Randers Fjord
Zhao Xiao-Lin, Ren Guo-Dong
Figures 32–40.Laena dentata sp. n. 32 male antenna, dorsal view 33 anterior femur and tibia, male, ventral view 34 middle femur and tibia, male, ventral view 35 posterior femur and tibia, male, ventral view 36 last abdominal ventrite, male, ventral view 37 last abdominal ventrite, female, ventral view 38–40 aedeagus in dorsal, lateral and ventral views.
Figures 16–29.Itagonia tibialis sp. n. 16 antenna of male 17 antenna of female 18 pronotum of male 19 profemur and protibiae of male 20 mesofemur and mesotibiae of male 21 mtafemur and metatibiae of male 22–23 apicale of aedeagus in dorsal and ventral views 24 aedeagus in lateral view 25 spiculum gastrale 26 abdominal ventrite 8 of male 27–28 ovipositor in dorsal and ventral views 29 spiculum ventrale.
Aaron D. Smith, Rebecca Dornburg, Quentin D. Wheeler
Figure 5.Lateral habitus of three Eleodes species: A Eleodes (Eleodes) caudiferus B Eleodes (Eleodes) tribulus C Eleodes (Litheleodes) extricatus. Scale bar = 5 mm.
Gniben, Sjællands Odde, Danmark
Tranekær Langeland
Randers Fjord
Zhao Xiao-Lin, Ren Guo-Dong
Figures 1–6.1 Laena quadrata sp. n., male 2 Laena motogana sp. n., male 3 Laena chiloriluxa sp. n., male 4 Laena dentata sp. n., male 5 Laena liangi sp. n., male 6 Laena dentatocrassa sp. n., male.
Figures 44–47.44–45 Itagonia tibialis sp. n. 44 male, length 14.2 mm 45 female, length 14.9 mm 46–47 Itagonia litangensis sp. n. 46 male, length 11.5 mm 47 female, length 11.8 mm.
Aaron D. Smith, Rebecca Dornburg, Quentin D. Wheeler
Figure 6.Lateral habitus of three Eleodes species: A Eleodes (Melaneleodes) anthracinus B Eleodes (Melaneleodes) carbonarius C Eleodes (Tricheleodes) pilosus. Scale bar = 5 mm.
Tranekær Langeland
Randers Fjord
Zhao Xiao-Lin, Ren Guo-Dong
Figures 41–48.Laena liangi sp. n. 41 male antenna, dorsal view 42 anterior femur and tibia, male, ventral view 43 middle femur and tibia, male, ventral view 44 posterior femur and tibia, male, ventral view 45 last abdominal ventrite, male, ventral view 46–48 aedeagus in dorsal, lateral and ventral views.
Figures 30–43.Itagonia litangensis sp. n. 30 antenna of male 31 antenna of female 32 pronotum of male 33 profemur and protibiae of male 34 mesofemur and mesotibiae of male 35 mtafemur and metatibiae of male 36–37 apicale of aedeagus in dorsal and ventral views 38 aedeagus in lateral view 39 spiculum gastrale 40 abdominal ventrite 8 of male 41–42 ovipositor in dorsal and ventral views 43 spiculum ventrale.
Aaron D. Smith, Rebecca Dornburg, Quentin D. Wheeler
Figure 7.Lateral habitus of the head and thoracic segments of three Eleodes species: A Eleodes (Melaneleodes) anthracinus B Eleodes (Litheleodes) extricatus C Eleodes (Promus) subnitens. Scale bar = 5 mm.
Zhao Xiao-Lin, Ren Guo-Dong
Figures 1–6.1 Laena quadrata sp. n., male 2 Laena motogana sp. n., male 3 Laena chiloriluxa sp. n., male 4 Laena dentata sp. n., male 5 Laena liangi sp. n., male 6 Laena dentatocrassa sp. n., male.
Figures 44–47.44–45 Itagonia tibialis sp. n. 44 male, length 14.2 mm 45 female, length 14.9 mm 46–47 Itagonia litangensis sp. n. 46 male, length 11.5 mm 47 female, length 11.8 mm.
Aaron D. Smith, Rebecca Dornburg, Quentin D. Wheeler
Figure 8.Eleodes (Melaneleodes) anthracinus, epipharnyx. asp = anterior spines, msp = medial spines, mst = microsetae, pap = sensory papillae, tor = tormae. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Zhao Xiao-Lin, Ren Guo-Dong
Figures 49–57.Laena dentatocrassa sp. n. 49 male antenna, dorsal view 50 anterior femur and tibia, male, ventral view 51 middle femur and tibia, male, ventral view 52 posterior femur and tibia, male, ventral view 53 last abdominal ventrite, male, ventral view 54 last abdominal ventrite, female, ventral view 55–57 aedeagus in dorsal, lateral and ventral views.