
Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Calappa granulata (Linnaeus, 1758)

Calappa granulata.—Gruvel, 1913:168 [listed].—Chapman and Santler, 1955:374.—Monod, 1956:105 [references only].—Figueira, 1960:8.—Pérès, 1964:28.—Zariquiey Alvarez, 1968:315, figs. 105c, 107a [Spain; references].—Maurin, 1968a:18 [Portugal], 43, 107 [Mediterranean], fig. 4; 1968b:479, 480, 482, 484, fig. 2.—Ribeiro, 1973:4, fig. 1.—Türkay, 1976a:25 [listed], 36, fig. 17 [Portugal in part]; 1976b:61 [listed], 62.—Bas, Arias, and Guerra, 1976, table 3.

Calappa.—Maurin, 1968b, fig. 1.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Pillsbury Material: None.

Other Material: Morocco: Off Cap Hadid, 31°54′N, 09° 55′W, 85 m, muddy sand, 5 m beam trawl, 25 Mar 1976, Onversaagd Sta 126, 1 (L). Casablanca fishmarket, 31 Mar 1976, 1 3 (L).

DESCRIPTION.—Zariquiey Alvarez, 1968:315.

Figures: Bouvier, 1940, fig. 142, pl. 7: fig. 1; Zariquiey Alvarez, 1968, fig. 107a.

Male Pleopod: Ribeiro, 1973, fig. 1 (Cape Verde Islands).

DISTRIBUTION.—Eastern Atlantic, from the Mediterranean, the Atlantic coasts of Portugal and Spain, southward to Cap Blanc, Mauritania, including the Azores, Madeira, and the Cape Verde Islands, in depths between 13 and 400–700 m (Zariquiey Alvarez, 1968). Monod (1956) summarized the literature but reported no material. In addition, the following species localities have been recorded.

North Atlantic: Conception Bank, 200 and 237 m (Maurin, 1968b).

Azores: Faial (Figueira, 1960). Horta Harbor, Faial (Chapman and Santler, 1955).

Madeira: No specific locality; Funchal harbor, 13 m; Ponta dos Reis Magos, 20–30 m (Türkay, 1976b).

Morocco: Foum Agoüitir (as Puerto-Cansado), 350–450 m (Maurin, 1968b). 35°05.5′N, 09°18′W, 160–250 m (Turkay, 1976a). 34°39.6′N, 06°54.5′W to 34°33.5′N, 06°56′W, 260–500 m (Pérès, 1964).

Spanish Sahara: 23°30′N, 16°06′W to 23°28.5′N, 16°09.5′W, 24–29 m (Bas, Arias and Guerra, 1976). Off Médano de Aaiún and Cabo Bojador, 200–300 m (Maurin, 1968a,b). Between Cabo Bojador and Morro Garnet, 200–350 m; off Morro Garnet, 400–700 m; between Cabo Corbeiro and Cabo Blanco, 50–90 m; and off peninsula of Cabo Blanco, 60 m (all Maurin, 1968b).

Cape Verde Islands: Boavista, 15°58′N, 22°43′W, 80 m (Ribeiro, 1973).

* Calappa pelii Herklots, 1851

Calappa peli.—Capart, 1951:39, figs. 9, 10.—Monod, 1956: 102, figs. 117–121.—Rossignol, 1957:75, 127 [key].—Longhurst, 1958:87.—Gauld, 1960:69.—Guinot and Ribeiro, 1962:26.—Rossignol, 1962:114.—Crosnier, 1964:34, 35, fig. on pl. B.—Forest and Guinot, 1966:52.—Monod, 1967:178 [no material].—Maurin, 1968a:48, 59, 64, fig. 23; 1968b:484, 486, 489, 491, figs. 5, 9.—Le Loeuff and Intès, 1968:40, table 1, figs. 48, 61, 63; 1969:63, 64.—Crosnier, 1970:1215 [listed], 1216.

Calappa.—Voss, 1966:19.—Maurin, 1968b, figs. 1, 4[?].

Calappa Pelii.—Holthuis, 1968:29 [listed].

SYNONYM.—Calappa piscatorum Calman, 1914.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Pillsbury Material: Liberia: Sta 68, 70 m, broken shell, 3, 16 juv (L).

Ivory Coast: Sta 42, 62–75 m, mud with brown, branched Foraminifera, 2 juv (L). Sta 46, 38–42 m, mud with dense Jullienella, 3 juv (W). Sta 47, 37 m, bottom with Jullienella, 1 juv (L). Sta 49, 73–77 m, 2 juv (W). Sta 62, 46 m, brown, branching and foliate Foraminifera, 7 juv (L). Sta. 64, 68 m, 1, 1 juv (W).

Ghana: Sta 17, 48 m, fine sand and green mud, 1 (L). Sta 22, 51 m, rough bottom, 1 (W). Sta 23, 42 m, foliate brown to orange bryozoans, 3 juv (L).

Nigeria: Sta 237, 101 m, 1 (W). Sta 241, 59–63 m, mud and shell, 8 juv (L). Sta 253, 33–40 m, mud, 1 juv (L).

Cameroon: Sta 259, 59 m, mud and broken shell, 2 juv (W). Sta 260, 46 m, 7 juv (L).

Geronimo Material: Gabon: Sta 212, 200 m, 1 (W). Sta 235, 100 m, 1, 1 (W).

Undaunted Material: Angola: Sta 95, 126 m, 2, 1 (L). Sta 96, 162 m, 1 (L). Sta 102, 54 m, 1 (L). Sta 103, 190 m, 1 (L).

Other Material: Ghana: Butre (04°49′N, 01°55′W), 1841–1851, H. S. Pel, lectotype, 1 (L); paralectotypes, 2 (L). 05°07′N, 00°19′W, 100 m, 5 Mar 1964, Guinean Trawling Survey, Thierry Sta 31/6, 1 (W). 05°12.5′N, 04°05′W, 40–42 m, 9 Oct 1963, Guinean Trawling Survey, La Rafale Sta 25/3, 1, 1 (W).

Dahomey: Off Grand-Popo, 30 m, Petersen grab, 23 Feb 1964, Guinean Trawling Survey, Tr 34, Sta 2, 1 juv (L).

Congo: 05°20′S, 11°40′E, 100 m, 20 May 1964, Guinean Trawling Survey, Thierry Sta 62/6, 3 (W).

DESCRIPTION.—Capart, 1951:40.

Figures: Monod, 1956, figs. 117–121.

Male Pleopod: Monod, 1956, figs. 119–121 (Senegal).

Color: According to Capart (1951:41) this species has the following color pattern: “La carapace unicolore bistre-jaune, plus foncée sur la moitié antérieure. Les pinces et les pattes plus claires.”

MEASUREMENTS.—Our specimens have carapace widths of 5 to 96 mm; none was ovigerous.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Pillsbury Material: Ivory Coast: Sta 47, 37 m, bottom with Jullienella, 1 ov (L).

Ghana: Sta 24, 35–37 m, dark red bryozoans, 2 juv (W).

Nigeria: Sta 248, 33 m, 2 juv (W).

Other Material: Liberia: No specific locality, 1879–1882, J. Büttikofer, 3, 1 (L) (smallest male with huge Chelonibia patula (Ranzani) on posterior margin of carapace).

Ghana: Butre (04°49′N, 01°55′W), 1841–1851, H. S. Pel, lectotype, 1 (L); paralectotypes, 8, 1 (L). ESE of Sekondi, 04°40′N, 00°50′W, 78–80 m, 6 Sep 1963, Guinean Trawling Survey, La Rafale Sta 30/5a, 1 (W).

Cameroon: Kribi, caught with beach seine by fishermen, 10 Aug 1964, B. de Wilde-Duyfjes, 2 (L).

Angola: Luanda, tip of peninsula opposite town, 15 Jun 1967, G. Hartmann, 1 specimen (L).

DESCRIPTION.—Capart, 1951:44.

Figures: Monod, 1956, figs. 122–124.

Male Pleopod: Monod, 1956, figs. 123–124 (Senegal).

Color: Capart (1951:44) observed the following pattern in this species: “Coloration typique: la carapace beige clair, marquée des bandes et taches rondes carminées. La partie antérieure à fond carmin clair. La pince marquée de trois taches rondes disposées en triangle; le carpe de deux taches. Les pattes de couleur claire.”

MEASUREMENTS.—Our specimens have carapace widths of 14 to 104 mm; the carapace width of the single ovigerous female examined is 95 mm.
citação bibliográfica
Manning, Raymond B. and Holthuis, L. B. 1981. "West African Brachyuran crabs." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-379. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.306