
Importar registro para Barry Armstead Photography, ALA

  • Started: August 16, 2018 10:14
  • Completed: 10:21:48
  • Failed: No.
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 10:21:48 (ends) Complete
  • 10:21:48 (ends) TOTAL TIME: 7.4m
  • 10:21:48 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/Barry_Armstead_image_info.tsv
  • 10:21:48 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/Barry_Armstead_attributions.tsv
  • 10:21:48 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/Barry_Armstead_media.tsv
  • 10:21:48 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/Barry_Armstead_node_ancestors.tsv
  • 10:21:48 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/Barry_Armstead_scientific_names.tsv
  • 10:21:48 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/Barry_Armstead_nodes.tsv
  • 10:21:48 (starts) #propagate_reference_ids
  • 10:21:44 (starts) #fix_native_nodes
  • 10:21:44 (warns) Trait Publishing failed: Couldn't load the external resource at: https://demo:fungi@beta.eol.org/traits_493.csv
  • 10:21:44 (warns) MISSING http://eol-repo-app:3000/data/Barry_Armstead/publish_metadata.tsv [404] (7 bytes); skipping
  • 10:21:44 (warns) MISSING http://eol-repo-app:3000/data/Barry_Armstead/publish_traits.tsv [404] (7 bytes); skipping
  • 10:21:44 (starts) #publish_traits
  • 10:21:44 (starts) Remove traits
  • 10:14:31 (starts) Fixing counter-culture counts...
  • 10:14:31 (infos) 0 Articles to process (in 0 batches)
  • 10:14:31 (starts) updating 3 pages with icons...
  • 10:14:28 (starts) import 1765 page contents...
  • 10:14:27 (infos) Batch 0/1...
  • 10:14:27 (infos) 50 Media to process (in 1 batches)
  • 10:14:27 (starts) MediaContentCreator#by_resource
  • 10:14:27 (starts) MediaContentCreator
  • 10:14:27 (warns) There were NO new pages, skipping...
  • 10:14:26 (starts) create_new_pages
  • 10:14:26 (starts) PageCreator
  • 10:14:26 (warns) MISSING http://eol-repo-app:3000/data/Barry_Armstead/publish_references.tsv [404] (7 bytes); skipping
  • 10:14:26 (starts) Reference
  • 10:14:26 (starts) #propagate_ids ImageInfo
  • 10:14:25 (starts) #import ImageInfo
  • 10:14:25 (starts) ImageInfo
  • 10:14:25 (starts) #propagate_ids Attribution
  • 10:14:25 (starts) #import Attribution
  • 10:14:25 (starts) Attribution
  • 10:14:25 (starts) #propagate_ids Medium
  • 10:14:25 (starts) #import Medium
  • 10:14:25 (starts) Medium
  • 10:14:25 (warns) MISSING http://eol-repo-app:3000/data/Barry_Armstead/publish_articles.tsv [404] (7 bytes); skipping
  • 10:14:25 (starts) Article
  • 10:14:25 (warns) MISSING http://eol-repo-app:3000/data/Barry_Armstead/publish_vernaculars.tsv [404] (7 bytes); skipping
  • 10:14:25 (starts) Vernacular
  • 10:14:25 (starts) #propagate_ids NodeAncestor
  • 10:14:25 (starts) #import NodeAncestor
  • 10:14:25 (starts) NodeAncestor
  • 10:14:25 (starts) #propagate_ids ScientificName
  • 10:14:25 (starts) #import ScientificName
  • 10:14:25 (starts) ScientificName
  • 10:14:25 (warns) MISSING http://eol-repo-app:3000/data/Barry_Armstead/publish_identifiers.tsv [404] (7 bytes); skipping
  • 10:14:25 (starts) Identifier
  • 10:14:25 (starts) #propagate_ids Node