Ventral view of the small scutociliate, Cyclidium glaucoma (Mueller, 1773). The infraciliature has been stained by the silver carbonate technique (see Foissner, W. Europ. J. Protistol.27,313-330;1991). 15-30 microns in length. The cell is ovoid and laterally compressed. A prominent paraoral membrane borders the peristome on the right, curving around it posteriorly to form a pouch. The paraoral membrane extends at least 1/2 the cell length. Just to the left of the paraoral membrane three small polykinetids correspond to adoral membranelles 1, 2 and 3. The nonciliated basal bodies of the scuticovestige at the posterior end of the paraoral membrane are visible in this specimen. Longitudinal somatic kineties are visible to the left of the cytostome. Collected from stagnant organically enriched freshwater near Boise, Idaho August 2004. Brightfield
Cyclidium glaucoma: Ciliate protozoa, with long cilia except near the caudal region. A single long caudal cilia. Fast moving, but stationary while feeding. This image was taken by Krishnakumar B. in a sample from an anaerobic bioreactor for organic rich wastewater treatment in Regional Research Laboratory-Trivandrum (CSIR-India).
Key to Schewiakoff's abbreviations: a -- Anus b -- Sensory bristle ek -- Ectoplasm l.Pr -- Left peristome N -- Macronucleus ncl -- Micronucleus nv -- Food vacuole r.Pr -- Right peristome
Left side view. Key to Schewiakoff's abbreviations: b -- Sensory bristle cv -- Contractile vacuole ek -- Ectoplasm l.Pr -- Left edge of peristome m -- Undulating membrane N -- Macronucleus ncl -- Micronucleus nv -- Food vacuole
Ventral view. Key to Schewiakoff's abbreviations: b -- Sensory bristle cv -- Contractile vacuole l.Pr -- Left edge of peristome m -- Undulating membrane o -- Mouth r.Pr -- Right edge of peristome
Synononym: Cyclidium glaucoma var. elongatum (Schewiakoff, 1889). Key to Schewiakoff's abbreviations: a -- Anus b -- Sensory bristle cv -- Contractile vacuole ek -- Ectoplasm m -- Unduating membrane N -- Macronucleus ncl -- Micronucleus
Paracyclidium (para-sigh-clid-ee-um), one of the cylidiid scuticociliates. Scuticociliates have a curved undulating membrane associated with the mouth, and within the family, this genus is distinguished because the kineties are broken in the centre of the cell. This allows us to see the epibiotic rod-shaped bacteria. Ciliates with external bacteria are often encountered in an anoxic sites suggesting that the symbiosis is linked to respiratory metabolism. Phase contrast.
Paracyclidium (para-sigh-clid-ee-um), one of the cylidiid scuticociliates. Scuticociliates have a curved undulating membrane associated with the mouth, and within the family, this genus is distinguished because the kineties are broken in the centre of the cell. This cell is included because of the large numbers of ectosymbiotic bacteria that are attached to the cell surface. Phase contrast.
Paracyclidium (para-sigh-clid-ee-um) is a small scuticociliate, a group which usually has a well developed veil of cilia projecting around the mouth region (flopped , and these can be see to one side of each cell. It eats bacteria. May occur in organically enriched habitats with large numbers of bacteria. Rows of cilia (kineties) are interrupted in the central region of the body. Cyclidium is similar, but the kineties are unbroken. Long caudal cilium. Phase contrast.
Right side view. Key to Schewiakoff's abbreviations: a -- Anus b -- Sensory bristle cv -- Contractile vacuole ek -- Ectoplasm m -- Undulating membrane N -- Macronucleus ncl - Micronucleus
Sampling date 09/2005. Scale bar indicates 25 µm.Place name: Bog Hegne Moor near Lake Constance (Germany) Latitude: 47.718106 Longitude: 9.093974Microscope Zeiss Universal, camera Olympus C7070WZ.© Wolfgang Bettighofer,images under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA).For permission to use of (high resolution) images please contact
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