Imagem de Panicum gymnocarpon Elliott
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Panicum gymnocarpon Elliott

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Panicum gymnocarpon Ell. Bot. S. C. & Ga. 1: 117. 1816
Panicum monachnoides Desv. Opusc. 86. 1831.
Panicum Drummondii Nees; Steud. Syn. Gram. 63. 1854.
Phanopyrum gymnocarpon Nash, in Small, Fl. SE. U. S. 104. 1903.
Plants perennial, with a succulent, decumbent or creeping base, sometimes as much as 2 meters long, rooting at the nodes, glabrous throughout; culms erect or ascending, 60-100 cm. high, rather thick and succulent; nodes often dark-colored; leaf-sheaths shorter than the internodes, sometimes ciliate near the summit; ligule membranaceous, about 1 mm. long, decurrent down the margin of the sheath; blades linear-lanceolate, 20-35 cm. long, or the upper and lower shorter, usually 15-25 mm. wide, flat, scarcely narrowed at the cordate, sparingly ciliate base, narrowed from about the middle to the acute apex, the margins very scabrous; panicles finally exserted, 20-40 cm. long, about three fourths as wide, consisting of several to many racemes, solitary or fascicled along a main axis, the racemes stiffly ascending, or somewhat spreading, the middle 8-12 cm. or occasionally as much as 18 cm. long, usually spikelet-bearing from base, the spikelets short-pediceled on short, appressed branchlets, thus appearing in somewhat scattered clusters; spikelets 6-7 mm. long, about 1.2 mm. wide, and, by the spreading 3 : 1-88. Hypocreales : Nectriaceae, Hypocreaceae. Fimetariales : Chaetomiaceae, Fimetariaceae.
7 : 1-82. Ustilaginales : Ustilaginaceae, Tilletiaceae.
7: 83-160. Uredinales : Coleosporiaceae, Uredinaceae, Aecidiaceae (pars).
7*: 161-268. (Uredinales:) Aecidiaceae (pars).
9 1 : 1-72. (Agaricales :) Polyporaceae (pars).
9 1 : 73-132. (Agaricales:) Polyporaceae (conclusio).
9 s : 133-200. (Agaricales:) Boletaceae, Agaricaceae (pars).
9*: 201-296. (Agaricales:) Agaricaceae (pars).
10 l : 1-76. (Agaricales :) Agaricaceae (pars).
15 l : 1-75. Sphagnales : Sphagnaceae. Andreaeales : Andreaeaceae. Bryales: Archidiaceae, Bruchiaceae, Ditrichaceae, Bryoxyphiaceae, Seligeriaceae.
15: 77-166. (Bryales :) Dicranaceae, Leucobryaceae.
16 l : 1-88. Ophioglossales : Ophioglossaceae. Marattiales : Marattiaceae. Filicales : Osmundaceae, Ceratopteridaceae, Schizaeaceae, Gleicheniaceae, Cyatheaceae (pars).
17 l : 1-98. Pandanales : Typhaceae, Sparganiaceae. Naiadales : Zannichelliaceae, Zosteraceae, Cymodoceaceae, Naiadaceae,Lilaeaceae. Alismales : Scheuchzeriaceae, Alismaceae, Butomaceae. Hydrocharitales : Elodeaceae, Hydrocharitaceae. Poales: Poaceae (pars).
17 1 : 99-196. (Poales:) Poaceae (pars).
22 1 : 1-80. Rosales : Podostemonaceae, Crassulaceae, Penthoraceae, Parnas-
22 2 : 81-192. (Rosales :) Saxifragaceae, Hydrangeaceae, Cunoniaceae, Iteaceae, Pterostemonaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Altingiaceae , Phyllonomaceae.
22 s : 193-292. (Rosales:) Grossulariaceae, Platanaceae, Crossosomataceae, Connaraceae, Calycanthaceae, Rosaceae (pars).
22*: 293-388. (Rosales:) Rosaceae (pars).
22*: 389-480. (Rosales :) Rosaceae (pars).
25 1 : 1-88. Geraniales : Geraniaceae, Oxalidaceae, Erythroxylaceae, Linaceae.
25 s : 89-171. (Geraniales:) Tropaeolaceae, Balsaminaceae, Limnanthaceae, Koeberliniaceae. Zygophyllaceae, Malpighiaceae.
25 s : 173-261. (Geraniales:) Rutaceae, Surianaceae, Simaroubaceae, Bur-
29 l : 1-102. Ericales : Clethraceae, Monotropaceae, Lennoaceae, Pyrolaceae,
Ericaceae. 34*: 1-80. (Carduales:) Carduaceae (pars). 34 2 : 81-180. (Carduales:) Carduaceae (pars). /
citação bibliográfica
George Valentine Nash. 1915. (POALES); POACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 17(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora