California Gulls are common residents of the California coastline. These were recorded near Monterey, 3/99 (along with some very heavy surf!).
Karrebæksminde, Danmark
Now and then a flock of Ring-billed Gulls (Larus delawarensis) stops off at Peck's Lake [Arizona] during migration. This flock of 24 came by in mid-April, 1998. They were way up high when I got this recording - reeling and playing in the warm Spring sun.
Hals, Nordjylland, Danmark
Glaucous-Wing Gulls (Larus glaucescens) are common inhabitants of the San Juan Islands, off Northern Washington State, where I recorded their typical wake-you-up-in-the-morning calls. This sample is a call/response by two which were vacationing at Roche Harbor.
Witless Bay
Hals, Nordjylland, Danmark
Witless Bay
Fox River - Dundee
Californien, Santa Cruz
Fox River - Dundee
Sejerø, Denmark
Fox River - Dundee
Sejerø, Denmark
Sejerø, Denmark
Oyster Point Lagoon
Sejerø, Denmark
Ocean Beach
Sejerø, Denmark
Lake Merced