owady, owoce i nektar.


    Wyróżniono dwa podgatunki S. imperator[2][3][5]:

    • Saguinus imperator imperatortamaryna cesarska
    • Saguinus imperator subgrisescenstamaryna brodata


    W Peru znajduje się pod ochroną. Całkowita liczba okazów jest nieznana.


    1. Saguinus imperator, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
    2. a b c A.B. Rylands, R.A. Mittermeier: Family Callitrichidae (Marmosets and Tamarins). W: R.A. Mittermeier, A.B. Rylands, D.E. Wilson: Handbook of the Mammals of the World. Cz. 3: Primates. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, 2013, s. 335. ISBN 978-84-96553-89-7. (ang.)
    3. a b Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Saguinus imperator. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 2016-11-24]
    4. A.B. Rylands, R.A. Mittermeier 2008, Saguinus imperator [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016 [online], wersja 2016-2 [dostęp 2016-11-24] (ang.).
    5. a b W. Cichocki, A. Ważna, J. Cichocki, E. Rajska-Jurgiel, A. Jasiński, W. Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, 2015, s. 37. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9. (pol.ang.)


    1. Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Saguinus imperator. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 28 grudnia 2008]
    2. Saguinus imperator [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species [online] [dostęp 2008-12-28] (ang.).
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    Tamaryna cesarska: Brief Summary ( polonais )

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    Tamaryna cesarska, tamaryna wąsata (Saguinus imperator) – gatunek ssaka naczelnego z rodziny pazurkowcowatych (Callithrichidae).

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    Saguinus imperator ( portugais )

    fourni par wikipedia PT

    O sagui-imperador ou sagui-de-bigode (nome científico:Saguinus imperator),[1][2] é uma espécie de sagui do gênero Saguinus, nomeado em homenagem ao imperador Guilherme II da Alemanha.[4] Ocorre no sudoeste da bacia Amazônica, leste do Peru, norte da Bolívia e nos estados do Acre e Amazonas, no Brasil.[3]

    A pelagem do sagui-imperador é predominantemente cinzenta, com manchas amarelas no peito. As mãos e pés são pretos e a cauda é castanha. Possui tufos de pelos brancos na face, que se assemelham a um bigode, e são longos os suficiente para se estender além dos ombros. Tem entre 23 e 26 cm, com uma cauda que mede entre 35 e 41,5 cm.[4] Pesa cerca de 500 g.[3]

    Habita a floresta tropical. É diurno, e locomove-se predominantemente de forma quadrúpede, e com saltos, eventualmente.[4]

    Vive em grupos entre 4 e 20 indivíduos. A fêmea mais velha lidera o grupo e convive com vários machos adultos. A catação mútua possui um importante papel na socialização e formação do casal. O sagui-imperador forma grupos mistos com o sagui-de-cara-suja (Saguinus fuscicollis).[3]

    Existem duas subespécies do sagui-imperador:[3]


    1. a b Groves, C.P. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. (eds.), ed. Mammal Species of the World 3 ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 134 páginas. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494
    2. a b Rylands AB; Mittermeier RA (2009). «The Diversity of the New World Primates (Platyrrhini): An Annotated Taxonomy». In: Garber PA; Estrada A; Bicca-Marques JC; Heymann EW; Strier KB. South American Primates: Comparative Perspectives in the Study of Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation 3ª ed. Nova Iorque: Springer. pp. 23–54. ISBN 978-0-387-78704-6
    3. a b c d e A. B. Rylands & R. A. Mittermeier (2008). Saguinus imperator (em inglês). IUCN 2012. Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas da IUCN de 2012 . Página visitada em 23 de março de 2013..
    4. a b c «Wildfacts - Emporer tamarin». BBC. Abril de 2012

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    Saguinus imperator: Brief Summary ( portugais )

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    O sagui-imperador ou sagui-de-bigode (nome científico:Saguinus imperator), é uma espécie de sagui do gênero Saguinus, nomeado em homenagem ao imperador Guilherme II da Alemanha. Ocorre no sudoeste da bacia Amazônica, leste do Peru, norte da Bolívia e nos estados do Acre e Amazonas, no Brasil.

    A pelagem do sagui-imperador é predominantemente cinzenta, com manchas amarelas no peito. As mãos e pés são pretos e a cauda é castanha. Possui tufos de pelos brancos na face, que se assemelham a um bigode, e são longos os suficiente para se estender além dos ombros. Tem entre 23 e 26 cm, com uma cauda que mede entre 35 e 41,5 cm. Pesa cerca de 500 g.

    Habita a floresta tropical. É diurno, e locomove-se predominantemente de forma quadrúpede, e com saltos, eventualmente.

    Vive em grupos entre 4 e 20 indivíduos. A fêmea mais velha lidera o grupo e convive com vários machos adultos. A catação mútua possui um importante papel na socialização e formação do casal. O sagui-imperador forma grupos mistos com o sagui-de-cara-suja (Saguinus fuscicollis).

    Existem duas subespécies do sagui-imperador:

    Saguinus imperator imperator Saguinus imperator subgrisescens
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    Kejsartamarin ( suédois )

    fourni par wikipedia SV

    Kejsartamarin (Saguinus imperator) är en art i släktet tamariner som tillhör familjen kloapor. De första europeiska zoologerna som beskrev arten tyckte att den påminner om den tyska kejsaren Vilhelm II och på så sätt fick djuret sitt namn. Epitet imperator i det vetenskapliga namnet var från början tänkt som skämt men senare blev det allmänt godkänt[2].


    Djurets päls har huvudsakligen en mörkgrå färg med gulbruna skuggor på rygg. Händer och fötter är svarta, svansen har en rödbrun färg. Även huvudet är svart. Påfallande är apans långa vita skägg. Liksom andra kloapor har den klor istället för naglar vid tårna (undantaget stortån). Dessa primater når en kroppslängd mellan 23 och 26 centimeter och därtill kommer en 35 till 41 centimeter lång svans. Vikten ligger vanligen mellan 450 och 500 gram.

    Utbredning och habitat

    Djuret lever i sydvästra delen av Amazonområdet i Sydamerika. Utbredningsområdet sträcker sig över västra Brasilien (delstater Acre och Amazonas), östra Peru samt Bolivias allra nordligaste delar. Habitatet utgörs av regnskog. De vistas företrädesvis i regioner med tät undervegetation.


    Kejsartamarin är aktiv på dagen och vistas nästan hela livet i träd. Den rör sig snabb på fyra extremiteter och har bra förmåga att hoppa. Den vistas företrädesvis i trädkronorna, 10 meter över marken eller längre upp.

    Dessa primater lever i grupper av två till åtta individer. Flocken består av en eller flera vuxna honor, en eller flera vuxna hannar och deras ungdjur. Varje grupp har ett revir som är cirka 30 hektar stor. Flockmedlemmarna visar ett utpräglad socialt beteende, bland annat genom att vårda varandras päls. Ofta förekommer blandade grupper med andra tamariner, till exempel Saguinus fuscicollis. De har olika läten för kommunikationen, bland annat för att uppmärksamma artfränder om fiender.


    Liksom andra tamariner är kejsartamarinen allätare som främst äter frukter, insekter och trädens vätskor. Dessutom ingår fågelägg och mindre ryggradsdjur (ödlor och grodor) i födan. På grund av artens lätta vikt kommer den fram till byten som sitter på små kvistar.


    I varje grupp er det bara den dominanta honan som föder ungar. Denna hona kan para sig med alla hannar i flocken. Efter dräktigheten som varar i 140 till 145 dagar föds främst två ungar, sällan ett eller tre. Alla hannar och även de andra honorna hjälper vid ungarnas uppfostring. Ungefär efter tre månader slutar honan att ge di och cirka vid slutet av andra levnadsåret är ungarna könsmogna. Medellivslängden ligger vid 15 år.


    Kejsartamarinens naturliga fiender utgörs av mindre kattdjur, rovfåglar och ormar. Det största hotet är däremot skövlingen av regnskogen. I flera djurparker finns avelsprogram för artens skydd.

    Populationen minskar men IUCN listar arten fortfarande som livskraftig (least concern).


    Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från tyskspråkiga Wikipedia, 11 november 2009.

    Tryckta källor


    1. ^ Saguinus imperatorIUCN:s rödlista, auktor: Rylands, A.B. & Mittermeier, R.A. 2008, besökt 22 december 2009.
    2. ^ Saguinus imperator på Animal Diversity Web

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    Kejsartamarin: Brief Summary ( suédois )

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    Kejsartamarin (Saguinus imperator) är en art i släktet tamariner som tillhör familjen kloapor. De första europeiska zoologerna som beskrev arten tyckte att den påminner om den tyska kejsaren Vilhelm II och på så sätt fick djuret sitt namn. Epitet imperator i det vetenskapliga namnet var från början tänkt som skämt men senare blev det allmänt godkänt.

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    Saguinus imperator ( vietnamien )

    fourni par wikipedia VI

    Saguinus imperator là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Callitrichidae, bộ Linh trưởng. Loài này được Goeldi mô tả năm 1907.[2] Loài này sinh sống ở tây nam lưu vực Amazon, ở phía đông Peru, phía bắc Bolivia và ở phía tây các bang AcreAmazonas của Brazil.[1]

    Lông của chúng chủ yếu là màu xám, với các đốm màu vàng trên ngực. Bàn tay và bàn chân có màu đen, đuôi màu nâu. Chúng có đặc điểm nổi bật với ria mép dài màu trắng, kéo dài về cả hai bên mặt và vượt quá vai. Chúng đạt đến chiều dài 23–26 xentimét (9–10 in), cộng với một cái đuôi dài 35–41,5 cm (13,8–16,3 in).[3] Nó nặng khoảng 300-400 gram (11-14 oz).[1]

    Hình ảnh

    Chú thích

    1. ^ a ă â A. B. Rylands & R. A. Mittermeier (2008). Saguinus imperator. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2011.2. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. Truy cập ngày 2 tháng 1 năm 2009.
    2. ^ a ă Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Saguinus imperator”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
    3. ^ “Wildfacts - Emporer tamarin”. BBC. Tháng 4 năm 2012.

    Tham khảo

    Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết liên quan đến Bộ Linh trưởng này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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    Saguinus imperator: Brief Summary ( vietnamien )

    fourni par wikipedia VI

    Saguinus imperator là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Callitrichidae, bộ Linh trưởng. Loài này được Goeldi mô tả năm 1907. Loài này sinh sống ở tây nam lưu vực Amazon, ở phía đông Peru, phía bắc Bolivia và ở phía tây các bang AcreAmazonas của Brazil.

    Lông của chúng chủ yếu là màu xám, với các đốm màu vàng trên ngực. Bàn tay và bàn chân có màu đen, đuôi màu nâu. Chúng có đặc điểm nổi bật với ria mép dài màu trắng, kéo dài về cả hai bên mặt và vượt quá vai. Chúng đạt đến chiều dài 23–26 xentimét (9–10 in), cộng với một cái đuôi dài 35–41,5 cm (13,8–16,3 in). Nó nặng khoảng 300-400 gram (11-14 oz).

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    Императорский тамарин ( russe )

    fourni par wikipedia русскую Википедию
    Царство: Животные
    Подцарство: Эуметазои
    Без ранга: Вторичноротые
    Подтип: Позвоночные
    Инфратип: Челюстноротые
    Надкласс: Четвероногие
    Подкласс: Звери
    Инфракласс: Плацентарные
    Надотряд: Euarchontoglires
    Грандотряд: Euarchonta
    Миротряд: Приматообразные
    Отряд: Приматы
    Инфраотряд: Обезьянообразные
    Семейство: Игрунковые
    Вид: Императорский тамарин
    Международное научное название

    Saguinus imperator (Goeldi, 1907)



    Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
    на Викивидах
    на Викискладе
    ITIS 572926NCBI 9491EOL 323901

    Императорский тамарин[1] (лат. Saguinus imperator) — вид игрунковых обезьян из рода тамаринов (Saguinus).


    Императорские тамарины обитают в дождевых лесах Амазонии и встречаются в северо-западной Бразилии, восточном Перу и на севере Боливии. На востоке ареал ограничен рекой Гурупи, в верховьях Амазонки — реками Путумайо на севере и Мадейры на юге[2].

    Внешний вид и образ жизни

    Название вида («императорский») связано с наличием у этих обезьян пышных белых «усов» и дано в честь кайзера Вильгельма II. Длина тела — около 25 см, хвоста — около 35 см. Масса взрослых особей — 250—500 граммов[3]. Питаются тамарины фруктами, ведут дневной образ жизни. Живут небольшими группами по 8—15 особей.


    Выделяют два подвида:

    • Saguinus imperator imperator (Goeldi, 1907)
    • Saguinus imperator subgrisescens (Lönnberg, 1940)


    • HK Zoo NB Gdns Emperor Tamarin 1.jpg
    • Baby tamarin.JPG
    • Emperor Tamarin SF ZOO.jpg
    • Tamarin IMG 3202.JPG


    1. Соколов В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Млекопитающие. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1984. — 352 с. — 10 000 экз.
    3. Saguinus imperator (англ.). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
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    Авторы и редакторы Википедии

    Императорский тамарин: Brief Summary ( russe )

    fourni par wikipedia русскую Википедию

    Императорский тамарин (лат. Saguinus imperator) — вид игрунковых обезьян из рода тамаринов (Saguinus).

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    Авторы и редакторы Википедии

    皇狨猴 ( chinois )

    fourni par wikipedia 中文维基百科
    二名法 Saguinus imperator
    (Goeldi, 1907)

    皇狨猴Saguinus imperator),又名皇檉柳猴帝髭獠狨長鬚狨帝王獠狨皇帝塔馬林猴,是一種狨猴。牠被稱為「皇」是因牠像德國威廉二世。這個名字原先只是一個笑話,後來成為了正式的學名









    • S. i. imperator
    • S. i. subgrisescens


     src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:皇狨猴  src= 维基物种中的分类信息:皇狨猴
    1. ^ Groves, Colin. Wilson, D. E., and Reeder, D. M. (eds), 编. Mammal species of the world 3rd edition. Johns Hopkins University Press. 16 November 2005: 134. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. 引文格式1维护:冗余文本 (link)
    2. ^ (英文) Rylands, A.B. & Mittermeier, R.A. (2008). Saguinus imperator. 2009 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2009. 撷取於2009-08-26.
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    皇狨猴: Brief Summary ( chinois )

    fourni par wikipedia 中文维基百科

    皇狨猴(Saguinus imperator),又名皇檉柳猴、帝髭獠狨、長鬚狨、帝王獠狨或皇帝塔馬林猴,是一種狨猴。牠被稱為「皇」是因牠像德國威廉二世。這個名字原先只是一個笑話,後來成為了正式的學名


     src= 皇狨猴與幼猴。







    S. i. imperator S. i. subgrisescens
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    エンペラータマリン ( japonais )

    fourni par wikipedia 日本語
    Question book-4.svg
    Text document with red question mark.svg
    エンペラータマリン Tamarin portrait 2 edit3.jpg
    エンペラータマリン Saguinus imperator
    分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrate : 哺乳綱 Mammal : サル目 Primates : オマキザル科Cebidae 亜科 : マーモセット亜科 Callitrichinae : タマリン属 Saguinus : エンペラータマリン S. imperator 学名 Saguinus imperator
    Goeldi, 1907 英名 Emperor Tamarin

    エンペラータマリン(学名:Saguinus imperator)は、タマリンの一種。名はドイツ皇帝のヴィルヘルム2世に由来する。


















    Black-chinned emperor tamarin(全体的に暗い茶色の毛色で胸部や腹部はオレンジ色や白色混じりの毛がある。)

    Bearded emperor tamarin(全体的に灰色や濃灰色の毛色で尻尾はオレンジ色、顎は白色の毛がある。)



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    wikipedia 日本語

    エンペラータマリン: Brief Summary ( japonais )

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    エンペラータマリン(学名:Saguinus imperator)は、タマリンの一種。名はドイツ皇帝のヴィルヘルム2世に由来する。

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    황제타마린 ( coréen )

    fourni par wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

    황제타마린 (Saguinus imperator)은 타마린의 일종으로, 전해지는 바에 의하면 이름은 이 타마린이 독일 황제 빌헬름 2세를 닮은 데서 유래하였다. 페루 동부와 볼리비아 북부의 아마존 분지 남서쪽과 브라질 서부의 아크리주아마조나스주에서 서식한다.

    두 마리의 새끼와 있는 황제타마린

    황제타마린의 털은 주로 회색을 띠며, 가슴에 노란 반점들이 있다. 손발은 검고 꼬리는 갈색을 띤다. 두드러진 특징은 길고 흰 콧수염으로 양쪽 어깨 너머까지 뻗어 있다. 몸 길이는 24 ~ 26 cm, 꼬리는 35cm까지 자란다. 몸무게는 약 300에서 400g까지 나간다.

    황제타마린은 2종의 아종이 있다.


    1. Groves, C.P. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., 편집. 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference》 (영어) 3판. 존스 홉킨스 대학교 출판사. 134쪽. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC 62265494.
    2. Rylands AB and Mittermeier RA (2009). 〈The Diversity of the New World Primates (Platyrrhini)〉. Garber PA, Estrada A, Bicca-Marques JC, Heymann EW, Strier KB. 《South American Primates: Comparative Perspectives in the Study of Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation》. Springer. 23–54쪽. ISBN 978-0-387-78704-6.
    3. “Saguinus imperator”. 《멸종 위기 종의 IUCN 적색 목록. 2008판》 (영어). 국제 자연 보전 연맹. 2008. 2009년 1월 2일에 확인함.
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    Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

    황제타마린: Brief Summary ( coréen )

    fourni par wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

    황제타마린 (Saguinus imperator)은 타마린의 일종으로, 전해지는 바에 의하면 이름은 이 타마린이 독일 황제 빌헬름 2세를 닮은 데서 유래하였다. 페루 동부와 볼리비아 북부의 아마존 분지 남서쪽과 브라질 서부의 아크리주아마조나스주에서 서식한다.

     src= 두 마리의 새끼와 있는 황제타마린

    황제타마린의 털은 주로 회색을 띠며, 가슴에 노란 반점들이 있다. 손발은 검고 꼬리는 갈색을 띤다. 두드러진 특징은 길고 흰 콧수염으로 양쪽 어깨 너머까지 뻗어 있다. 몸 길이는 24 ~ 26 cm, 꼬리는 35cm까지 자란다. 몸무게는 약 300에서 400g까지 나간다.

    황제타마린은 2종의 아종이 있다.

    검은턱황제타마린 (Saguinus imperator imperator) 턱수염황제타마린 (Saguinus imperator subgrisescens)
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