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Zeidae ( afrikaans )

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Zeidae is 'n vis-familie wat hoort tot die orde Zeiformes. Daar is sewe genera met 14 spesies wat hoort tot dié familie. Vyf van die spesies kom aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kus voor.


Die familie is ovaalvormig, die skubbe is klein en in sommige gevalle afwesig en die mond groot. Hulle kom ook op of naby die seebodem en die grootte wissel van 22 – 90 cm. Hulle eet ander vissies, skaaldiere en slakke. Die familie is alleenlopers en vergader net saam tydens die paar seisoen.


Die volgende genera en gepaardgaande spesies kom aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kus voor:

  • Zenopsis

Sien ook


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Zeidae: Brief Summary ( afrikaans )

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Zeidae is 'n vis-familie wat hoort tot die orde Zeiformes. Daar is sewe genera met 14 spesies wat hoort tot dié familie. Vyf van die spesies kom aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kus voor.

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Zeidae ( azéri )

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Zeidae (lat. Zeidae) şüaşəkillikimilər dəstəsinə aid heyvan fəsiləsi.


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Zeidae: Brief Summary ( azéri )

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Zeidae (lat. Zeidae) şüaşəkillikimilər dəstəsinə aid heyvan fəsiləsi.

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Zèids ( catalan ; valencien )

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Aquest article o secció no cita les fonts o necessita més referències per a la seva verificabilitat.

Els zèids (Zeidae) són la família de peixos marins incluit en l'ordre Zeiformes, distribuïts per tots els oceans.

Gèneres i espècies

Existeixen 6 espècies agrupades en 2 gèneres:

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Zèids: Brief Summary ( catalan ; valencien )

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Els zèids (Zeidae) són la família de peixos marins incluit en l'ordre Zeiformes, distribuïts per tots els oceans.

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Petersfische ( allemand )

fourni par wikipedia DE

Die Petersfische (Zeidae) wurden nach Zeus, dem Obersten Gott der griechischen Mythologie, benannt. Die Tiere leben im Atlantik, im Indischen Ozean und im Pazifik. Alle Arten werden kommerziell mit Tiefseeschleppnetzen gefangen.


Alle Petersfische teilen den gleichen hohen, zusammengedrückten Körperbau, den großen Kopf mit dem charakteristischen konkaven Profil und das große Maul. Das Maul ist bei der Gattung Zenopsis deutlich oberständig. Die Kiefer sind massiv.

Die Tiere haben einen hohen Rücken. Die große erste, hartstrahlige Rückenflosse hat 7–10 Strahlen, die bei erwachsenen Fischen oft fadenförmig verlängert sind. Die zweite, weichstrahlige Rückenflosse hat 22–37 Strahlen. Der Schwanzstiel ist dünn und die Schwanzflosse klein. Die Brustflossen sind klein, kurz und von runder Form. Bauchflossen verlängert. Ungewöhnlich ist, dass auch die Afterflosse aus zwei Teilen besteht. Der erste Teil hat 1–4 harte Strahlen und der zweite weichstrahlige Teil 20–39 Flossenstrahlen. Entlang des Bauches sowie an der Basis der Rücken- und der Afterflosse ziehen sich Knochenplatten, die einen gepanzerten Kiel bilden.

Die gewöhnlich hell silbern glänzenden Tiere haben keine oder sehr kleine Schuppen. Auf der Flanke tragen sie manchmal einen dunklen Fleck. Zeus capensis und der auch in europäischen Gewässern vorkommende Heringskönig (Zeus faber) werden 90 Zentimeter lang. Die anderen vier Arten bleiben kleiner.


Die im freien Wasser lebenden Fische halten sich gewöhnlich in mittleren Wassertiefen oder über schlammigen Gründen in Tiefen von 50 bis 500 Metern über den Kontinentalsockeln auf. Es sind langsame Schwimmer, die ihre Rücken- und Afterflossen zum Antrieb nutzen. Die paarigen Flossen dienen der Balance oder bei Richtungsänderungen.


Junge Petersfische ernähren sich von Zooplankton, adulte Tiere jagen Schwarmfische, wie Heringe, Sardinen, junge Makrelen, oder fressen auch Kopffüßer wie Kalmare. Sie selbst werden Opfer von Haien.


Petersfische sind Freilaicher. Die Eier sind schwerer als das Wasser, sinken zu Boden und haften am Substrat. Die Fische wachsen schnell und werden mit 3 bis 4 Jahren geschlechtsreif.

Man kennt sie fossil seit dem Oligozän, der jüngsten Stufe des Paläogens, vor etwa 20 bis 30 Millionen Jahren.


Es gibt zwei Gattungen mit sieben Arten:


  • Joseph S. Nelson: Fishes of the World, John Wiley & Sons, 2006, ISBN 0-471-25031-7
  • Kurt Fiedler: Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie, Band II, Teil 2: Fische. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1991, ISBN 3-334-00339-6


  1. Kai, Y. & Tashiro, F. (2019): Zenopsis filamentosa (Zeidae), a new mirror dory from the western Pacific Ocean, with redescription of Zenopsis nebulosa. Ichthyological Research, [1-13]. Januar 2019.
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Petersfische: Brief Summary ( allemand )

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Die Petersfische (Zeidae) wurden nach Zeus, dem Obersten Gott der griechischen Mythologie, benannt. Die Tiere leben im Atlantik, im Indischen Ozean und im Pazifik. Alle Arten werden kommerziell mit Tiefseeschleppnetzen gefangen.

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Zeidae ( anglais )

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The Zeidae (named after Zeus, the supreme god of Greek mythology) are a family of large, showy, deep-bodied zeiform marine fish—the "true dories". Found in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, the family contains just six species in two genera. All species are important and highly regarded food fish supporting commercial fisheries, and some—such as the John Dory (Zeus faber)—are enjoyed in large public aquaria. These fish are caught primarily by deep-sea trawling.

Several other families have members sharing the common name 'dory', some of which—i.e., those of genera Capromimus, Cyttomimus, and Cyttus—were once placed within the Zeidae. The first two genera are now found within the Zenionidae (or Zeniontidae), and the last genus has been given its own family, Cyttidae.


All dories share the same roughly discoid, laterally compressed body plan. The head is large and sloping to concave in profile; the oblique mouth is also large and in Zenopsis species, it is noticeably upturned. The jaws are massive and highly extensile. The large eyes are situated high on the head and are directed dorsolaterally. There is a perceptible hump in the back beginning just behind the eye; it is topped by a conspicuous, crest-shaped spinous dorsal fin containing 7–10 spines which descend in height towards the posterior. In adults of some species, the dorsal spines are adorned with long, streamer-like filaments. A second, much lower dorsal fin (with 22–37 soft rays) extends down the rest of the back, in a slight retrorse direction due to the body's curvature. The caudal peduncle is thin and the caudal fin is small and truncate (brush-shaped).

The pelvic fins are thoracic, spineless, and greatly elongated; the rays are free of their membranes distally. The pectoral fins are small, short, and rounded, inserted fairly low on the body and posterior to the pelvics. The anal fin contains 1–4 spines anteriorly and 20–39 soft rays with their height, direction, origin, and terminus mirroring those of the soft dorsal fin. Along the belly are a series of spinous scutesscales modified into hard, bony plates—forming an armoured ventral keel. Similar scutes also cover the base of the dorsal and anal fins. The opercular bones are free of any spines or serrations. The vertebrae number 29–34, and adults possess degenerate gill rakers.

The body is apparently naked; if present, the scales are microscopic. Coloration in life is typically a highly lustrous silver, with younger dories covered in a number of randomly placed dark, dusky spots. These spots tend to fade with age; the largest (and oldest) specimens have only one dark spot, located roughly central on the flanks. In the cape dory (Zeus capensis) this spot is located just below the junction of the spinous and soft dorsal fins; in the John dory the spot is central and surrounded by a yellow ring, with the body also covered in cloud-like splotches of muddy sepia. Zeus capensis and Z. faber are tied as the largest dory species at a maximum 90 centimetres total length, with the other three species only slightly smaller.

Life history

The silvery John dory (Zenopsis conchifera) is typical of the Zeidae, with its scute-covered belly and filamentous spiny dorsal fin.

As benthic fish, dories are typically found close to or directly over the sea bottom, but occasionally in midwater as well. Depths frequented are moderate, ca. 50–800 metres; muddy substrates are preferred, usually over the continental shelf and slope, near the coast. Some, such as the silvery John dory (Zenopsis conchifera), form small and loose schools; while others, such as the John dory, are generally solitary when not spawning. Dories are poor swimmers; they propel themselves primarily via a balistiform (i.e., like the triggerfish's) mode of locomotion, with the dorsal and anal fins undulating in unison as the main propulsive force and the pectoral fins used for stabilisation and turning.

The reproduction of the Zeidae are not well studied as a whole; all are assumed to be non-guarding, substrate scatterers; that is, a large number of tiny eggs and sperm are released en masse and scattered over a wide area. The fertilized eggs are negatively buoyant and sink into the substrate, to which they adhere. Spawning activity appears to peak in the summer months in the John dory, and in the winter months in the mirror dory (Zenopsis nebulosa). In the latter species fertilization is reported to be internal (within the oviduct), whereas in the former species it is external. Growth is rapid and sexual maturity is reached by 3–4 years.

The Zeidae are top predators in their habitat and are noted for their marked stenophagy: juveniles feed exclusively on zooplankton, such as copepods, euphausiids, mysids, apheids, pandalids, palaemonids, and other small crustaceans. Conversely, adults feed almost exclusively on active schooling fish, such as pearlsides, porgies, young carangids (e.g., mackerels), and clupeids (e.g., sardines and pilchards); and other benthic fish, such as dragonets, gobies, filefish, flatfish, bandfish, and sea chubs; and occasionally on cephalopods such as squid and cuttlefish.

Predators of dories include large sharks such as the dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus) and other requiem sharks, and larger shelf- and slope-dwelling bony fish, such as merluccid hakes.


  1. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2012). "Zeidae" in FishBase. October 2012 version.

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Zeidae: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

The Zeidae (named after Zeus, the supreme god of Greek mythology) are a family of large, showy, deep-bodied zeiform marine fish—the "true dories". Found in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, the family contains just six species in two genera. All species are important and highly regarded food fish supporting commercial fisheries, and some—such as the John Dory (Zeus faber)—are enjoyed in large public aquaria. These fish are caught primarily by deep-sea trawling.

Several other families have members sharing the common name 'dory', some of which—i.e., those of genera Capromimus, Cyttomimus, and Cyttus—were once placed within the Zeidae. The first two genera are now found within the Zenionidae (or Zeniontidae), and the last genus has been given its own family, Cyttidae.

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Zeidae ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES
San Pedro plateado (Zenopsis conchifer).

Los peces de San Pedro son la familia Zeidae (zeidos) de peces marinos incluida en el orden Zeiformes, distribuidos por todos los océanos.[1]​ Su nombre procede del griego Zeus, dios supremo en la mitología de la antigua Grecia.[2]

Aparecen por primera vez en el registro fósil en el Oligoceno, durante el Terciario medio.[3]


Es muy característico en algunas especies hay una gran mancha negra redonda rodeada de un anillo amarillo, situada en el centro de cada lateral.[1]

En el abdomen presentan 8 o 9 placas espinosas; los radios de las aletas dorsal y anal llevan pequeñas espinas en la base; tienen dos aletas dorsales, la primera formada por 7 a 10 espinas y la segunda por unos 30 radios blandos, los adultos con largos filamentos por detrás de la aleta dorsal; aletas pélvicas sin espinas; las escamas son pequeñas y rudimentarias, incluso pueden estar ausentes; los huesos del opérculo sin espinas o serrados.[1]

Géneros y especies

Existen 6 especies agrupadas en 2 géneros:[4]

Antiguamente la familia era más numerosa pero polifilética, por lo que los géneros Capromimus y Cyttomimus se separaron bajo la familia Zeniontidae y el género Cyttus bajo la familia Cyttidae.[5]


  1. a b c Nelson, J.S. (1994). Fishes of the world (en inglés) (3ª edición edición). Nueva York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. pp. 600 p.
  2. Romero, P. (2002). An etymological dictionary of taxonomy. Madrid: inédito.
  3. Berg, L.S. (1958). System der rezenten und fossilen Fischartigen und Fische (en alemán). Berlín: VEB Verlag der Wissenschaften.
  4. Sistema Integrado de Información Taxonómica. «Zeidae (TSN 166278)» (en inglés).
  5. "Zeidae". En FishBase (Rainer Froese y Daniel Pauly, eds.). Consultada en septiembre de 2008. N.p.: FishBase, 2008.

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Zeidae: Brief Summary ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES
 src= San Pedro plateado (Zenopsis conchifer).

Los peces de San Pedro son la familia Zeidae (zeidos) de peces marinos incluida en el orden Zeiformes, distribuidos por todos los océanos.​ Su nombre procede del griego Zeus, dios supremo en la mitología de la antigua Grecia.​

Aparecen por primera vez en el registro fósil en el Oligoceno, durante el Terciario medio.​

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Zeidae ( basque )

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Zeidae arrain zeiformeen familia da.[1] Mundu osoko ozeanoan bizi diren familia honek Zeus greziar jainkoaren izena darama.[2]


Lehen familia zabalagoa zen baina baita polifiletikoa ere, izan ere Capromimus eta Cyttomimus generoek Zeniontidae familia sortu zuten eta Cyttus generoa Cyttidae familiaren azpian geratu zen.


  1. Joseph S. Nelson Fishes of the World John Wiley & Sons 253. or. ISBN 0-471-54713-1.
  2. Romero, P. (2002) An etymological dictionary of taxonomy Madril.

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Zeidae: Brief Summary ( basque )

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Zeidae arrain zeiformeen familia da. Mundu osoko ozeanoan bizi diren familia honek Zeus greziar jainkoaren izena darama.

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Pietarinkalat (heimo) ( finnois )

fourni par wikipedia FI

Pietarinkalat (Zeidae) on pietarinkalojen lahkoon kuuluva kalaheimo. Heimon lajeja tavataan kaikista valtameristä lämpimistä ja lauhkeista vesistä.

Lajit ja anatomia

Varhaisimmat pietarinkalojen heimoon kuuluvien lajien fossiilit on ajoitettu oligoseenikaudelle. Nykyään heimoon kuuluu 2 sukua ja 5–6 lajia, muun muassa pietarinkala (Zeus faber), hopeapietarinkala (Zenopsis conchifera) ja peilipietarinkala (Zenopsis nebulosus). Aikaisemmin tähän heimoon kuuluneita sukuja ja lajeja on sittemmin siirretty kuuluvaksi muihin heimoihin.[1][2] Pietarinkalalajit ovat keskikokoisia kaloja, jotka voivat kasvaa tyypillisesti 22–90 cm pitkiksi. Tyypillisiä piirteitä ovat korkea ja litteä ruumis, suuret silmät ja suu ja piikikäs selkäevä. Heimon kalat ovat suomuttomia tai suomut ovat hyvin pienet ja alkeelliset. Väriltään pietarinkalalajit ovat usein hopeanharmaita tai punertavia.[2][3][4]

Levinneisyys ja elintavat

Pietarinkaloihin kuuluvia lajeja elää Atlantissa, Intian valtameressä ja Tyynessämeressä lämpimissä ja lauhkeissa vesissä lähellä pohjaa tyypillisesti 100–400 metrin syvyydessä. Heimon lajien ravinto koostuu muista kaloista, äyriäisistä ja mustekaloista. Monet pietarinkalalajeista ovat hyviä ruokakaloja.[2][3][4]


  1. James C. Tyler, Bruce O'Toole & Richard Winterbottom: Phylogeny and Genera of Zeiform Fishes, with Comments on Their Relationships with Tetraodontiformes and Caproids, s. 22, 44-45. Smithsonian Institute, 2003. Teoksen verkkoversio (viitattu 10.02.2013). (englanniksi)
  2. a b c Family Zeidae (peilipalvelin) FishBase. Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (toim.). Viitattu 12.2.2013. (englanniksi)
  3. a b Family Zeidae (PDF) FAO. Viitattu 12.02.2013. (englanniksi)
  4. a b Phillip C. Heemstra, Elaine Heemstra: Coastal fishes of Southern Africa, s. 137. NISC (PTY) LTD, 2004. ISBN 978-1-920033-0-9. Kirja Googlen teoshaussa (viitattu 12.02.2013). (englanniksi)
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Pietarinkalat (heimo): Brief Summary ( finnois )

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Pietarinkalat (Zeidae) on pietarinkalojen lahkoon kuuluva kalaheimo. Heimon lajeja tavataan kaikista valtameristä lämpimistä ja lauhkeista vesistä.

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Les zéidés (Zeidae) (qui doivent leur nom à Zeus, la divinité suprême de la mythologie grecque) forment une famille de poissons de l'ordre des Zeiformes.

Liste des genres et espèces

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Zeidae: Brief Summary

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Les zéidés (Zeidae) (qui doivent leur nom à Zeus, la divinité suprême de la mythologie grecque) forment une famille de poissons de l'ordre des Zeiformes.

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Kovači (porodica riba) ( Croate )

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Zeidae (Kovači), porodica isključivo morskih riba iz razreda Zeiformes. Odlikuju se uskim (dosta pljosnatim) tijelom i velikim ustima. Raširena je posvuda, a nisu poznati samo uz američku obalu. U svijetu kulinarstva najpoznatiji je Z. faber ili kovač (šanpjer), i na glasu kao velika delicija. Porodica se sastoji se od dva roda sa 6 vrsta,

Pravi kovač Zeus faber naraste do 90 centimetara i težine do 8 kilograma, a najduži poznati životni vijek je 8 godina[1] i jedna je od najpoznatijih riba Jadrana[2] i najtraženija zbog veoma ukusnog mesa. Najrašireniji je na Jadranu, Novom Zelandu, Japanu i Africi.


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Kovači (porodica riba): Brief Summary ( Croate )

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Zeidae (Kovači), porodica isključivo morskih riba iz razreda Zeiformes. Odlikuju se uskim (dosta pljosnatim) tijelom i velikim ustima. Raširena je posvuda, a nisu poznati samo uz američku obalu. U svijetu kulinarstva najpoznatiji je Z. faber ili kovač (šanpjer), i na glasu kao velika delicija. Porodica se sastoji se od dva roda sa 6 vrsta,

a) Zeus sa vrstama Zeus faber Linnaeus, 1758; (kovač, šanpjer), Zeus capensis, Valenciennes, 1835 b) Zenopsis sa vrstama Zenopsis conchifer, (Lowe, 1852) Zenopsis nebulosa, (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845) Zenopsis oblonga, Parin, 1989 Zenopsis stabilispinosa, Nakabo, Bray & Yamada, 2006

Pravi kovač Zeus faber naraste do 90 centimetara i težine do 8 kilograma, a najduži poznati životni vijek je 8 godina i jedna je od najpoznatijih riba Jadrana i najtraženija zbog veoma ukusnog mesa. Najrašireniji je na Jadranu, Novom Zelandu, Japanu i Africi.


Zenopsis nebulosa


Zeus capensis


Zenopsis nebulosa


Zenopsis conchifer

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Zeidae ( italien )

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Zeidae sono una famiglia di pesci ossei d'acqua salata, appartenenti all'ordine Zeiformes.

Distribuzione e habitat

Sono diffusi in tutti gli oceani (esclusi quelli polari), sono particolarmente comuni nei mari temperati dell'emisfero australe.

Nel mar Mediterraneo è presente una sola specie, il pesce San Pietro (Zeus faber).

Sono diffusi soprattutto in acque abbastanza profonde, nel piano circalitorale e nel piano batiale.


Si tratti di animali caratteristici, con corpo alto e molto schiacciato lateralmente e con testa di grandi dimensioni. La bocca è molto grande e si allunga a tubo. Le pinne dorsali sono due più o meno contigue, la prima porta raggi spinosi molto robusti accompagnati talvolta da espansioni filiformi. La pinna caudale è arrotondata. Le basi delle pinne dorsale ed anale sono ricoperte di placchette ossee spinose, anche il ventre porta una carena di scaglie appuntite. Le scaglie sono assenti o molto ridotte.

La colorazione è argentea nelle specie del genere Zenopsis e brunastra con un vistoso ocello scuro negli Zeus.

La taglia non supera il metro.


Sono predatori e si cibano in prevalenza di piccoli pesci. Uova e larve sono pelagiche.


Si catturano prevalentemente con reti a strascico e palamiti ed hanno carni di grande valore gastronomico.


Genere Zeus


  • Tortonese E. Osteichthyes, Calderini, 1975

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Zeidae: Brief Summary ( italien )

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 src= Zeus faber  src= Zenopsis conchifera

Zeidae sono una famiglia di pesci ossei d'acqua salata, appartenenti all'ordine Zeiformes.

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Saulažuvinės ( lituanien )

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Saulažuvinės (lot. Zeidae, angl. Dories, vok. Petersfische) – saulėžuvių (Zeiformes) būrio žuvų šeima. Paplitusios Atlanto, Indijos ir Ramiajame vandenynuose. Kai kurios rūšys auginamos akvariumuose. Visos rūšys yra komercinės žūklės objektas.


Visos saulažuvinės yra panašios suspaustos kūno sudėties, didelėmis galvomis ir snukiu. Ypač išskirtinis yra veidrodinių saulažuvių snukis. Nugara aukšta.

Gyvenama aplinka

Laisvėje gyvenančios saulažuvinės pparastai laikosi vidutiniame gylyje nuo 50 iki 500 m virš kontinentinio šelfo.


Šeimoje yra 2 gentys ir 5 rūšys.

Sidabrinė saulažuvė (Zenopsis conchifera)



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Saulažuvinės: Brief Summary ( lituanien )

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Saulažuvinės (lot. Zeidae, angl. Dories, vok. Petersfische) – saulėžuvių (Zeiformes) būrio žuvų šeima. Paplitusios Atlanto, Indijos ir Ramiajame vandenynuose. Kai kurios rūšys auginamos akvariumuose. Visos rūšys yra komercinės žūklės objektas.

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Zeidae ( néerlandais ; flamand )

fourni par wikipedia NL


Zonnevissen (Zeidae, genoemd naar Zeus) is een familie van grote zeevissen. Ze worden aangetroffen in de Atlantische, Indische en Grote Oceaan. Tot deze familie behoren slechts zes soorten in twee geslachten. Alle soorten zijn van commercieel belang van de visserij en sommige, zoals de Zeus faber, ook wel Saint Pierre of Sint Petrusvis genoemd (Engels 'John Dory'), zijn ook populair als aquariumvis. Over het algemeen worden de vissen aangetroffen in de diepzee.

Uiterlijke kenmerken

Zeus faber, ook wel: zonnevis of Sint Petrusvis

Alle zonnevissen hebben een schijfvormig lijf. De kop is groot en concaaf. Ze hebben ook een grote bek, die in het geslacht Zenopsis naar boven gericht is. De kaken zijn groot en uitstrekbaar. De grote ogen liggen aan de bovenkant van de kop. Verder is er een bult achterop, die zich net achter de ogen bevindt. De rugvin bevat tien stralen die naar achteren toe kleiner worden. De borstvinnen hebben geen stralen en zijn langgerekt en de vissen hebben kleine, korte en ronde buikvinnen. Het lijf lijkt naakt te zijn, waarbij eventueel aanwezige schubben minuscuul zijn. Over het algemeen hebben de vissen een zilverachtige kleur, waarbij jongere vissen enkele donkere vlekken hebben.


De vissen worden aangetroffen op dieptes vanaf 50 tot 800 meter, bij voorkeur in modderachtige omstandigheden dicht bij de kust. Sommige vissen vormen kleine en onsamenhangende scholen, zoals de Zenopsis conchifera, terwijl andere soorten solitair leven buiten de paartijd.

Grote haaien, zoals de Carcharhinus obscurus en andere Requiemhaaien jagen op soorten uit deze familie


Zie ook



  • (en) Zeidae. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. March 2005 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2005.
Wikimedia Commons Zie de categorie Zeidae van Wikimedia Commons voor mediabestanden over dit onderwerp.
Wikispecies Wikispecies heeft een pagina over Zeidae.
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Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
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wikipedia NL

Zeidae: Brief Summary ( néerlandais ; flamand )

fourni par wikipedia NL

Zonnevissen (Zeidae, genoemd naar Zeus) is een familie van grote zeevissen. Ze worden aangetroffen in de Atlantische, Indische en Grote Oceaan. Tot deze familie behoren slechts zes soorten in twee geslachten. Alle soorten zijn van commercieel belang van de visserij en sommige, zoals de Zeus faber, ook wel Saint Pierre of Sint Petrusvis genoemd (Engels 'John Dory'), zijn ook populair als aquariumvis. Over het algemeen worden de vissen aangetroffen in de diepzee.

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Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
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wikipedia NL

Piotroszowate ( polonais )

fourni par wikipedia POL
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Piotroszowate (Zeidae) – nieliczna w gatunki rodzina morskich ryb piotroszokształtnych (Zeiformes).


Ocean Atlantycki, Ocean Indyjski i Ocean Spokojny.

Cechy charakterystyczne

Ciało wygrzbiecone, krótkie, zwykle pokryte małymi łuskami. Dwie płetwy grzbietowe. W pierwszej 7–10 promieni twardych, w drugiej 22–37 promieni miękkich. W płetwie odbytowej od 1–4 promieni twardych i 20–39 miękkich. W płetwach brzusznych brak promieni twardych. Płetwa ogonowa zaokrąglona. Osiągają od około 70 do 90 cm długości.


Rodzaje zaliczane do tej rodziny [2]:

Zenopsis - Zeus


  1. Zeidae, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Eschmeyer, W. N. & Fricke, R.: Catalog of Fishes electronic version (7 August 2012) (ang.). California Academy of Sciences. [dostęp 19 sierpnia 2012].


  1. Joseph S. Nelson: Fishes of the World. Wyd. 4. John Wiley & Sons, 2006. ISBN 0-471-25031-7. (ang.)

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wikipedia POL

Piotroszowate: Brief Summary ( polonais )

fourni par wikipedia POL

Piotroszowate (Zeidae) – nieliczna w gatunki rodzina morskich ryb piotroszokształtnych (Zeiformes).

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Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
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wikipedia POL

Zeidae ( portugais )

fourni par wikipedia PT

Zeidae é uma família de peixes actinopterígeos pertencentes à ordem Zeiformes, subordem Zeieidei.

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Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia PT

Зевсові ( ukrainien )

fourni par wikipedia UK
  1. Froese R., Pauly D. (eds.) (2012). Родина Zeidae на FishBase. Версія за October 2012 року.


droit d’auteur
Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
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wikipedia UK

Зевсові: Brief Summary ( ukrainien )

fourni par wikipedia UK
Froese R., Pauly D. (eds.) (2012). Родина Zeidae на FishBase. Версія за October 2012 року.
droit d’auteur
Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
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wikipedia UK

的鯛科 ( chinois )

fourni par wikipedia 中文维基百科
  • 見內文




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的鯛科: Brief Summary ( chinois )

fourni par wikipedia 中文维基百科


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달고기과 ( coréen )

fourni par wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

달고기과(Zeidae)는 달고기목에 속하는 조기어류 과의 하나이다.[1] 달고기(Zeus faber)와 민달고기(Zenopsis nebulosa) 등을 포함하고 있다. 학명은 그리스 신화의 최고신 제우스에서 유래했다. 대서양인도양 그리고 태평양에서 발견된다. 2개 속 6종으로 이루어져 있다.

하위 속

달고기과는 다음과 같이 분류한다.[1]

계통 분류

2018년 그란데(Grande) 등의 연구에 의한 계통 분류는 다음과 같다.[2]





















  1. (영어) "Zeidae". FishBase. Ed. Rainer Froese and Daniel Pauly. 2015년 1월 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2015년.
  2. Terry C. Grande; W. Calvin Borden; Mark V. H. Wilson; Lindsay Scarpitta (2018년 3월). “Phylogenetic Relationships among Fishes in the Order Zeiformes Based on Molecular and Morphological Data”. 《Copeia》 106 (1): 20–48. doi:10.1643/CG-17-594.
droit d’auteur
Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

달고기과: Brief Summary ( coréen )

fourni par wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

달고기과(Zeidae)는 달고기목에 속하는 조기어류 과의 하나이다. 달고기(Zeus faber)와 민달고기(Zenopsis nebulosa) 등을 포함하고 있다. 학명은 그리스 신화의 최고신 제우스에서 유래했다. 대서양인도양 그리고 태평양에서 발견된다. 2개 속 6종으로 이루어져 있다.

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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

Distribution ( anglais )

fourni par World Register of Marine Species
Distribution: Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. Dorsal and anal fin rays bear small spines or bucklers at the base. Abdomen with 8 or 9 spinous plates. A large round black spot encircled by a yellow ring centrally located on the body in some species. Adults with long filaments trailing from about 10 spines. Scales small and rudimentary, if present. Opercular bones without spines or serrae.


MASDEA (1997).

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WoRMS Editorial Board
Edward Vanden Berghe [email]