
Importar registro para Mushroom Observer

  • Started: August 26, 2020 12:20
  • Completed: 12:25:43
  • Failed: No.
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 12:25:43 (ends) Complete
  • 12:25:43 (ends) TOTAL TIME: 4.8m
  • 12:25:15 (starts) #fix_missing_icons (just to be safe)
  • 12:25:15 (starts) #propagate_reference_ids
  • 12:25:15 (starts) Resource#fix_native_nodes
  • 12:25:15 (warns) Trait Publishing failed: Couldn't load the external resource at: https://eol.org/data/traits_911.csv FROM /usr/local/bundle/bundler/gems/neography-ac92f5fe1301/lib/neography/connection.rb:250:in `raise_errors' << /app/app/models/trait_bank/slurp.rb:5:in `query' << /app/app/models/trait_bank/slurp.rb:368:in `build_nodes' << /app/app/models/trait_bank/slurp.rb:287:in `block in load_csv_where' << /app/app/models/trait_bank/slurp.rb:287:in `each' << /app/app/models/trait_bank/slurp.rb:287:in `load_csv_where'
  • 12:25:15 (starts) #publish_traits = TraitBank::Slurp.load_resource_from_repo
  • 12:25:15 (starts) Remove traits
  • 12:25:12 (starts) Fixing counter-culture counts...
  • 12:25:12 (starts) import 555 page contents...
  • 12:25:12 (infos) Batch 1/1...
  • 12:25:12 (infos) 555 Articles to process (in 1 batches)
  • 12:25:11 (starts) updating 1 pages with icons...
  • 12:25:11 (starts) import 117 page contents...
  • 12:25:11 (infos) Batch 37/37...
  • 12:25:11 (starts) updating 56 pages with icons...
  • 12:25:05 (starts) import 12336 page contents...
  • 12:25:04 (infos) Batch 36/37...
  • 12:25:04 (starts) updating 45 pages with icons...
  • 12:24:59 (starts) import 11215 page contents...
  • 12:24:58 (infos) Batch 35/37...
  • 12:24:58 (starts) updating 72 pages with icons...
  • 12:24:52 (starts) import 11448 page contents...
  • 12:24:52 (infos) Batch 34/37...
  • 12:24:52 (starts) updating 73 pages with icons...
  • 12:24:46 (starts) import 12019 page contents...
  • 12:24:46 (infos) Batch 33/37...
  • 12:24:46 (starts) updating 76 pages with icons...
  • 12:24:39 (starts) import 11895 page contents...
  • 12:24:39 (infos) Batch 32/37...
  • 12:24:39 (starts) updating 112 pages with icons...
  • 12:24:32 (starts) import 12529 page contents...
  • 12:24:32 (infos) Batch 31/37...
  • 12:24:31 (starts) updating 136 pages with icons...
  • 12:24:26 (starts) import 11038 page contents...
  • 12:24:25 (infos) Batch 30/37...
  • 12:24:25 (starts) updating 33 pages with icons...
  • 12:24:19 (starts) import 12712 page contents...
  • 12:24:19 (infos) Batch 29/37...
  • 12:24:19 (starts) updating 38 pages with icons...
  • 12:24:12 (starts) import 12711 page contents...
  • 12:24:12 (infos) Batch 28/37...
  • 12:24:12 (starts) updating 88 pages with icons...
  • 12:24:05 (starts) import 12108 page contents...
  • 12:24:05 (infos) Batch 27/37...
  • 12:24:05 (starts) updating 65 pages with icons...
  • 12:23:59 (starts) import 12869 page contents...
  • 12:23:59 (infos) Batch 26/37...
  • 12:23:58 (starts) updating 90 pages with icons...
  • 12:23:52 (starts) import 12656 page contents...