
Associations ( Inglês )

fornecido por BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
Foodplant / gall
Eriophyes convolvuli causes gall of leaf of Convolvulus arvensis

In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Foodplant / parasite
Erysiphe convolvuli parasitises live Convolvulus arvensis

Foodplant / open feeder
adult of Longitarsus pellucidus grazes on leaf of Convolvulus arvensis

Foodplant / internal feeder
larva of Melanagromyza albocilia feeds within stem of Convolvulus arvensis

Foodplant / spot causer
epiphyllous, immersed, brown pycnidium of Septoria coelomycetous anamorph of Septoria convolvuli causes spots on fading leaf of Convolvulus arvensis
Remarks: season: 7-8

Foodplant / spot causer
few, hypophyllous, immersed, pallid pycnidium of Stagonospora coelomycetous anamorph of Stagonospora calystegiae causes spots on fading leaf of Convolvulus arvensis
Remarks: season: 7-9

Foodplant / pathogen
immersed sorus of Thecaphora seminis-convolvuli infects and damages seeds (in capsule) of Convolvulus arvensis
Remarks: season: 8-10

Foodplant / feeds on
adult of Thrips atratus feeds on live flower of Convolvulus arvensis

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