These are Black-cowled Orioles (Icterus prosthemelas (AKA I.dominicensis prosthemelas)). In this example, you'll hear some mimicry, notably of the Olive-backed Euphonia and various Tyrannids.
San Jose Del Cabo - Estuary
The mimicry of the Black-cowled Orioles (Icterus prosthemelas (AKA I.dominicensis prosthemelas)) is similar to the mimicry of the Hooded Oriole in North America.
The Spring Song of the male Scott's Oriole (Icterus parisorum) is sweet and melodic, compared to other Orioles. In fact it is rather like an American Robin's song. This guy was singing in a Cottonwood grove ear Tavasci Marsh [Arizona], 4/16/98.
An Orchard Oriole (Icterus spurius) sings in the mesquite scrub around Peck's Lake [Arizona], Clarkdale, Arizona.
Crooked Tree
Crooked Tree
Santiago de Atitlan
Santiago de Atitlan
Punta Patiño
Bolivar Peninsula
Bolivar Peninsula
Montrose Point
Reserva de Boqueron
Cana Station
Cana Station
Cabo Pulmo
Bosque Nacional El Yunque
Ruiz Cortines