
Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Eusarsiella capillaris (Kornicker, 1958)

Sarsiella capillaris Kornicker, 1958:248, figs. 47:7a,b, 76A–F,H, 89A,B,D,F,O.

Eusarsiella capillaris.—Poulsen, 1965:83.

HOLOTYPE.—USNM 122910, specimen 92–1, whole dry specimen on slide, female, length 1.15 mm (Kornicker, 1958:249).

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Bimini, Bahamas.

MATERIAL.—Holotype; in addition, see “Station Data with Specimens Examined” (p. 7).

DISTRIBUTION.—Great Bahama Bank and southwest Florida continental shelf (Figure 4). Known depth range intertidal to 22.5 m (Table 1).

DESCRIPTION OF INSTAR IV MALE (Figures 26–28a–c, Plate 1).—Carapace oval in lateral view with elongate caudal process tapering to point (Figure 26, 27a).

Ornamentation (Figures 26–27a; Plate 1): Each valve with numerous processes bearing 10–16 finger-like bristles and 1 (rarely 2) long terminal bristles (Figure 26, Plate 1a–e) (central bristle missing from some processes in Figure 26); individual bristles distributed on valve surface, and especially numerous along free margin (Figure 26, Plate 1a,f); terminal bristle of process with pore near base (Plate 1 c,e); surface of finger like bristles (on processes) with longitudinal ridges (Plate 1 b,d); anterior and ventral margins of each valve and, also, edge of caudal process with medium and long bristles, all having widened part either proximally or near middle (Figure 27a), surface of valves coated with gelatinous film embedding individual papillae (extent of coating in vicinity of caudal process shown in Figure 27a; appearance of dried film shown in Plate 1e).

Infold (Figure 27a): Infold of caudal process with 2 or 3 small bristles; 1 or 2 additional small bristles present near inner margin of infold in vicinity of caudal process; posterior infold with 2 setal bristles.

Selvage: Broad lamellar prolongation with smooth outer edge present along anterior, ventral, and posterior margin of each valve.

Size: USNM 154194, length including caudal process 0.97 mm, height 0.69 mm.

First Antenna (Figure 27b): First joint bare. Second joint with few faint dorsal spines. Third and fourth joints fused; small third joint with 2 bristles (1 ventral, 1 dorsal); long fourth joint with 4 bristles (2 long and 1 minute ventral, 1 dorsal). Bristle of long fifth joint with 1 small proximal filament and minute terminal process. Sixth joint minute, fused with fifth joint, with small medial bristle near dorsal margin. Seventh joint: a-bristle about twice length of bristle of sixth joint; b-bristle longer than a-bristle, bare except for minute terminal process; c-bristle about same length as bristle of fifth joint, with 2 small proximal filaments and minute terminal process. Eighth joint: d- and e-bristles bare with blunt tips not reaching tip of c-bristle; f-bristle about two-thirds length of c-bristle, with 1 small proximal filament and minute terminal process; g-bristle only slightly shorter than c-bristle, with 2 small proximal filaments and minute terminal process.

Second Antenna (Figure 27c); Protopodite bare. Endopodite 2-jointed: first joint with 2 proximal anterior bristles; second joint small with 1 small pointed terminal bristle. Exopodite: elongate first joint with minute, recurved, terminal bristle with blunt tip; bristles of joints 2–8 with proximal ventral spines and distal natatory hairs; ninth joint with 2 bristles (1 long with slender, proximal, ventral spines and distal natatory hairs; 1 very small and bare); joints 2–8 with faint spines forming row along distal margins.

Mandible (Figure 27d); Coxale with hairs along ventral margin; endite represented by small medial spine. Basale: dorsal margin with 1 minute, subterminal, spine-like bristle; ventral margin with 6 bristles (some with bases on medial or lateral side). First endopodial joint: ventral margin with stout terminal claw; dorsal margin with slender terminal spines; medial surface with distal spines, and 1 minute spine-like bristle at base of ventral claw. Second endopodial joint with stout ventral claw and small, spine-like, dorsal bristle. Third endopodial joint with stout terminal claw with 2 minute bristles near base (1 ventral, 1 dorsal).

Maxilla (Figure 27e–g); Three endites present with total of 14 claws and bristles (Figure 27f). Basale with single bristle near exopodite (Figure 27g). Exopodite with 2 or 3 bristles (Figure 27g). Endopodite: First joint with single alpha- and beta-bristle; second joint with 2 a-bristles, 1 c-bristle, and 5 end bristles (Figure 27e).

Fifth Limb (Figure 27h): Single endite with 1 small bristle. Exopodite: first joint with 2 bristles; second joint with 3 bristles; joints 3–5 fused, hirsute, with total of 6 bristles.

Sixth Limb (Figure 28a): Single endite with 3 bristles. End joint with 12 slender bristles (either bare or with short marginal spines) separated by short space from 2 posterior bristles with long marginal hairs; posterior edge of limb with long hairs.

Seventh Limb (Figure 27i): Two bristles in proximal group (1 on each side), 4 bristles in terminal group (2 on each side); bristles strongly tapering distally (juvenile character), and with up to 4 bells. Tip of limb bare.

Furca (Figure 28b): Each lamella with 5 claws; claw 1 fused to lamella; claws 2–5 separated from lamella by suture; left lamella with 2 spines following claw 5; anterior of lamella with several slender spines; claw 1 with 5 stout teeth and numerous smaller teeth; teeth of claws 2–5 also with some teeth larger than others, but difference between large and small teeth not as great as on claw 1.

Bellonci Organ (Figure 28c): Elongate, broadening distally, with rounded tip.

Eyes (Figure 28c): Lateral eye lightly pigmented, with 5 ommatidia. Medial eye larger than lateral eye, bare, with light brown pigment.

Upper Lip (Figure 28c): Helmet shaped, projecting anteriorly.

Posterior of Body (Figure 28b): Bare except for few spines at dorsal corner.

Copulatory Organs (Figure 28b): Fairly well developed, lobate, with several bristles, but without hooklike terminal part; areas with light brown pigment might represent testes and seminal vesicles.

Y-Sclerite (Figure 28b): Typical for family.

Gut Content: Several crustacean fragments observed within gut.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE.—Lateral outline of carapace similar to that of Eusarsiella paniculata (Figure 29).

Size: USNM 193115, length 1.28 mm, height 0.93 mm.

First Antenna: Second joint without dorsal bristle.

Seventh Limb: Each limb with 2 proximal bristles (1 on each side) and 6 terminal bristles (3 on each side). Terminus with opposing combs.
citação bibliográfica
Kornicker, Louis S. 1986. "Sarsiellidae of the Western Atlantic and Northern Gulf of Mexico, and Revision of the Sarsiellinae (Ostracoda: Myodocopina)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-217. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.415