Washtenaw Co., MI
Løvenholm Skov
Labske jazero, Slovakiet
Havkær Skov
Kværkeby Mose, Midtsjælland, Denmark
Nørreskov ved Bjæverskov, Denmark
Stirellus labiatus, face (Oman, P. W. 1949, The Nearctic leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). A generic classification and check list. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington. 3:1-253.)
Figures 31–45.Tungurahualini 31–32 head, anteroventral view 31 Tungurahuala acuminata 32 Ilyapa viridis 33–34 prothoracic femur, anterior view 33 Tungurahuala acuminata 34 Ilyapa viridis 35–36 hind tarsomere I, ventral view 35 Tungurahuala acuminata 36 Ilyapa viridis 37 Tungurahuala acuminata, genital capsule, lateral view 38 same, valve and subgenital plates, ventral view 39 Ilyapa bifida, genital capsule, lateral view 40 same, Ilyapa loca 41 same, Ilyapa longispina 42 same, Ilyapa ochrescens 43 Ilyapa ochrescens, left subgenital plate, ventral view 44 Ilyapa recurvata, genital capsule, lateral view 45 same, Ilyapa viridis.
Carolina Cuezzo, David A. Nickle
Figures 8–15.Sinqasapatermes sachae. 8–11 worker gut in situ respectively from dorsal, right, ventral and left views 12–13 Malpighian tubules attachment 14 worker enteric valve armature 15 scheme of worker enteric valve configuration. C crop G gizzard M mesenteron, stippled P1 first proctodeal segment P2 enteric valve P3 paunch P4 colon P5 rectum TM Malpighian tubules.
Juli Pujade-Villar, Paul Hanson, Claudia A. Medina, Miguel Torres, George Melika
Figures 59–62.59 Zapatella cryptica, metasoma, female (lateral view) 60 Zapatella quercussimilis, metasoma, female (lateral view) 61 Zapatella cryptica, ventral spine of hypopygium 62 Zapatella quercussimilis, ventral spine of hypopygium.
Figures 9–17.(9–15) Neonipponaphis pustulosis sp. n. Apterous viviparous female: 9 dorsal view of body 10 dorsal setae (long, thick, and stiff seta in left, fine and pointed seta in right) 11 antenna 12 ultimate rostral segment 13 siphunculus 14 cauda 15 anal plate. (16–17) Dorsal pustules on the same scale: 16 Neonipponaphis pustulosis sp. n. 17 Neonipponaphis shiiae Takahashi. Scale bars = 0.10 mm.
Boonsatien Boonsoong, Dietrich Braasch
Figure 8.A–B General outline (A) and micropyle (B) of the egg of Rhithrogena tonkinensisSoldán & Braasch, 1986 C–D General outline (C) and micropyle (D) of the egg of Asionurus namnaoensis Braasch & Boonsoong, 2010. Scale bars 20 µm for A and C; 5 µm for B and D.
Jia Long, Ren Guo-Dong, Yu You-Zhi
Figure 2.1–9 Opatrum (Opatrum) subaratum Faldermann, 1835 1 Pupal habitus in dorsal view 2 Pupal habitus in lateral view 3 Pupal habitus in ventral view 4 Pronotum 5 Head 6 Urogomphi in dorsal view 7 Urogomphi in ventral view 8 Lateral process of abdominal tergite V 9 Lateral process of abdominal tergite VII 10–18 Eumylada potanini (Reitter, 1889) 10 Pupal habitus in dorsal view 11 Pupal habitus in lateral view 12 Pupal habitus in ventral view 13 Pronotum 14 Head 15 Urogomphi in dorsal view 16 Urogomphi in ventral view 17 Lateral process of abdominal tergite V 18 Lateral process of abdominal tergite VII.
Felipe N. Soto-Adames, Steven J. Taylor
Figures 50–52.Trogolaphysa belizeana (50, 51) and Trogolaphysa jataca (52) 50 Prothoracic claw 51 Metathoracic claw 52 Dorsal chaetotaxy of head.
Donald M. Windsor, Guillaume J. Dury, Fernando A. Frieiro-Costa, Susanne Lanckowsky, Jacques M. Pasteels
Figure 3.Maternal care providing Proseicela species, a Proseicela vittata adult (Photo by D.W.) b Proseicela vittata female and larvae from two cohorts. Insert shows detail of vein pinching along approximately 1cm of the primary vein (Photo by D.W.) c Proseicela vittata female with late stage larvae (Photo by D.W.) d Proseicela bicruciata adult female, (photo by G.D.) e Proseicela bicruciata female tending larvae (photo by G.D.) f Proseicela bicruciata food plant, Solanum abitaguense (photo by G.D.) g Proseicela spectabilis adult (photo by G.D.) h Proseicela spectabilis with nearly full-grown larval brood and tachinid parasitoid (photo by G.D.) i. Proseicela spectabilis host plant, Solanum sp. (photo by G.D.) j Proseicela sp. n. adult female (photo by G.D.) k the same female tending three feeding larvae feeding on Cuatresia sp. (Solanaceae) (photo by G.D.) l wider view of the host plant (photo by G.D.).
Lizhi Huo, Xingmin Wang, Xiaosheng Chen, Shunxiang Ren
Figures 12–20.12–14 Aspidimerus nigritus (Pang & Mao), 12 dorsal view 13 lateral view 14 frontal view 15–17 Aspidimerus esakii Sasaji, 15 dorsal view 16 lateral view 17 frontal view 18–20 Aspidimerus menglensis Huo & Ren, sp. n. 18 dorsal view 19 lateral view 20 frontal view. Scale bars: 1.0mm.
Figure 4.A Anacypta sp., Vietnam B Anacypta punctata C Anacypta sp., Laos D Gymnocheilis subfasciata E Gymnocheilis sp., Ghana F Gymnocheilis varia G Kolibacia regularis H Kolibacia squamulata.
Figures 102–108.Paridea (Semacia) angulicollis. 102 Penis, dorsal view 103 Penis, lateral view 104 Gonocoxae 105 Eighth abdominal sternite 106 Fifth abdominal ventrite 107 Eighth abdominal tergite 108 Spermatheca.
Francisco Hita Garcia, Brian L. Fisher
Figure 3.First gastral tergite in profile. A Tetramorium alperti (CASENT0042547) B Tetramorium enkidu (CASENT0039588).
Figure 5.Rhithrogeniella ornata Ulmer, 1939, SEM pictures of egg structures. 5a Egg extracted from a female subimago paratype from Padang, Sumatra 5b Details of the chorionic structure of a female nymph from Ombilin River, Sumatra 5c Details of the chorionic structure and micropyle of a female subimago paratype from Buitenzorg [Bogor], Java 5d chorionic surface of the female allotype from Buitenzorg [Bogor], Java.