
Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Domromeus heptathrix

Archasterope? species A.—Kornicker, 1985:410–412.

ETYMOLOGY.—From the Greek hepta (seven), combined with thrix (hair), in reference to the 7 filaments on the sensory bristle of the female first antenna.

HOLOTYPE.—Ovigerous female in alcohol, MNHN Os 153, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.

TYPE LOCALITY.—BIOGAS VIII, sta 1, sample KG-147, collected during period from 18 May to 8 June 1979, R.V. Noroit, west of Bay of Biscay, 47°33′24″N, 8°40′42″W, 2190 m.

PARATYPES.—POLYGAS, R.V. Jean Charcot, sta 1: sample DS-15, 8 specimens (USNM 193264); sample DS-17, 2 ovigerous females (USNM 193274). BIOGAS II, R.V. Jean Charcot, sta 1: sample DS-32, ovigerous female (USNM 157978); sta Hors-Zone: sample DS-33, 1 adult female plus 1 juvenile female. BIOGAS III, R.V. Jean Charcot, sta 1: sample DS-37, 1 early instar. BIOGAS IV, R.V. Jean Charcot, sta 1: sample DS-63, 1 adult female. BIOGAS V, R.V. Cryos, sta 1: sample DS-65, 1 ovigerous female (USNM 193191). BIOGAS VI, R.V. Jean Charcot, sta 6: sample CP-23a. 2 adult females. BIOCYAN, R.V. Suroit, sta 1: sample PL-22, 1 ovigerous female (USNM 193275). Paratypes in Paris: MNHN OS 154–156.

DISTRIBUTION.—In and west of Bay of Biscay, 1980–2360 m.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figures 71–73).—Carapace oval in lateral view with well-defined rostrum overhanging anteroventral part of carapace and forming deep incisur (Figures 71a–c, 72g).

Infold (Figure 71d, e): Infold of rostrum with 1 bristle on list, 5–8 bristles between list and incisur, and about 32 bristles anterior and dorsal to list (only lower part of rostrum shown in illustration); about 27 bristles on broad part of anteroventral infold between list and valve edge, and about 16 bristles along ventral infold to point opposite lowermost flap-like bristle on posterior list; broad posterior list with about 17 broad, transparent, flap-like bristles and about 11 small bristles (not more than 1 small bristle between a pair of transparent bristles); 2 small processes and about 14 bristles present on posterior infold between broad list and posterior margin of valve; posterior margin of valve with minute pores.

Size: Holotype, length 1.24 mm, height 0.96 mm, Paratypes: BIOGAS II, DS-32, USNM 157978, length 1.16 mm, height 0.88 mm; DS-33, length 1.25 mm, height 0.92 mm. BIOGAS IV, DS-63, length 1.19 mm, height 0.85 mm; USNM 193191, length 1.23 mm, height 0.94 mm. BIOGAS VI, CP-23a, length 1.13 mm, height 0.89 mm. BIOCYAN, PL-22, USNM 193275, length 1.21 mm, height 0.90 mm.

First Antenna (Figures 71f, 73a): 1st joint with distal medial hairs forming rows. 2nd joint with spines at distal ventral corner and along dorsal margin and 2 bristles (1 lateral, 1 dorsal). 3rd joint short with 4 or 5 bristles (1 ventral, 3 or 4 dorsal). 4th joint short with concave distal margin and 3 bristles (2 ventral, 1 dorsal). Sensory brisle of 5th joint with 7 terminal filaments. Medial bristle of 6th joint long, spinous. 7th joint: a-bristle claw-like, with indistinct proximal spines along dorsal margin; b-bristle longer than a-bristle, with 3 or 4 marginal filaments; c-bristle long, with 4 or 5 marginal filaments. 8th joint: d- and e-bristles well developed, about same length as b-bristle; d-bristle slightly smaller and much thinner than e-bristle and with minute spine at tip, e-bristle with minute tubercle at tip, both bristles with indistinct, closely spaced rings typical of filaments and unlike more widely spaced and distinct rings of bristles; f-bristle bent dorsally, with 4 marginal filaments (tip broken on illustrated specimen); g-bristle long, with 5 marginal filaments.

Second Antenna (Figures 71g, 73b): Protopodite with short medial bristle, and medial spines near dorsal margin. Endopodite 3-jointed; 3rd joint short and with terminal filament twice length of stem (Figure 73b). Exopodite: bristle of 2nd joint reaching to 5th joint, with short spines along ventral margin and without natatory hairs; bristles of joints 3–8 long, with natatory hairs; bristles of joints 3–6 also with minute, indistinct, ventral spines; 9th joint with 2 bristles (1 long with natatory hairs, 1 short with short marginal spines); joints 3–5 with small basal spines; 9th joint with small lateral spine divided into 3 cusps; joints 2–8 with short, slender spines forming row along distal margin.

Mandible (Figures 71h, 73c,d): Dorsal branch of coxale endite broken off both limbs of specimens examined; small bristle at base of ventral branch; ventral branch with 3 groups of spines forming oblique rows (each group with slender proximal and stout distal spines); terminus with 3 small teeth (inner tooth smaller than others). Basale: endite with 4 end-type bristles, 1 triaenid bristles, 2 dwarf bristles, and glandular peg; ventral margin with short triaenid bristle proximal to U-shaped depression and spines distal to U-shaped depression; triaenid bristles with about 6 pairs of minute proximal spines and 3 pairs of longer distal spines; dorsal margin with 2 terminal bristles with few short marginal hairs; medial surface with long hairs forming rows. Exopodite reaching midlength of 1st endopodial joint, hirsute with 2 short subterminal bristles. 1st endopodial joint with 3 spinous ventral bristles. 2nd endopodial joint: ventral margin with 3 spinous terminal bristles; dorsal margin with stout a-, b-, c-, and d-bristles and small proximal bristle; lateral surface near dorsal margin with slender bristle (shorter than a-bristle) between b- and c-bristles, and slender bristle between c- and d-bristles; medial surface near dorsal margin with small cleaning bristle near a-bristle, 2 small cleaning bristles between b-and c-bristles, 5 slender cleaning bristles forming oblique row near c-bristle, and 1 long slender bristle near d-bristle; medial surface also with indistinct hairs forming short rows. End joint with dorsal claw bearing proximal ventral teeth, and 5 bristles, most with marginal spines.

Maxilla (Figures 72a, 73f): Endite I with 4 bristles (3 long, 1 short); endite II with 3 long bristles. Basale: hirsute dorsal margin with 2 short bristles (1 proximal, 1 distal); ventral margin with 1 fairly long, proximal, posteriorly oriented bristle and 1 long, spinous, terminal bristle; lateral side with 1 short proximal bristle. Endopodite: 1st endopodial joint with small alpha-bristle and long bare beta-bristle; end joint with long, bare, terminal bristle. Exopodite hirsute, pointed.

Fifth Limb (Figures 72b, 73g): Lateral surface of comb with 2 small slender bristles at base of stout hirsute exopodial bristle and 5 bristles near ventral margin.

Sixth Limb (Figures 72c, 73h): Medial surface with minute bristle in anterodorsal corner; anterior margin with short bristle at upper endite and without bristle at lower endite; medial surface with about 11 spines forming crescent-like row near upper endite, and with hairs forming rows inward from anterior and ventral margins. Skirt with 3 bristles at anterior corner and 10–12 spinous bristles along posteroventral margin. Posterior margin of skirt hirsute, lateral flap with hairs and without bristles.

Seventh Limb (Figures 72d, 73i): Proximal group with 3 bristles (3 on each side), each with 2 or 3 bells; terminal group with 6 (rarely 7) bristles (3 or 4 on each side), each with 1–3 bells. Terminus consisting of opposing combs, each with 5 spinous linear teeth.

Furca (Figure 72e): Each lamella with 8 claws (posterior 2 bristle-like and bent backward); claws 1 and 2 with hairs along convex anterior margin; claws 1–6 with teeth along concave posterior margin (teeth mostly equilength but with few slightly longer); claws 7 and 8 with indistinct small spines along both margins; right lamella positioned anterior to left lamella; margin of lamellae posterior to claws with minute spines.

Bellonci Organ (Figure 72h): Elongate with rounded tip.

Eyes: Medial eye bare and without pigment (Figure 72h). Lateral eyes absent.

Upper Lip (Figure 72i): Comprising 2 hirsute lobes with hirsute lateral flap present on each side of mouth; saddle between lobes with minute anterior spine.

Genitalia: Oval sclerotized ring on each side of body anterior to furca.

Posterior of Body (Figure 72e): Dorsum consisting of broad, low, convex process bearing hairs.

Gills: Narrow, poorly developed.

Y-Sclerite (Figure 72e): Without ventral branch.

Eggs (Figures 71a, 72g): USNM 157978 with 2 eggs in marsupium; specimen from sample KG-147 with only 1 egg in marsupium; specimen from sample DS-65 with 5 eggs in marsupium; USNM 193275 with 6 eggs in marsupium.

Parasites (Figure 71b): Specimen from sample CP-23a with female choniostomatid copepod and 2 copepod ovisacs (this occurrence was mistakenly reported as a cyproniscid Isopod in Kornicker (1985:410)).

Archasterope Poulsen, 1965

Archasterope Poulsen, 1965:339.

TYPE SPECIES.—Archasterope dentata Poulsen, 1965:339, by monotypy.

DISTRIBUTION.—Collected in southern oceans between 34°35′S and 55°S at bottom depths of 180–1861 m, and in a mid-water trawl dragged at a depth of 1812–2145 m (Kornicker, 1975a:383).

COMPOSITION.—The genus comprises 2 species: A. dentata Poulsen, 1965:339, and A. bulla Kornicker, 1975a:384.
citation bibliographique
Kornicker, Louis S. 1989. "Bathyal and Abyssal Myodocopid Ostracoda of the Bay of Biscay and Vicinity." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-134. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.467