Mushroom Observer Image 993751: Mutinus boninensis Lloyd
Mushroom Observer Image 294057: Psilocybe allenii Borov., Rockefeller & P.G. Werner
Mushroom Observer Image 730370: Psathyrella bipellis (Quél.) A.H. Sm.
Mushroom Observer Image 135259: Amanita velosa (Peck) Lloyd
Mushroom Observer Image 375563: Ganoderma oregonense Murrill
Mushroom Observer Image 561041: Stropharia rugosoannulata Farl. ex Murrill
Mushroom Observer Image 487993: Lepiota pseudoasperula (Knudsen) Knudsen
Mushroom Observer Image 862268: Boletellus deceptivus Halling & Fechner
Mushroom Observer Image 318962: Boletellus sinapipes Fechner, K.Syme, R.Rob., & Halling
Mushroom Observer Image 725074: Stropharia ambigua (Peck) Zeller
Mushroom Observer Image 35330: Galerina clavata (Velen.) Kuhner
Mushroom Observer Image 757406: Niveoporofomes spraguei (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) B.K. Cui, M.L. Han & Y.C. Dai
Mushroom Observer Image 374335: Macrocybe titans (H.E. Bigelow & Kimbr.) Pegler, Lodge & Nakasone
Mushroom Observer Image 177190: Amanita cornelihybrida K.W. Hughes, Tulloss & Rodrig. Cayc. nom. prov.
Mushroom Observer Image 978477: Grifola frondosa sensu auct. amer.
Mushroom Observer Image 374835: Laccaria bicolor (Maire) P.D. Orton
Mushroom Observer Image 113853: Macrolepiota Singer
Mushroom Observer Image 180081: Lycoperdon umbrinum Pers.
Mushroom Observer Image 230616: Stropharia hornemannii (Fr.) S. Lundell & Nannf.
Lactarius indigo oozes blue "latex" when broken (the blue slowly turns to green with exposure to air) (Jalisco, Mexico)From
Mushroom Observer
Aseroë floriformisThis rather strange looking fungus is a member of the group formerly known as Gasteromycetes. The dark-coloured liquid contains the spores which are dispersed by flies that are attracted by the nasty smell that it produces.
Taken on November 14, 1979
São Sebastião, Sao Paulo, BR
Randers Fjord
Navn Sø, Jylland, Danmark
Munkholm Skov, Mariager, Danmark