
Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

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The American Pokeweed, Phytolacca americana L., (Phytolaccaceae) is commonly known as simply pokeweed. It is an herbaceous perennial plant. Pokeweed is indigenous to the eastern half of the United States, but now occurs all over North America and Canada. Pokeweed is used for various reasons. Some say pokeweed holds medicinal powers, but there is no evidence of benefits on the human health to back it up.Even though Pokeweed is poisonous, there are positive benefits as food and medicine.

The American Pokeweed is a large plant, ranging from anywhere up to 8 feet tall. According to Larry W. Mitich, “Young pokeweed is light green in color, with large, spear-shaped leaves branching off from a central stalk.This stalk turns to a dark purple as the plant reaches adulthood” (Mitich). This plant has a purplish/red color stem and branches with green leaves and green flower buds. These flowers are typically white or green with no petals and 4-5 sepals and grow in large clusters. Referring to Larry Steckels’ article Common Pokeweed, an assistant professor of Plant Sciences at the University of Tennessee, “The distinctive clusters of berries are green when immature and ripen to a dark purple or black. Reproduction is by seeds” (Steckel).Mr. Larry Steckel also included, “Flowering occurs from June to October” (Steckel). Pokeweed tends to grow straight up, producing many branches. These branches produce simple, entire leaves with alternatively placed long petioles near the stalk. The American Pokeweed reproduces only by its own seeds. These seeds can live and germinate in the soil for a few years


  • Steckel, Larry. "Common Pokeweed." (n.d.): n. pag. UT Extensions. Web. .
  • Mitich, Larry W. “Common Pokeweed.” Weed Technology, Vol. 8, No. 4 (Oct. - Dec., 1994), pp. 887-890. Published by: Weed Science Society of America and Allen Press.

direitos autorais
University of Tennessee Laboratory Botany Class
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EOL authors

Distribution ( Inglês )

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Phytolacca americana is native to North America and can be found across the continent. It is found from Washington south to California, east through Arizona to the Atlantic coast, and throughout the Southeast. It is also found north through Nebraska, Minnesota, New England, and even as far north as Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick Canada. It is absent from the Rocky Mountain states, the Dakotas, and Western Canada. While there are several species of Phytolacca found all over the world, P. americana, only occurs naturally in North America (Kartesz 2015).

It is usually common throughout its range being that it naturally occupies edge habitats such as, forest openings, forest edges, old fields, along fence rows, and sometimes in gardens or yards as a weed (Taylor). This tendency to occupy edge habitats is what makes it so common, since people tend to create edge habitats all the time by the way of construction and agriculture.

American pokeweed is considered a weed in much of its native range, but has been used for landscaping and cultivated for medicinal purposes in the old world. The native birds of Europe and Asia have taken a liking to the plant’s berries and have spread it outside of its cultivated areas. It has now become naturalized in both Europe and Asia, where it has proven to be invasive (eFloras 2008).


  • eFloras (2008). Published on the Internet http://www.efloras.org accessed 20 April 2017' Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA.
  • Hilty, John. "Pokeweed." Weeds of Illinois. Copyright © 2003-2016 by John Hilty All Rights Reserved., 31 Aug. 2016. Web. 3 Feb. 2017.
  • Kartesz, J.T., The Biota of North America Program (BONAP). 2015. North American Plant Atlas. (http://bonap.net/napa). Chapel Hill, N.C. [maps generated from Kartesz, J.T. 2015. Floristic Synthesis of North America, Version 1.0. Biota of North America Program (BONAP). (in press)].
  • Taylor, David. “American Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana L.).” United States Department of Agriculture. N.p., n.d., https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/plant-of-the-week/phytolacca_americana.shtml. Accessed 03 Apr. 2017.

direitos autorais
University of Tennessee Laboratory Botany Class
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EOL authors

General Ecology ( Inglês )

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Members of the pokeweed family are found around the world in tropical and subtropical distributions with a few species that occur in temperate areas (Taylor). The native species consist of two different species. One species is found throughout the majority of North America and the second species is found in California and the southwestern U.S.(Taylor) It is found at forest edge, in fence rows, under power lines,pastures, old fields, forest openings and other similar areas.(Taylor)It is dispersed by birds primarily, which is why it can be found underneath some of these structures.

In the Arid West region pokeweed can be found in both wetlands and non-wetlands. Areas found outside of western North America pokeweed usually is found in non-wetlands but may occur in wetland areas. (USDA)

The water usage amount for this plant is medium and it requires a “part shade’’ light requirement. (Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center) Soil that is moist is best suited for growth in pokeweed plants. (Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center)

Pokeweed plants produce berries which contain toxins. Birds eat these birds and seem to be immune to these toxins. The birds disperse the seeds, which can survive in the soil for up to 40 years. Pokeweed is an aggressive and efficient colonizer of disturbed areas. (Missouri Department of Conservation)

An interesting study showed the effects of placement of the plant in relation to what animals ate the seeds from it. The study showed that if placed together in groups then the most likely benefit were the rodents. Those that were spread apart, they seemed to have more invertebrates eating their seed. Birds were also tested but they did not seem to have preference in the spacing. As stated above, birds are the main consumer of these berries and play a large part in the dispersal of seeds into the soil (Orrock).


  • Orrock, Danielson, Burns, Levey. “Spacial Ecology of Predator-Prey Interactions: Corridors and Patch Shape Influence Seed Predation.” The Ecological Society of America. N.p., n.d., http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1890/02-0439/full. Accessed 03 Apr. 2017
  • “Phytolacca americana (Phytolacca americana L.).” Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. N.p., n.d., http://www.wildflower.org/plants/result.php?id_plant=PHAM4 . Accessed 03 Apr. 2017.
  • “Pokeweed (Phytolacca Americana).” Missouri Department of Conversation. N.p., n.d., https://-nature.mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/field-guide/pokeweed. Accessed 03 Apr. 2017.
  • “Phytolacca Americana (L. American Pokeweed).” United States Department of Agriculture. N.p., n.d., https://plants.usda.gov/core/profile?symbol=pham4. Accessed 03 Apr. 2017.

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University of Tennessee Laboratory Botany Class
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EOL authors

Notes ( Inglês )

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Pokeweed is a very useful plant to many mammals, birds, and pollinators. Syrphid Flies, Halictine Bees, and some species of small birds are some of the animals that utilize pokeweed. The Halictine Bees use pokeweed as a source of both nectar and pollen in making honey. The other pollinators only collect nectar as a source of nutrition through consumption (Hilty).

Mammals and birds also use pokeweed as a source of nutrients aside from nectar. The foliage and berries can be eaten by some animals. Although, to some animals, pokeweed is toxic. It has been known to kill some birds and animals that consume it on an individual basis, no whole species of birds is known to be effected.It is also poisonous to humans. The toxic portions of the plant affect portions of the red blood cells located in the animal. This has not stopped humans from consuming the plant. It has been consumed over decades in the eastern United States, even more common in the Appalachian region. The leaves are cooked multiple times, two to three generally, to rid the plant of toxicity. Then, pokeweed is prepared one of two ways. The first is known as “Poke Salad.” Poke Salad is prepared by scrambling eggs and bacon with pokeweed on the third or fourth cooking of the plant. The other way is serving pokeweed like any greens, after multiple cookings (Hilty).

Another way pokeweed is useful is by helping migratory birds navigate. Scientist believe, but have not been able to completely prove that they use the bright red, purple stems combined with the dark blue berries of ripened pokeweed plants to tell what time of year and their location (Hilty).

Finally, the native Americans used pokeweed berries for dyes. It was used for many years as food dyes. After cooking the berries multiple times, they are edible just like the leaves (Hilty).

direitos autorais
University of Tennessee Laboratory Botany Class
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EOL authors