
Brief Summary ( anglais )

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The alkali bee (Nomia melanderi) is so named because it nests in moist alkaline soils, and is common in the western United States. The alkali bee is a member of the large and diverse Halictidae family of bees, which includes several genera and several hundred species worldwide. Some halictid species are commonly known as "sweat bees" because they are attracted to the salts in perspiration. Nearly the size of the honey bee, the alkali bee is black with iridescent green, yellow, or blue stripes on the abdomen of both sexes. Males are distinguishable from females by their larger antennae. All halictid bees are pollen feeders and may be important pollinators of both wild and cultivated plants. The alkali bee has become commercially important because it is an efficient pollinator of alfalfa. Halictid bees are generally not aggressive and only sting when swatted or startled.
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National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) at http://www.nbii.gov
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Life Cycle ( anglais )

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The alkali bee is a solitary nester, in contrast to the highly social honey bee and bumble bee species, as well as some other halictid bees. However, alkali bees are gregarious in that individual females nest near one another, with as many as 50 - 100 nests per square foot. The nest is constructed by the female as a vertical tunnel 3 - 10 inches deep, with lateral tunnels terminating in cells. Males loiter near the nest sites, mating with multiple females as they construct the entrance tunnels. The female lines each of about 15 - 20 cells with soil and a waterproof oral secretion and provisions each cell with a 1.5- to 2-mm pollen ball composed of pollen and nectar. The female lays an egg on the pollen and seals the cell with soil. She completes approximately one cell per day. The eggs hatch within three to four days and the larvae consume the pollen balls within a week. Larvae overwinter in their cells, then pupate and emerge as adults in June or July, with males appearing a few days before females.
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National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) at http://www.nbii.gov
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Distribution ( anglais )

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The alkali bee is native to the arid regions of the United States, west of the Rocky Mountains. They are managed to some extent in Nevada, Idaho, California, eastern Oregon, and Washington by alfalfa farmers who provide artificial nest sites. This species has also been imported to New Zealand, where it is managed for alfalfa production.
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National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) at http://www.nbii.gov
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Conservation Status ( anglais )

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Halictid bees include some of the most common bee species in North America and on some other continents. The alkali bee, in particular, is among the more common native bees in the western United States. In some areas of the western U.S., managed alkali bee populations began to decline in the 1970s - possibly due to insecticide use on alfalfa or neighboring crops - causing some alfalfa farmers to turn to the non-native alfalfa leafcutter bee for pollination services.
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National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) at http://www.nbii.gov
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Habitat ( anglais )

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For nesting habitat, the alkali bee requires moist alkaline soils with a salty (sodium or calcium) crust. Soils typically have a silt loam or fine sandy loam texture. Foraging female alkali bees cover a large area, straying up to five miles from the nest site, and visit a variety of flowers, including clovers, mint, onions, Russian thistle, salt cedar, and sweet clovers. However, alfalfa pollen and nectar within two miles of the nest site constitutes the primary food source for most females. Males visit flowers for nectar only. Female alkali bees tolerate a tripping mechanism unique to alfalfa flowers: the flower is held under tension; to gather pollen, the bee must trigger the release of the flower, and the bee's body is hit in the process. This tripping mechanism seems to discourage the honey bee from pollinating alfalfa, but does not deter the alkali bee.
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National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) at http://www.nbii.gov
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Pollinator ( anglais )

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The alkali bee (Nomia melanderi) has been managed for over 50 years as a pollinator of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) crops. It is a gregarious ground nester, with as many as 2,000 nests per square meter, and is the only intensively managed ground-nesting bee. Managers construct "bee beds," subirrigated silty nest sites with salt-crusted surfaces, for the bee. After the initial construction of these nest sites, minimal maintenance is required. The alkali bee is a better pollinator of alfalfa than European honey bees (Apis mellifera) because it works rapidly, stays in the crop, and trips the spring mechanism in the alfalfa flower that releases the pollen. In fact, a female bee's foraging activity results in about 1/3 pound of alfalfa seed being produced over its lifetime! This species is also an efficient pollinator of onion (Allium spp.).
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National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) at http://www.nbii.gov
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Biology ( anglais )

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The nesting biology of this bee is described by Wcislo and Engel (1996). From Wcislo and Engel (1996) Appendeces 1 and 2: Nests in Soil. Neither turret nor nest chimney is present. Maximum depth of nest in soil is up to 50 cm. The orientation of the main axis of the nest cell is vertical. The cell shape is radially symmetric. A cell lining is present. Cells are arranged in the nest in clusters within a surrounding cavity. Cells are not attached to the main tunnel with lateral tunnels. The interior face of the nest plug has a spiral. The shape of the pollen mass inside the cell is a slightly flattened sphere. The pollen mass is oriented snugly in the bottom of the cell. The pollen mass is not coated with a secretion. The shape of the pupal fecal deposit is a flattened strip. The location of the pupal fecal deposit is restricted to the basal third of the cell. The orientation of the main tunnel in the soil is vertical. Pollen use is not restricted to one plant family. The nest entrance is not plugged when female(s) leave the nest. cells are not re-used. Nests are dug into horizontal ground. Social behavior, from Wcislo and Engel (1996) Table 1: Solitary based on an unknown number of nests from the Pacific Northwest, USA.

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Smith, Adam
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Halictidae LifeDesk

Alkali bee ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

The alkali bee, Nomia melanderi,[1] is a ground-nesting bee native to deserts and semi-arid desert basins of the western United States. It was described by Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell in 1906. While solitary, these bees nest near each other and can form extremely dense aggregations in areas with favorable conditions.

This bee nests in salt-saturated, or alkaline, soil. Like some other bees such as Megachile rotundata, alkali bees are an effective pollinator of alfalfa.[2] The bee uses a specialized technique of opening alfalfa flowers for pollination by applying pressure to snap open the keel of the flower. Because of this and the fact that they prefer pollen to nectar, fly in a wide range of conditions, and perform well regardless of how well the field is watered, alkali bees are preferred to honeybees for alfalfa pollination but have been increasingly supplanted by M. rotundata in recent years.[3] Due to the unusual nesting habits of this bee, farmers have developed methods to accommodate them with salty mud-fields where they can burrow and lay their eggs. Farmers started doing this after realizing that plowing up natural flats like these decreased the yield of alfalfa dramatically.[4][5]

Juvenile hormone (JH) analog methoprene can serve as a possible limiting factor for alkali bees since female bees are more likely to reach reproductive maturity with JH.[6] Alkali bees are also considered solitary bees because females have their individual nests and live alongside other female alkali bees.



The alkali bee is about two-thirds the size of a honeybee with black and metallic banding on the abdomen. Females have, but infrequently use, stingers and the males have white faces.[3] Males and females in the northern part of the range are larger than their counterparts to the south. This is theorized to allow larval bees to survive for longer without food and may also be related to a slightly longer day in the summer, allowing for increased brood provisioning.[7]

Predators and parasites

Larvae-specific threats include bee flies (Bombyliidae) and specifically Heterostylum robustum as well as oil beetles (Meloe niger) and both adults and larvae are susceptible to pesticide kills. Unusually, there are not any known kleptoparasites.[8] It is also preyed upon by the conopid fly Zodion obliquefasciatum[9] and is associated with the mite Imparipes apicola.

This mite has been found in association with alkali bees but not with other species within the genus Nomia. The mites seem to oviposit in conjunction with emergence of fungi in cells (possibly Ascosphaera). The fungi are either within the bodies of unhealthy larvae, but more commonly are found in the feces of healthy larvae. The fungi causes the fecal pellets to be strung together in a characteristic manner. After oviposition, the eggs develop, hatch, mate, feed on the fungus, then leave on the bee when it emerges. One generation of I. apicola is reared per generation of bee, so southern populations of bee which can rear multiple generations in a season are more likely to a have a high presence of mites. Adult females seem host far more mites than the males who seem to host relatively few, and they fall into cells during the provisioning stage where they carry out their life cycle, One study found that 60% of cells had mites, and the average mite count within these cells was 5.7. Although the mites can reach high densities, they don't appear to harm the bees which is possibly due to their fungivorous nature.[10]

Distribution and habitat

The alkali bee lives in arid climates, primarily desert basins in the western United States from central Washington to southern California and east to western Colorado. They prefer to nest in moist, silty soils that have good drainage, a salty surface, and don't have vegetative groundcover. The hydrology of the soils appears to be the controlling factor for where nests are made. As soil makeup affects water retention and capillary action, soils with some clay and sand but mostly silt are preferred.[11]


Nesting behavior

While solitary, alkali bees frequently nest in high densities. Females lay 1 to 2 eggs a day, and spend most of the day building the cell for the egg. Immediately after emergence a female begins to excavate the main burrow which usually entails digging for about 12 hours. The dirt is removed and using the mandibles and foretarsi, formed into pellets which are then deposited around the entrance to the burrow. The burrows are usually about 15-20 cm in depth, but in laboratory conditions with looser soil, much deeper burrows have been created. In addition to the main vertical burrow, smaller passageways are dug horizontally. From these shorter tunnels, small vertical holes called cells are created for oviposition.[12]

Cell creation usually begins the night after the main burrow is excavated. First, the "mine burrow" is dug and then a soil lining applied to the sides which reduces the size of the cell. Lastly a clear, lipid-rich secretion from the Dufour's gland (in the abdomen) is applied to the interior of the cell to waterproof it.[8]

After the cell is constructed, the female bee begins the process of provisioning. She brings back pollen and mixes it with nectar to form a ball which is then placed in the bottom of the cell. Any debris that makes its way into the cell during this period is meticulously removed. Once the pollen ball is completed, oviposition occurs. This is usually in the late afternoon. The egg is laid on top of the pollen ball, then the female leaves the cell without inspecting it and begins to cap the cell. The egg garners no further attention after this unless it becomes diseased. In this case, the cell will be opened and packed with dirt by the female.[12]

Three or four days after oviposition the egg hatches and the larva begins to consume the pollen ball. Once this has been consumed, the larva (now a prepupa) defecates and begins diapause. In the wild this process takes 11 to 12 days. In the southern region, eggs laid early in the season may emerge after this but for eggs later in the season or for those in the northern part of the range, the pupa will emerge as a bee in the following summer, cued by the warming soil temperatures.[12]

Feeding behavior

Females must consume pollen as soon as they emerge in order for their ovaries develop. They continue to consume pollen for at least two weeks. It is believed that because solitary bees have very large, lipid-rich eggs the pollen provides the lipids and amino acids required for making these eggs. Pollen consumption is larger in younger females, and primarily occurs in the afternoon and evening as pollen collected early in the day goes toward larval provisioning.[8]

Mating behavior

In the first few weeks of the emergence period, the majority of emerging bees are male. Once they emerge, they begin patrolling for females who likely mate soon after emerging. Their attractiveness (driven by pheromones) decreases in the days after emerging. No evidence of courtship has been observed and the copulations last less than 30 seconds. While other males sometimes observe copulation, there isn't evidence for aggression or interference by these males [13]

Conservation status

The alkali bee is not ranked for conservation.[14] Due to its commercially important role as a pollinator of the alfalfa crop in the western and northwestern United States, it is not a species of concern, unlike many native bees.


  1. ^ "Nomia melanderi Cockerell, 1906". Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
  2. ^ "...Nomia melanderi, sustainably managed to pollinate alfalfa ...", USDA
  3. ^ a b Delaplane, K. S.; Mayer, D. F. (2000). Crop pollination by bees. doi:10.1079/9780851994482.0000. ISBN 9780851994482.
  4. ^ Moisset, Beatriz; Wojcik, Vicki. "The Alkali Bee (Nomia melanderi)". USDA Forest Service.
  5. ^ Matthew Cobb (Aug 11, 2018). "Buzz: A beautiful book shows why modern bees are hippy wasps at heart". New Scientist. (A book review of Buzz by Thor Hanson.)
  6. ^ Kapheim, Karen M.; Johnson, Makenna M. (2017). "Juvenile hormone, but not nutrition or social cues, affects reproductive maturation in solitary alkali bees (Nomia melanderi)". Journal of Experimental Biology. 220. doi:10.1242/jeb.162255.
  7. ^ BioOne (Projet) (2004). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. Lawrence, Kan.: Kansas Entomological Society. OCLC 300283411.
  8. ^ a b c Cane, James H. (2008-05-01). "A native ground-nesting bee (Nomia melanderi) sustainably managed to pollinate alfalfa across an intensively agricultural landscape". Apidologie. 39 (3): 315–323. doi:10.1051/apido:2008013. ISSN 1297-9678. S2CID 13556738.
  9. ^ Howell, J.F. (1967). "Biology of Zodion obliquefasciatum (Macq.) (Diptera: Conopidae) a parasite of the alkali bee, Nomia melanderi Ckll. (Hymenoptera: Halictidae)". Bulletin of the Washington Agriculture Experimental Station. 51: 1–33.
  10. ^ BioOne (Projet) (2004). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. Lawrence, Kan.: Kansas Entomological Society. OCLC 300283411.
  11. ^ Cane, James H. (2008-05-01). "A native ground-nesting bee (Nomia melanderi) sustainably managed to pollinate alfalfa across an intensively agricultural landscape". Apidologie. 39 (3): 315–323. doi:10.1051/apido:2008013. ISSN 1297-9678. S2CID 13556738.
  12. ^ a b c Batra, S. W. T. (1970-03-16). "Behavior of the Alkali Bee, Nomia melanderi, within the Nest (Hymenoptera: Halictidae)". Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 63 (2): 400–406. doi:10.1093/aesa/63.2.400. ISSN 0013-8746.
  13. ^ BioOne (Projet) (2004). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. Lawrence, Kan.: Kansas Entomological Society. OCLC 300283411.
  14. ^ "Insect Orders". texasinsects.tamu.edu. Retrieved 2021-03-31.
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Alkali bee: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

The alkali bee, Nomia melanderi, is a ground-nesting bee native to deserts and semi-arid desert basins of the western United States. It was described by Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell in 1906. While solitary, these bees nest near each other and can form extremely dense aggregations in areas with favorable conditions.

This bee nests in salt-saturated, or alkaline, soil. Like some other bees such as Megachile rotundata, alkali bees are an effective pollinator of alfalfa. The bee uses a specialized technique of opening alfalfa flowers for pollination by applying pressure to snap open the keel of the flower. Because of this and the fact that they prefer pollen to nectar, fly in a wide range of conditions, and perform well regardless of how well the field is watered, alkali bees are preferred to honeybees for alfalfa pollination but have been increasingly supplanted by M. rotundata in recent years. Due to the unusual nesting habits of this bee, farmers have developed methods to accommodate them with salty mud-fields where they can burrow and lay their eggs. Farmers started doing this after realizing that plowing up natural flats like these decreased the yield of alfalfa dramatically.

Juvenile hormone (JH) analog methoprene can serve as a possible limiting factor for alkali bees since female bees are more likely to reach reproductive maturity with JH. Alkali bees are also considered solitary bees because females have their individual nests and live alongside other female alkali bees.

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Nomia melanderi ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES

La abeja de la alfalfa, Nomia melanderi,[1]​ es una abeja de la familia Halictidae que anida en el suelo en lugares desérticos o semidesérticos del oeste de Estados Unidos. Prefiere suelos salitrosos.

Es un eficaz polinizador de la alfalfa.[2]​ Se caracteriza por su técnica para abrir las flores de alfalfa que requieren presión para hacer que la quilla (los 2 pétalos inferiores de la flor) exponga las anteras con su polen. Los agricultores han desarrollado métodos de crear hábitat apropiado para los nidos de estas abejas en la proximidad de los campos de alfalfa.[3]

Uno de sus principales enemigos es la mosca parasítica Conopidae, Zodion obliquefasciatum.[4]


  1. Sistema Integrado de Información Taxonómica. «'Nomia melanderi Cockerell, 1906 (TSN 154350)» (en inglés).
  2. "...Nomia melanderi, sustainably managed to pollinate alfalfa ...", USDA
  3. Moisset, Beatriz; Wojcik, Vicki. «The Alkali Bee (Nomia melanderi)». USDA Forest Service.
  4. Howell, J.F. (1967). «Biology of Zodion obliquefasciatum (Macq.) (Diptera: Conopidae) a parasite of the alkali bee, Nomia melanderi Ckll. (Hymenoptera: Halictidae)». Bulletin of the Washington Agriculture Experimental Station 51: 1-33.
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Nomia melanderi: Brief Summary ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES

La abeja de la alfalfa, Nomia melanderi,​ es una abeja de la familia Halictidae que anida en el suelo en lugares desérticos o semidesérticos del oeste de Estados Unidos. Prefiere suelos salitrosos.

Es un eficaz polinizador de la alfalfa.​ Se caracteriza por su técnica para abrir las flores de alfalfa que requieren presión para hacer que la quilla (los 2 pétalos inferiores de la flor) exponga las anteras con su polen. Los agricultores han desarrollado métodos de crear hábitat apropiado para los nidos de estas abejas en la proximidad de los campos de alfalfa.​

Uno de sus principales enemigos es la mosca parasítica Conopidae, Zodion obliquefasciatum.​

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Nomia melanderi ( néerlandais ; flamand )

fourni par wikipedia NL


Nomia melanderi is een vliesvleugelig insect uit de familie Halictidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1906 door Cockerell.[1]

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Nomia melanderi ( vietnamien )

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Nomia melanderi là một loài Hymenoptera trong họ Halictidae. Loài này được Cockerell mô tả khoa học năm 1906.[1]

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Nomia melanderi: Brief Summary ( vietnamien )

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Nomia melanderi là một loài Hymenoptera trong họ Halictidae. Loài này được Cockerell mô tả khoa học năm 1906.

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