Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
northern California and Oregon coasts
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Life Stages And Gender: Juvenile | Anatomy: Male | Anatomy: Ornamentation :: Antlers | Anatomy: Non-Breeding | Anatomy: Coloration/Patterning :: Cryptic
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
Otsego Co., MI
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA
northern California and Oregon coasts
Bison Reserve, Bialowieza National Park, Poland
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Anatomy: Female | Anatomy: Coloration/Patterning :: Cryptic
northern California and Oregon coasts
Otsego Co., MI
northern California and Oregon coasts
Detroit Zoological Gardens, Detroit, Michigan
Tebu Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, China
Yaan Wildlife Park, Sichuan Province, China
Tebu Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, China
Tebu Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, China
Tebu Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, China
Near Ruoergai Settlement, Northern Sichuan Province, China
Near Ruoergai Settlement, Northern Sichuan Province, China
Tebu Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, China
Near Ruoergai Settlement, Northern Sichuan Province, China