
Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Opharus roseistriga Schaus

Opharus roseistriga Schaus, 1910, p. 405.

Forewing 22.0 mm. Front of head dark brown; vertex pale yellow. Tegulae brown with broad, transverse, pastel red band anteriorly; patagia dark brown, fringed with pale yellow medially; rest of abdomen pastel red. Forewing brown with weak pink iridescence and greyish yellow costal area. Hindwing brown; translucent in middle. Dorsal surface of abdomen brown medially on 2–6, pastel red laterally; segment 1 brown medially, but pale yellow at anterior margin and pale yellow laterally; segment 7 brown anteromedially, pastel red otherwise, with pale yellow tail fringe. Ventral surface of abdomen brown except for pale yellow posteriorly and pastel red laterally on segment 7.

Described from an unspecified number of specimens from Juan Viñas [Costa Rica]. There are no specimens other than the lectotype in the USNM collection.

Lectotype ♀: “Aug.; Juan Vinas, CR; Collection Wm Schaus; Type No. 16924 U.S.N.M.; Opharus roseistriga Schs type; Lectotype ♀ Opharus roseistriga Schaus By A. Watson 1967; Arctiidae genitalia slide No. AW594.”
citação bibliográfica
Watson, Allan. 1973. "An illustrated catalog of the Neotropic Arctiinae types in the United States National Museum (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) Part 2." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.50.1