Longitude (deg): 0.0. Latitude (deg): 52.6. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 10' E. Latitude (deg/min): 52° 40' N. Vice county name: Cambs. Vice county no.: 29. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "Patch of numerous perithecia on split, fallen, rotten, waterlogged, soft ?Apple trunk". Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Meiji microscope with x2.5 projection eye-piece. DPI defaulting to 72.
Longitude (deg): 0.0. Latitude (deg): 52.6. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 10' E. Latitude (deg/min): 52° 40' N. Vice county name: Cambs. Vice county no.: 29. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "Patch of numerous perithecia on split, fallen, rotten, waterlogged, soft ?Apple trunk". Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Meiji microscope with x2.5 projection eye-piece. DPI defaulting to 72.
Longitude (deg): 0.0. Latitude (deg): 52.6. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 10' E. Latitude (deg/min): 52° 40' N. Vice county name: Cambs. Vice county no.: 29. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "Patch of numerous perithecia on split, fallen, rotten, waterlogged, soft ?Apple trunk". Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Meiji microscope with x2.5 projection eye-piece. DPI defaulting to 72.
Longitude (deg): 0.0. Latitude (deg): 52.6. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 10' E. Latitude (deg/min): 52° 40' N. Vice county name: Cambs. Vice county no.: 29. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "Patch of numerous perithecia on split, fallen, rotten, waterlogged, soft ?Apple trunk". Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Meiji microscope with x2.5 projection eye-piece. DPI defaulting to 72.
Longitude (deg): 0.0. Latitude (deg): 52.6. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 10' E. Latitude (deg/min): 52° 40' N. Vice county name: Cambs. Vice county no.: 29. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "Patch of numerous perithecia on split, fallen, rotten, waterlogged, soft ?Apple trunk". Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Meiji microscope with x2.5 projection eye-piece. DPI defaulting to 72.
Longitude (deg): 0.0. Latitude (deg): 52.6. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 10' E. Latitude (deg/min): 52° 40' N. Vice county name: Cambs. Vice county no.: 29. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "Patch of numerous perithecia on split, fallen, rotten, waterlogged, soft ?Apple trunk". Detail to note: striated walls. Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: highly magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Meiji microscope with x2.5 projection eye-piece. DPI defaulting to 72.
Longitude (deg): 0.0. Latitude (deg): 52.6. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 10' E. Latitude (deg/min): 52° 40' N. Vice county name: Cambs. Vice county no.: 29. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "Patch of numerous perithecia on split, fallen, rotten, waterlogged, soft ?Apple trunk". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: highly magnified. Photographic equipment used: Nikon D100 dSLR with Olympus OM wide angle 28mm Zuiko lens - mounted reversed on bellows.
Longitude (deg): 0.0. Latitude (deg): 52.6. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 10' E. Latitude (deg/min): 52° 40' N. Vice county name: Cambs. Vice county no.: 29. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "Patch of numerous perithecia on split, fallen, rotten, waterlogged, soft ?Apple trunk". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: highly magnified. Photographic equipment used: Nikon D100 dSLR with Olympus OM wide angle 28mm Zuiko lens - mounted reversed on bellows.
Longitude (deg): 0.0. Latitude (deg): 52.6. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 10' E. Latitude (deg/min): 52° 40' N. Vice county name: Cambs. Vice county no.: 29. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "Patch of numerous perithecia on split, fallen, rotten, waterlogged, soft ?Apple trunk". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: highly magnified. Photographic equipment used: Nikon D100 dSLR with Olympus OM wide angle 28mm Zuiko lens - mounted reversed on bellows.
Longitude (deg): 0.0. Latitude (deg): 52.6. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 10' E. Latitude (deg/min): 52° 40' N. Vice county name: Cambs. Vice county no.: 29. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "Patch of numerous perithecia on split, fallen, rotten, waterlogged, soft ?Apple trunk". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: highly magnified. Photographic equipment used: Nikon D100 dSLR with Olympus OM wide angle 28mm Zuiko lens - mounted reversed on bellows.
Longitude (deg): 0.0. Latitude (deg): 52.6. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 10' E. Latitude (deg/min): 52° 40' N. Vice county name: Cambs. Vice county no.: 29. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "Patch of numerous perithecia on split, fallen, rotten, waterlogged, soft ?Apple trunk". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: highly magnified. Photographic equipment used: Nikon D100 dSLR with Olympus OM wide angle 28mm Zuiko lens - mounted reversed on bellows.
Longitude (deg): -1.1. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 10' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Anamorph. Associated species: Menyanthes trifoliata. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "on dead, wet, decaying Bogbean rhizome at edge of pond". Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: microscope low magnification. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Meiji microscope with x2.5 projection eye-piece. DPI defaulting to 72.
Longitude (deg): -1.1. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 10' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Anamorph. Associated species: Menyanthes trifoliata. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "on dead, wet, decaying Bogbean rhizome at edge of pond". Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Meiji microscope with x2.5 projection eye-piece. DPI defaulting to 72.
Longitude (deg): -1.1. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 10' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Anamorph. Associated species: Menyanthes trifoliata. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "on dead, wet, decaying Bogbean rhizome at edge of pond". Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Meiji microscope with x2.5 projection eye-piece. DPI defaulting to 72.
Longitude (deg): -1.1. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 10' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Anamorph. Associated species: Menyanthes trifoliata. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "on dead, wet, decaying Bogbean rhizome at edge of pond". Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Meiji microscope with x2.5 projection eye-piece. DPI defaulting to 72.
Longitude (deg): -1.1. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 10' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Anamorph. Associated species: Menyanthes trifoliata. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "on dead, wet, decaying Bogbean rhizome at edge of pond". Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Meiji microscope with x2.5 projection eye-piece. DPI defaulting to 72.
Longitude (deg): -1.1. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 10' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Anamorph. Associated species: Menyanthes trifoliata. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "on dead, wet, decaying Bogbean rhizome at edge of pond". Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: highly magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Meiji microscope with x2.5 projection eye-piece. DPI defaulting to 72.
Longitude (deg): -1.1. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 10' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Anamorph. Associated species: Menyanthes trifoliata. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "on dead, wet, decaying Bogbean rhizome at edge of pond". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: highly magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Macro MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.1. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 10' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Anamorph. Associated species: Menyanthes trifoliata. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "on dead, wet, decaying Bogbean rhizome at edge of pond". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: highly magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Macro MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.1. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 10' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Anamorph. Associated species: Menyanthes trifoliata. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "on dead, wet, decaying Bogbean rhizome at edge of pond". Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Meiji microscope with x2.5 projection eye-piece. DPI defaulting to 72.
Longitude (deg): -1.1. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 10' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Anamorph. Associated species: Menyanthes trifoliata. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "on dead, wet, decaying Bogbean rhizome at edge of pond". Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: highly magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Meiji microscope with x2.5 projection eye-piece. DPI defaulting to 72.
Longitude (deg): -1.1. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 10' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Anamorph. Associated species: Menyanthes trifoliata. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "on dead, wet, decaying Bogbean rhizome at edge of pond". Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: highly magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Meiji microscope with x2.5 projection eye-piece. DPI defaulting to 72.
Longitude (deg): -0.9. Latitude (deg): 51.5. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 60' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Oxon. Vice county no.: 23. Country: England. Stage: Anamorph. Associated species: Polyporus squamosus. Identified by: Alick Henrici. Comment: Verticillium state on fallen Dryad's Saddle at foot of Beech. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Nikon D100 dSLR with Olympus OM wide angle 28mm Zuiko lens - mounted reversed on bellows.
Longitude (deg): -0.9. Latitude (deg): 51.5. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 60' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Oxon. Vice county no.: 23. Country: England. Stage: Anamorph. Associated species: Polyporus squamosus. Identified by: Alick Henrici. Comment: Verticillium state on fallen Dryad's Saddle at foot of Beech. Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: highly magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Meiji microscope with x2.5 projection eye-piece. DPI defaulting to 72.