
Frumskottur ( Islandês )

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Frumskottur (fræðiheiti: Protura[2][3]) eru mjög smá (<2 mm löng), jarðvegsdýr, sem fyrst voru uppgötvuð á 19du öld. Stundum eru þau talin til eigin flokks og stundum eru þau talin til skordýra.[1][4][5][6][7][8]

Yfir 800 tegundir eru þekktar sem skiftast á milli sjö ættkvísla. Nálægt 300 tegundir eru í einni ættkvísl, Eosentomon.[1][9]


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 Andrzej Szeptycki (2007). „Catalogue of the World Protura“ (PDF).
  2. „Proturans / Coneheads“. North Carolina State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Afrit af upprunalegu geymt þann May 15, 2008. Sótt July 30, 2008.
  3. „Order Protura - Coneheads“. http://bugguide.net bugguide.net, hosted by Iowa State University Department of Entomology. Sótt July 30, 2008.
  4. Charles S. Henry (2005). „Insect phylogeny“. University of Connecticut. Afrit af upprunalegu geymt þann 2006-09-05.
  5. Galli, Loris; Shrubovych, Julia; Bu, Yun; Zinni, Matteo (2018). „Genera of the Protura of the World: diagnosis, distribution, and key“. ZooKeys (772): 1–45. doi:10.3897/zookeys.772.24410.
  6. Ryuichiro Machida (2006). „Evidence from embryology for reconstructing the relationships of hexapod basal clades“ (PDF). Afrit af upprunalegu (PDF) geymt þann 2007-07-20.
  7. Charles E Cook, Qiaoyun Yue & Michael Akam (2005). „Mitochondrial genomes suggest that hexapods and crustaceans are mutually paraphyletic“. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 272 (1569): 1295–1304. doi:10.1098/rspb.2004.3042. PMC 1564108. PMID 16024395.
  8. P. J. Gullan & P. S. Cranston (1994). The insects: an outline of entomology. Chapman and Hall. ISBN 978-0-412-49360-7.
  9. G Pass & NU Szucsich (2011). „100 years of research on the Protura: many secrets still retained“ (PDF).

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Frumskottur: Brief Summary ( Islandês )

fornecido por wikipedia IS

Frumskottur (fræðiheiti: Protura) eru mjög smá (

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Höfundar og ritstjórar Wikipedia
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wikipedia IS